Anesthesia|Pain Management Articles and Resources

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Billing Anesthesia Services using Find-A-Code:

Anesthesia services are billed using CPT® codes 00100-01999. These CPT® codes are cross-walked to surgical codes. The crosswalks are available from the ASA American Society of Anesthesiologists through Find-A-Code. 

For example, type 00126 in any search box (Anesthesia for procedures on external, middle, and inner ear, including biopsy and tympanotomy), and you can view the following information based on your location. To view ASA mappings, select Cross-A-Code>ASA Reverse Crosswalk on any anesthesia code (must be subscribed, to subscribe go to More>My-Account>Account setup, then select ASA CROSSWALK® +Base Units).

Anesthesia Information
Base Units for 00126:
   ASA-RVG: 4
   CMS: 4

Anesthesia Crosswalk

00126 is an Alternate for:
69420     Myringotomy including aspiration and/or eustachian tube inflation
69421     Myringotomy including aspiration and/or eustachian tube inflation, requiring general anesthesia
69424     Ventilating tube removal requiring general anesthesia
69436     Tympanostomy (requiring insertion of ventilating tube), general anesthesia
69450     Tympanolysis, transcanal

Reverse CROSSWALK © 2023 American Society of Anesthesiologists. All Rights Reserved.

Anesthesia and Pain Management

Anesthesia is the administration of a drug or gas to induce partial or complete loss of consciousness. Services involving administration of anesthesia should be reported by the use of the CPT anesthesia five-digit procedure code plus modifier codes. Surgery codes are inappropriate unless the anesthesiologist or qualified non-physician anesthetist performs the surgical procedure.

Access the anesthesia and pain management-related information from this page.



Select the title to see a summary and a link to the full article.  some articles require a subscription to view.

When Is a Shared Visit Not a Shared Visit?

by  David M. Glaser, Esq.

Can you do a “shared visit” in a physician clinic, site of service 11? The most common answer to this question seems to be “no,” and while that is technically correct, it is so misleading that it is effectively entirely wrong. To understand this confusion, we need to dig...

CMS Unveils 2024 Medicare PFS, OPPS Proposed Rules

by  Mark Spivey

The OPPS proposal did not feature reference to several high-profile issues industry leaders have been awaiting reform on. Federal officials yesterday unveiled a pair of proposed rules, featuring potential adjustments to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) and Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) for the 2024 calendar year....

Understanding, Identifying, and Reporting Combination Codes

by  Aimee L. Wilcox, CPMA, CCS-P, CST, MA, MT

Coders often see conditions that seem to always be reported together. Diabetic patients tend to develop other conditions as the diabetes continues to progress instead of improving. Combination codes are one of those types of codes that identify multiple conditions or diseases but have their own set of special coding guidelines.

What’s Going on with the COVID Vaccines Now?

by  Wyn Staheli, Director of Content - innoviHealth

Keeping up with the changes to the COVID vaccines has certainly been a rollercoaster ride and we now have two new twists to this exciting ride. Buckle up and let’s look at how this changes things.

Second Quarter 2023 Updates are Different This Year

by  Wyn Staheli, Director of Content - innoviHealth

The second quarter of 2023 is NOT business as usual so it is important to pay attention to ensure that organizational processes and training take place to avoid mistakes. Not only have ICD-10-CM coding updates been added to the usual code set updates (e.g., CPT, HCPCS, ICD-10-PCS), but the end of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency will bring about changes that will also take place during the quarter (but not on April 1, 2023.

HCC Re-Structuring Coming Soon!

by  Christine Woolstenhulme, QMC QCC CMCS CPC CMRS

What is the ICD-10 Code For Dementia?

by  Wyn Staheli, Director of Content - innoviHealth

Dementia is a neurocognitive disorder characterized by a meaningful decline in cognition and daily functioning. As of October 1, 2022, there were some significant changes in regards to reporting this condition, so it is important for healthcare professionals to be aware of those changes to ensure that there is proper documentation supporting the ICD-10-CM diagnosis code reported

CMS Announces Changes to DME Program

by  Wyn Staheli, Director of Content - innoviHealth

CMS recently announced that there have been some changes made to the DMEPOS program. The Medicare Learning Network (MLN) “DMEPOS Quality Standards” lists several changes to the program. Read more about understanding these changes.

New Modifier Required on all Single-Use Drugs- JZ and JW Modifiers

by  Christine Woolstenhulme, QMC QCC CMCS CPC CMRS

Attention providers and suppliers, there is a new modifier in town! Starting July 1, 2023, Modifier JZ - Zero Drug wasted will be required on all claims to attest there is no drug leftover, If applicable.

Is the End Really Near?

by  Christine Woolstenhulme, QMC QCC CMCS CPC CMRS

What happens once the COVID-19 emergency declarations have ended?

