tci Part B Insider - 2005 Issue 12
VENOGRAPHY: Don't Bill Separately For Venography With Pacemaker Or ICD Implantation
But do bill for blockages or complications If you're trying to bill for venography withpacemaker insertion or implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) insertion, you could be unbundling. A number of providers have tried to bill CPT Codes 36005 (Injection procedure for extremity venography [including introduction of needle or intracatheter]) and 75820 (Venography, extremity, unilateral, radiological supervision and interpretation) with pacemaker or ICD insertion procedures. The National Correct Coding Initiative doesn't bundle either of those codes into pacemaker/ICD insertion codes, but that still doesn't mean you can bill them routinely with those procedures, say experts. "There aren't any CCI edits, but...
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