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DB35 Polyp of large intestine International Classification of Diseases for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics, 11th Revision, v2024-01 Polyps are abnormal growths rising from the lining of the large intestine that protrude into the intestinal lumen. Polyps can cause bleeding, and over time, can develop into cancers.
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Specific anatomy - multiple selections are allowed [select] XA6J68 Caecum – XA3AL5 Ascending colon – XA95L3 Hepatic flexure of colon – XA49U1 Transverse colon – XA1PY9 Splenic flexure of colon – XA2G13 Descending colon – XA8YJ9 Sigmoid colon – XA33J5 Rectosigmoid junction XA4KU2 Rectum Has manifestation - multiple selections are allowed [select] 3A00 Iron deficiency anaemia – 3A00.0 Acquired iron deficiency anaemia due to blood loss – 3A00.1 Acquired iron deficiency anaemia due to low intake – 3A00.2 Acquired iron deficiency anaemia due to decreased absorption – 3A00.3 Acquired iron deficiency anaemia due to increased requirement – 3A00.Y Other specified iron deficiency anaemia – 3A00.Z Iron deficiency anaemia, unspecified –– 3A00.01 Chronic posthaemorrhagic anaemia –– 3A00.0Z Acquired iron deficiency anaemia due to blood loss, unspecified 3A01 Megaloblastic anaemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency – 3A01.0 Hereditary vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia – 3A01.1 Neonatal vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia – 3A01.2 Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia due to low intake – 3A01.3 Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia due to intrinsic factor deficiency – 3A01.4 Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia due to intestinal disease – 3A01.5 Drug-induced vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia – 3A01.Y Other specified megaloblastic anaemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency – 3A01.Z Megaloblastic anaemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency, unspecified –– 3A01.30 Pernicious anaemia –– 3A01.3Y Other specified vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia due to intrinsic factor deficiency 3A02 Folate deficiency anaemia – 3A02.0 Hereditary folate deficiency anaemia – 3A02.1 Folate deficiency anaemia due to low intake – 3A02.2 Folate deficiency anaemia due to increased requirements – 3A02.3 Folate deficiency anaemia due to decreased intestinal absorption – 3A02.4 Drug-induced folate deficiency anaemia – 3A02.Y Other specified folate deficiency anaemia – 3A02.Z Folate deficiency anaemia, unspecified 3A03 Other nutritional or metabolic anaemias – 3A03.0 Hereditary orotic aciduria – 3A03.1 Protein deficiency anaemia – 3A03.2 Scorbutic anaemia – 3A03.3 Copper deficiency anaemia – 3A03.4 Acquired other vitamin B deficiency anaemia – 3A03.5 Acquired vitamin A deficiency anaemia – 3A03.6 Acquired vitamin E deficiency anaemia – 3A03.Y Other and unspecified nutritional or metabolic anaemia –– 3A03.40 Acquired pyridoxine deficiency anaemia –– 3A03.41 Acquired riboflavin deficiency anaemia –– 3A03.42 Acquired thiamine deficiency anaemia –– 3A03.4Y Other specified acquired other vitamin B deficiency anaemia – 3A10 Hereditary haemolytic anaemia –– 3A10.0 Haemolytic anaemias due to hexose monophosphate shunt or glutathione metabolism anomalies –– 3A10.1 Haemolytic anaemia due to adenosine deaminase excess –– 3A10.2 Hereditary elliptocytosis –– 3A10.3 Familial pseudohyperkalaemia –– 3A10.Y Other specified hereditary haemolytic anaemia –– 3A10.Z Hereditary haemolytic anaemia, unspecified ––– 3A10.00 Haemolytic anaemia due to glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency ––– 3A10.0Y Other specified haemolytic anaemias due to hexose monophosphate shunt or glutathione metabolism anomalies ––– 3A10.0Z Haemolytic anaemias due to hexose monophosphate shunt or glutathione metabolism anomalies, unspecified – 3A1Y Other specified congenital haemolytic anaemia – 3A20 Acquired haemolytic anaemia, immune –– 3A20.0 Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, warm type –– 3A20.1 Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, cold type –– 3A20.2 Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, mixed type, cold and warm –– 3A20.3 Paroxysmal cold haemoglobinuria –– 3A20.4 Alloimmune haemolytic anaemia –– 3A20.5 Evans syndrome –– 3A20.Y Other specified acquired haemolytic anaemia, immune – 3A21 Acquired haemolytic anaemia, non-immune –– 3A21.0 Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria –– 3A21.1 Microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia –– 3A21.2 Haemolytic uraemic syndrome –– 3A21.Y Other specified acquired haemolytic anaemia, non-immune – 3A2Z Acquired haemolytic anaemia, unspecified 3A4Z Haemolytic anaemias, unspecified 