AHA Coding Clinic® for HCPCS - 2002 Issue 2; For your information
Hospital outpatient prospective payment system update
Earlier this year, two program memoranda (PM), were issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Transmittal A-01-145 and Transmittal A-01-150 informing hospitals of a delay in the implementation of the 2002 Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) updates. Facilities were instructed not to submit claims for OPPS services utilizing any of the new 2002 HCPCS codes during the delay. Per the instructions during the delay only HCPCS 2001 codes and modifiers were allowed for the billing of OPPS services. Now as a result of the delay CMS has issued Program Memorandum, Transmittal A-02-026 outlining special billing requirements...
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