Register now for this free live demo Thursday, March 20 @ 1:00pm Eastern. See how Find-A-Code's workflow matches yours, putting the most important information right at your fingertips in an easy-to-use format.
Why Find-A-Code?
Complete Code Sets: CPT®, ICD-10-CM, HCPCS and more
The Easiest, Fastest, and Most Accurate NCCI Validation
Complete NCD/LCD Policies
All The Features You Need
AHA Coding Clinic® integration
RVUs with facility factors
UCR fees by location
Commercial payer policies
Common Language Descriptions (CLDs)
Many, many more!
UB-04 FLs 31-34 - Occurrence Codes and Dates
Subscribers will see UB04 condition/revenue codes and related material here.
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