3A50 Thalassaemias 3A50.0 Alpha thalassaemia 3A50.1 Alpha thalassaemia related syndromes 3A50.2 Beta thalassaemia 3A50.3 Delta, delta-beta or gamma-delta-beta thalassaemia 3A50.4 Hereditary persistence of fetal haemoglobin 3A50.Y Other specified thalassaemias 3A50.Z Thalassaemias, unspecified – 3A50.00 Mild alpha thalassaemia diseases – 3A50.01 Thalassaemic alpha-chain variants – 3A50.02 Haemoglobin H disease (– α/– – included) – 3A50.03 Homozygous or compound heterozygous alpha0 thalassaemia – 3A50.0Y Other specified alpha thalassaemia – 3A50.0Z Alpha thalassaemia, unspecified 3A51 Sickle cell disorders or other haemoglobinopathies 3A51.0 Sickle cell trait 3A51.1 Sickle cell disease without crisis 3A51.2 Sickle cell disease with crisis 3A51.3 Compound heterozygous sickling disorders without crisis 3A51.4 Compound heterozygous sickling disorders with crisis 3A51.5 Haemoglobin C disease 3A51.6 Haemoglobin D disease 3A51.7 High affinity haemoglobin 3A51.8 Low affinity haemoglobin 3A51.9 Haemoglobin O disease 3A51.A Haemoglobin E disease 3A51.B Haemoglobin C/beta thalassaemia compound heterozygosity 3A51.Y Other specified sickle cell disorders or other haemoglobinopathies 3A51.Z Sickle cell disorders or other haemoglobinopathies, unspecified 3A60 Congenital pure red cell aplasia – 3A60.0 Congenital non-inherited pure red cell aplasia – 3A60.1 Hereditary pure red cell aplasia – 3A60.Z Congenital pure red cell aplasia, unspecified 3A61 Acquired pure red cell aplasia – 3A61.0 Acute acquired pure red cell aplasia – 3A61.1 Chronic acquired pure red cell aplasia – 3A61.Y Other specified acquired pure red cell aplasia – 3A61.Z Acquired pure red cell aplasia, unspecified 3A6Z Pure red cell aplasia, unspecified 3A70 Aplastic anaemia 3A70.0 Congenital aplastic anaemia 3A70.1 Acquired aplastic anaemias 3A70.Z Aplastic anaemia, unspecified – 3A70.10 Drug-induced aplastic anaemia – 3A70.11 Aplastic anaemia due to other external agents – 3A70.12 Idiopathic aplastic anaemia – 3A70.1Y Other specified acquired aplastic anaemias – 3A70.1Z Acquired aplastic anaemias, unspecified 3A71 Anaemia due to chronic disease 3A71.0 Anaemia in neoplastic disease 3A71.1 Anaemia in chronic infectious diseases 3A71.2 Anaemia in chronic kidney disease 3A71.Y Anaemia due to other specified chronic disease 3A71.Z Anaemia due to chronic disease, unspecified 3A72 Sideroblastic anaemia 3A72.0 Congenital sideroblastic anaemias 3A72.1 Acquired sideroblastic anaemias 3A72.Z Sideroblastic anaemia, unspecified – 3A72.00 Hereditary sideroblastic anaemias – 3A72.01 Hereditary syndromic sideroblastic anaemia – 3A72.0Y Other specified congenital sideroblastic anaemias – 3A72.0Z Congenital sideroblastic anaemias, unspecified 3A73 Congenital dyserythropoietic anaemia 3A80 Congenital polycythaemia – 3A80.0 Primary inherited erythrocytosis – 3A80.Y Other specified congenital polycythaemia – 3A80.Z Congenital polycythaemia, unspecified 3A81 Acquired polycythaemia – 3A81.0 Polycythaemia due to hypoxia, including high altitude – 3A81.1 Polycythaemia due to over-transfusion or blood doping – 3A81.2 Relative polycythaemia – 3A81.Y Other specified acquired polycythaemia – 3A81.Z Acquired polycythaemia, unspecified 3A8Z Polycythaemia, unspecified 3A90 Anaemia due to acute disease 3A91 Congenital methaemoglobinaemia 3A92 Hereditary methaemoglobinaemia 3A93 Acquired methaemoglobinaemia 3A94 Acute posthaemorrhagic anaemia 3A9Y Other specified anaemias or erythrocyte disorders 3A9Z Anaemias or other erythrocyte disorders, unspecified ME24 Clinical manifestations of the digestive system – ME24.0 Digestive system abscess – ME24.1 Digestive system fistula – ME24.2 Digestive system obstruction – ME24.3 Digestive system perforation – ME24.4 Digestive system stenosis – ME24.5 Digestive system ulcer – ME24.6 Digestive system dilatation – ME24.7 Digestive system incarceration – ME24.8 Digestive system strangulation or gangrene – ME24.9 Gastrointestinal bleeding – ME24.A Other digestive system haemorrhage, not elsewhere classified – ME24.Y Other specified clinical manifestations of the digestive system –– ME24.30 Perforation of small intestine –– ME24.31 Perforation of large intestine –– ME24.35 Perforation of gallbladder or bile ducts –– ME24.3Y Digestive system perforation of other specified site –– ME24.3Z Digestive system perforation of unspecified site –– ME24.90 Acute gastrointestinal bleeding, not elsewhere classified –– ME24.91 Chronic gastrointestinal bleeding, not elsewhere classified –– ME24.9Z Gastrointestinal bleeding, unspecified –– ME24.A0 Obscure gastrointestinal bleeding –– ME24.A1 Haemorrhage of anus and rectum –– ME24.A2 Oesophageal haemorrhage –– ME24.A3 Haematochezia –– ME24.A4 Melaena –– ME24.A5 Haematemesis –– ME24.A6 Positive occult blood in stool
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