2010 ICD-9-CM New Codes, Changed Codes, Deleted Codes

2010 ICD-9-CM Code Changes

ICD-9-CM changes are effective October 1, 2008.

Check our list to see if codes that you use might be on the deletion list.  It is important to stay current to avoid claim denials.

Check our lists below to see if codes that you use might be on the deletion list.  If they are on this list, there is most likely a new code that has been assigned. **The lists shown here are not complete lists of all changes.**  There are over 1000 other changes which may affect the codes that you are currently using.

Stay Compliant!

Sign In to FindACode.com or subscribe to see all the new, changed and deleted codes for 2010.  With all these changes, staying compliant is more important that ever.

DELETED ICD-9-CM Codes for 2010

The following list of ICD-9-CM deleted codes sheds some light on a few of the changes that will be effective October 1, 2008.

Deleted codes for 2010 - Numeric Deleted codes for 2010 - Alphabetic
279.4 Autoimmune disease, not elsewhere classified
488 Influenza due to identified avian influenza virus
779.3 Feeding problems in newborn
799.2 Nervousness
969.0 Poisoning by antidepressants
969.7 Poisoning by psychostimulants
E993 Injury due to war operations by other explosion
E995 Injury due to war operations by other and unspecified forms of conventional warfare
E998 Injury due to war operations but occurring after cessation of hostilities
V72.6 Laboratory examination
279.4 Autoimmune disease, not elsewhere classified
779.3 Feeding problems in newborn
488 Influenza due to identified avian influenza virus
E993 Injury due to war operations by other explosion
E995 Injury due to war operations by other and unspecified forms of conventional warfare
E998 Injury due to war operations but occurring after cessation of hostilities
V72.6 Laboratory examination
799.2 Nervousness
969.0 Poisoning by antidepressants
969.7 Poisoning by psychostimulants

NEW ICD-9-CM Code Descriptions For 2010

**These are not complete lists of all changes.**  There are over 1000 other changes which may affect the codes that you are currently using.  FindACode.com is designed to keep you current and compliant.

*This list is not complete listing of all new codes, just those that we thought would be more common or of general interest.

Some New 2010 ICD-9 Code Descriptions
Acute gouty arthropathy
Chronic pulmonary embolism
Feeding problems in newborn
Influenza due to identified novel H1N1 influenza virus
Poisoning by monoamine oxidase inhibitors
Puerperal septic thrombophlebitis, postpartum condition or complication

Note:  Approximately 110 of these new codes can be found in an entire new category called "Activity". This new section is used to indicate the activity of the person seeking healthcare. For example if the patient experienced a heart attack while climbing stairs and the activity (climbing stairs) resulted in the injury or condition, use the activity code to identify further information regarding the patient encounter.

Announcing Coding Changes for 2010

Each year new, changed and deleted codes are released and become effective on October 1st for ICD-9-CM and January 1st for CPT and HCPCS code sets.  Also code updates are issued each quarter throughout the year.

Stay Compliant!

There are 1000s of changes which may affect the codes that you are currently using.  FindACode.com is designed to keep you current and compliant.  It is important to stay current to avoid claim denials and payment delays.

Sign In to FindACode.com or subscribe to see all the new, changed and deleted codes for 2010.  With all these changes, staying compliant is more important that ever.

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