tci Part B Insider - 2005 Issue 41
CARDIOLOGY: Master The Art Of Coding For Interventions & Coronary Arteries
Use 92980 or 92981 depending on the number of stentsModifier 51 won't cut the mustard when you're trying to code interventions. Find out which modifiers Medicare will accept--and how you can accurately bill for repairs to coronary vessels during multiple interventions.Do: Report 92980 or 92981 only once if your cardiologist places one or more stents per vessel. Don't: Avoid modifier 51 (Multiple procedures). Instead, when coding interventions, you'll likely use the modifiers for three Medicare-recognized coronary arteries:• Modifier LD--Left anterior descending, or LAD• Modifier LC--Left circumflex, or LCX• Modifier RC--Right coronary, or RCAImportant: Most carriers cover only one...
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