quickly calculate the DRG based on ICD-9 vol 1 and ICD-9 vol 3 codes
The DRG-Grouper is used to calculate payments to cover operating costs for inpatient hospital stays. Under the inpatient prospective payment system (IPPS) each individual case is categorized into a diagnosis related group – DRG. Payment weights are assigned to each DRG based on average resources used to treat Medicare patients in that DRG.
Access to this feature is available in the following products:
Facility Inpatient Reimbursement Tools
Find-A-Code Facility Complete
Enter a ICD-9 vol 1 principle diagnosis, as well as any ICD-9 vol 1 secondary diagnoses and ICD-9 vol 3 procedures, in the boxes below.
Click the "Add" links for additional boxes. When done, click the "Group" button. The resultant DRG will display below.