Relative Value Units (RVUs) the Easy Way, Really?

by  Christine Woolstenhulme, QMC QCC CMCS CPC CMRS

The Medicare Physician fee schedule was implemented in 1992 using a relative Value scale methodology called RVUs to base payment rates on the resources used to perform the service. This is currently how the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) is set. But beware, there may be an industry-wide change to a Value-Based Payment. We will save that for another time; this article will focus on how the RVUs are calculated and Medicare Fee schedules.

REMINDER: CMS Discontinuing the use of CMNs and DIFs- Eff Jan 2023 Claims will be DENIED!

by  Christine Woolstenhulme, QMC QCC CMCS CPC CMRS

Updated Article - REMINDER! This is important news for durable medical suppliers! Effective January 1, 2023, CMS is discontinuing the use of Certificates of Medical Necessity (CMNs) and DME information forms (DIFs). We knew this was coming as the MLN sent out an article on May 23, 2022, but it is time to make sure your staff knows about these changes.

2022-11-23-MLNC - Weekly Edition

Colorectal Cancer Screening Test: Reduced Coinsurance for Related Procedures Begins January 1 - - Ambulance Fee Schedule: CY 2023 Inflation Factor & Productivity Adjustment - - Medicare Ground Ambulance Data Collection System: Information to Help You Report - -...

2023 ICD-10-CM Code Changes

by  Christine Woolstenhulme, QMC QCC CMCS CPC CMRS

In 2022 there were 159 new codes; the 2023 ICD-10-CM code update includes 1,176 new, 28 revised, and 287 deleted codes, a substantial change from last year. The 2023 ICD-10-CM codes are to be used for discharges from October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023, and for patient encounters from ...

Emergency Department - APC Reimbursement Method

by  Christine Woolstenhulme, QMC QCC CMCS CPC CMRS

CMS pays emergency department visits through a payment method using Ambulatory Payment Classifications (APCs). Most payers also use the APC reimbursement system; however, there may be some differences in payer policies (always review your specific payer policy). APCs are the primary type of payment made under the OPPS, comprising groupings ...

CMS says Less Paperwork for DME Suppliers after Jan 2023!

by  Christine Woolstenhulme, QMC QCC CMCS CPC CMRS

This is important news for durable medical suppliers! Effective January 1, 2023, CMS is discontinuing the use of Certificates of Medical Necessity (CMNs) and DME information forms (DIFs). We knew this was coming as the MLN sent out an article on May 23, 2022, but it is time to make sure your staff knows about these changes.

E/M Changes Coming Our Way in 2023!

by  Christine Woolstenhulme, QMC QCC CMCS CPC CMRS

Changes are one thing we can count on being consistent; even though this is one we have been anticipating, it is time to prepare, and we will have some work to do. The AMA released the new 2023 E/M Guidelines early to help us prepare for the change effective January ...

$636 Million in Overpayments Made by Medicare to Providers for Neurostimulators

by  Christine Woolstenhulme, QMC QCC CMCS CPC CMRS

According to the OIG "MEDICARE OVERPAID MORE THAN $636 MILLION FOR NEUROSTIMULATOR IMPLANTATION SURGERIES." So often we think if we get paid, we must be doing it right, well this is not always the case. You may get paid and then have to return the funds if billed incorrectly or a step ...

Coding for a Performance of an X-ray Service vs. Counting the Work as a Part of MDM

by  Stephanie Allard, CPC CEMA RHIT

When x-rays are audited on the same date as an E/M encounter we have one of three decisions to make about the work that went into the radiological exam when the practice owns x-ray equipment and does their own interpretations internally. First, we must determine whether the x-ray was...

Medicare Auditors Caught Double-Dipping

by  Edward Roche, PhD JD

Overlapping extrapolations require providers to pay twice. Some Medicare auditors have been caught “double-dipping,” the practice of sampling and extrapolating against the same set of claims. This is like getting two traffic tickets for a single instance of running a red light. This seedy practice doubles the amount...

There are 253 related documentation, coding and billing tips.

Subscribers will see related documentation, coding and billing tips.
Access to this feature is available in the following products:
  • Find-A-Code Professional/Premium/Elite
  • Find-A-Code Facility Base/Plus/Complete
  • HCC Standard/Pro

Select the title to see a summary and a link to the full webinar information.  some webinars require a subscription to view.

Rock Solid Care Plans 


Don't ever let anyone challenge your care plans ever again. If you can know what the regulators are looking for while still being free to deliver the care you deem to be best for your patient, then you win. And your patient wins. Join Dr. Gwilliam, certified professional medical auditor, and all around nice guy, as he guides you to the steps to create rock solid care plans that will stand up to third party scrutiny.

ICD-10-CM Changes Effective October 1, 2019 

by  Aimee L. Wilcox, CPMA, CCS-P, CST, MA, MT

Are you aware of the ICD-10-CM code changes set take effect as of October 1, 2020? Do any of them apply to your organization? Which of them will be assigned as an HCC? What are the documentation and coding guidelines applicable to them and which guidelines are changing or being ...

