AHA Coding Clinic® for HCPCS - 2004 Issue 3
Curious about coding curies - Nuclear Medicine Radiopharmaceuticals
By Denise A. MerlinoCNMT, MBA, FSNMTSSociety of Nuclear Medicine Coding AdvisorMerlino Healthcare Consulting Corp. Nuclear medicine departments perform procedures or therapies used in the diagnosis, management, treatment, and prevention of a variety of diseases. Nuclear medicine is unique from many other imaging modalities in that it utilizes radiopharmaceuticals or radionuclides to produce images or therapies treating, measuring and determining the function or physiology (as opposed to anatomy) in specific organs, tumors, or metabolically active sites. Every nuclear medicine study requires the administration of at least one radiopharmaceutical and in some cases several radiopharmaceuticals or radionuclides often referred to as...
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