PhenX - fracture history protocol 170901   64390-8


LOINC code64390-8
namePhenX - fracture history protocol 170901
descriptionThis protocol is divided into two parts. Part I consists of the Study of Osteoporotic Fractures (SOF) Fractures and Falls History: History of Fractures Questionnaire, which is a self-administered questionnaire to assess the location of the respondent's broken bone(s) and the age(s) at which the break(s) occurred. Part II contains the Framingham Osteoporosis Study Fracture Assessment form to confirm the respondent's self-reported fracture history. Although the Fractures and Falls History: History of Fractures Questionnaire was originally developed for women ages 65 and older, the PhenX Skin, Bone, Muscle and Joint Working Group recommends that it could be used on adults of all ages. Self-report questionnaires have been found to have variable rates of false positives. These rates are decreased when self-reports are coupled with confirmation/adjudication. Therefore, the Working Group recommends that the Fractures and Falls History: History of Fractures Questionnaire be corroborated with a medical record confirmation and adjudication from the Framingham Osteoporosis Study. This study also includes a fracture index to classify fracture locations.

Fully-Specified Name

componentPhenX - fracture history protocol 170901
timePt  =  Point in time:  To identify measures at a point in time. This is a synonym for “spot” or “random” as applied to urine measurements.

Additional Names

short nameFracture hx proto

Basic Attributes

type2  Clinical

Panel Components

66570-3Has a doctor ever said that you had a broken or fractured bone [PhenX]
66571-1Broken bone [PhenX]
66572-9Age when broken [PhenX]
66605-7Source of fracture confirmation [PhenX]
66606-5Was this the source of fracture confirmation [PhenX]
66607-3Other source of fracture confirmation [PhenX]
65413-7Side [PhenX]
66936-6Hip fracture location [PhenX]
66937-4Other fracture location [PhenX]
66938-2Fracture treatment [PhenX]
66939-0Other fracture treatment [PhenX]
66940-8Other fractures occurred at the same time [PhenX]
66952-3Circumstances of fracture [PhenX]
66941-6Location of fall or trauma [PhenX]
66942-4Other location of fall or trauma [PhenX]
66943-2Time fracture occurred [PhenX]
66944-0Death occurred during hospitalization [PhenX]
66945-7Detailed circumstances of fracture [PhenX]
66946-5Data retrieval completed [Date and time] [PhenX]
67148-7Adjudication date by MD fracture coordinator [PhenX]
67149-5Final adjudication [PhenX]
8251-1Service comment
66953-1Detailed fracture location [PhenX]

Associated Observations

LOINC codes that represent optional associated observation(s) for a clinical observation or laboratory test. A LOINC term may represent a single associated observation or panel containing several associated observations.

Member of these Panels

62896-6PhenX domain - Skin, bone, muscle and joint


first released
last updated2.66
last change typeNAM  - change to Analyte/Component
change reasonUpdated the PhenX ID from "PhenX." to "PX" in Survey Question Source field to align with the variable identifier used in the PhenX Toolkit.; Added the PhenX protocol ID to the Component to clearly define the protocol version for which this panel is based upon.; Added the PhenX protocol ID to the Component to clearly define the protocol version for which this panel is based upon.

Related Names

Fracture hx proto
Point in time

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