AHA Coding Clinic® for ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS - 2018 Issue 3; Ask the Editor
Decortication of Lung
A patient with recent history of pneumonia with left empyema was admitted and underwent decortication surgery with drainage of a multiloculated collection. A standard thoracotomy was made and the latissimus dorsi, as well as serratus fascia, were divided. Dense adhesions of the chest wall were taken down by blunt and sharp dissection. There was mild to moderate pleural peel, involving the lateral and posterior aspect of both lobes, which was removed. All the loculi were broken down. The left lobe had a multiloculated collection that was also drained. The lung appeared to be expanding well, and therefore, was left alone. Provider documentation indicated decortication of both left upper and lower lobes. What is the appropriate root operation for the decortication procedure? What body part value is assigned for decortication of the left upper and lower lung lobes? ...
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