tci ED Coding & Reimbursement Alert - 2001 Issue 6

Bill Carefully for Bedside Ultrasounds in the ED

Social and economic pressures to triage, diagnose and rapidly treat patients have fueled ultrasounds use as a primary examining tool in the ED. Applicable codes typically include abdomen and retroperitoneum (76700, 76705, 76770, 76775 and 76778), pelvis (76805, 76810 and 76815-76816) and extremities (76880 and 76885-76886). Bedside ultrasounds allow ED physicians to diagnose selected conditions accurately, report faster turnaround times and offer more expedient diagnoses of potential life-threatening emergencies, such as internal hemorrhage following a blunt trauma, abdominal emergencies, pericardial tamponade and aortic aneurysms. Ultrasounds mean quicker and more accurate diagnosis, which ultimately means fewer blood transfusions, confirms Stephen...

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