BC Advantage - 2024 Issue 10

Veterans Administration Geographically-Adjusted 80th Percentile Conversion Factors

A conversion factor is a dollar amount that is applied to an adjusted Relative Value Unit (RVU) to arrive at a fee. Conversion factors can be based on a geographic location as well as a national level. The Veterans Administration has provided the following information about how they create their geographically-adjusted 80th percentile conversion factors:   (3) CPT/HCPCS codes are separated into the following 23 CPT/HCPCS code groups: Allergy immunotherapy, allergy testing, cardiovascular, chiropractor, consults, emergency room visits and observation care, hearing/speech exams, immunizations, inpatient visits, maternity/cesarean deliveries, maternity/non-deliveries, maternity/normal deliveries, miscellaneous medical, office/home/urgent care visits, outpatient psychiatry/alcohol and...

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