Telehealth Policies for Medicare and Commercial Payers 

Telehealth Policies for Medicare and Commercial Payers

E/M and the Organ Systems Part 2 of 2 

E/M and the Organ Systems Part 2 of 2

E-M and the Organ Systems (Part 1) 

E-M and the Organ Systems (Part 1)

HCC Coding Tool 

by  Find-A-Code™

How to use Find-A-Code's HCC Coding Tool

Success with Out-of-Network Billing in Today's Environment Part 2 

by  Find-A-Code™

In this webinar Maxine will be presenting information and tips for understanding and billing Employment Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) insurance plans. She will explain the rules and regulations concerning ERISA plans, as well as procedures for handling/appealing "adverse denials" of claims. Coders and Insurance Billing Specialists should not miss this informative presentation.

Coding and Auditing for Upper Extremity Procedures 

by  Find-A-Code™

In this webinar, Aimee will review coding and auditing information for procedures commonly performed on the upper extremities and how to locate vital information that could help prevent coding errors and reduce risk in case of an audit.

Success with Out-of-Network Billing in Today's Environment Part 1 

by  Find-A-Code™

In this webinar Maxine will be presenting information and tips for understanding and billing Employment Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) insurance plans. She will explain the rules and regulations concerning ERISA plans, as well as procedures for handling/appealing "adverse denials" of claims. Coders and Insurance Billing Specialists should not miss this informative presentation.

All About Knee Coding & Auditing 

by  Find-A-Code™

Total knee replacement now acceptable ASC procedure also, not auditing for a year. Knee replacement coding, knee joint injections, auditing using FAC, LCDs, drugs, modifiers.

Evaluation and Management Coding and Auditing 

by  Find-A-Code™

Are you responsible for selecting or reviewing Evaluation and Management service levels? Do you wonder how well you know the rules and how to apply them? Join Aimee in this webinar to review and then applly the rules of E/M coding. She will also do a live demonstration of the new Find-A-Code E/M Calculator Tool to assess the level of E/M service for two office visits, one new (99201-99205) and the other established (99212-99215).

Coding and Auditing TeleHealth Services 

by  Find-A-Code™

Do you report or audit Telemedicine services now or are you considering offering them? Come and learn more about the rules and guidelines surrounding Telehealth services including, documentation requirements, eligible CPT and HCPCS Level II codes, modifiers, and the newest updates to Medicare Telehealth policies.

Using Find-A-Codes Anatomy Images 

by  Find-A-Code™

Diagnosis coding is difficult when clinician documentation does not match up with the definitions found in the ICD-10-CM code set. Find-A-Code's anatomy images educate both coders and students - bridging the gap between coders and clinicians while simplifying code selection.

FAC Updates Plus Tools for HCC Coding Chart Review February 

by  Find-A-Code™

Join Taylor to see how you can access free CEUs in 3 clicks, included with top-tier Find-A-Code subscriptions! Also highlighting our New and Improved NCDs system, and how to use the WK Drug Database for HCC Coding/Chart Review

2018 Updates and New Tools 

by  Find-A-Code™

2018 Find-A-Code updates and new tools

Proper Coding and Billing for Drugs, Biologicals and Injections 

by  Find-A-Code™

Proper Coding and Billing for Drugs, Biologicals and Injections

The Importance of Gathering Organizing and Using Fee Schedules 

by  Find-A-Code™

The Importance of Gathering Organizing and Using Fee Schedules

Using Find-A-Code's New Evaluation and Management Calculator Tool 

by  Find-A-Code™

Using Find-A-Code's New Evaluation and Management Calculator Tool

HCC Risk Adjustment 

by  Find-A-Code™

HCC Risk Adjustment

Does a Self-Care Rx Effect Medical Reimbursement and How? 

by  Tom Grant DC, Med-Legal Consultant, Pragma Intel Director of Education

This is the easiest of therapies to initiate and it adds great medical value. Most DC's do not prescribe/proscribe self-care instructions. Self-care Rx's have defined timelines for implementation and updates. Done incorrectly, self-care Rx's damage medical value and decrease reimbursements.

How to Check NCCI Edits Using FindACode 

by  Find-A-Code™

How to Check NCCI Edits Using FindACode

ICD-10-CM Updates for the Auditor, a NAMAS webinar 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Updates for the Auditor, a NAMAS webinar

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 01 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 01

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 02 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 02

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 03 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 03

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 04 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 04

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 05 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 05

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 06 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 06

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 07 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 07

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 08 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 08

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 09 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 09

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 10 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 10

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 11 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 11

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 12 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 12

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 13 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 13

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 14 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 14

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 15 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 15

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 16 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 16

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 17 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 17

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 18 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 18

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 19 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 19

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 20 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 20

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 21 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 21

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 22 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 22

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 23 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 23

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 24 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 24

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 25 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 25

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 26 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 26

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 27 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 27

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 28 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 28

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 29 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 29

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 30 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 30

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 31 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 31

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 32 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 32

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 33 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 33

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 34 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 34

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 35 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 35

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 36 

by  Find-A-Code™

ICD-10-CM Training - Session 36

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NDC - National Drug codes

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