tci E/M Coding Alert - 2016 Issue 6
CCI 22.1: CCI Bundles Up INR, Anticoagulation With Hospital Codes
Expert: Stop reporting 99363, 99364, G0250 with these inpatient E/Ms. The latest Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) edits shut the door on reporting hospital services along with anticoagulant management or International Normalized Ratio (INR) testing (INR) on the same patient during the same visit. Take a quick look at how CCI 22.1, which took effect April 1, will affect your E/M coding. Anticoagulation Wrapped into Observation Codes On April 1, CCI enacted the following bundle: when the physician performs just about any hospital E/M for a patient, you cannot report any of the following codes in addition to the...
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