Performance rate Reporting Period Population Calculated   72510-1


LOINC code72510-1
namePerformance rate Reporting Period Population Calculated
descriptionThe "performance rate" is an aggregate measurement used in quality reporting. Specifically, it is a ratio of patients meeting numerator criteria for a particular quality measure, divided by patients in the denominator (accounting for exclusions and exceptions). Performance Rate is calculated using this formula: Performance Rate = (Numerator) / (Denominator - Denominator Exclusions - Denominator Exceptions) In this formula, the Denominator (target population) is a count of all the individuals who meet the measure's denominator criteria for which the target process, condition, event, and outcome is applicable. Denominator exclusions are a subset of the target population that meets the exclusion criteria. Denominator exceptions are another subset of the target population that are not in the exclusion criteria and not in the numerator that meet the exception criteria. For example, the numerator (NUMER) criteria for a given performance rate may include all patients with diabetes who received a dilated eye exam for diabetic retinopathy (N=75). The target population (denominator, DENOM) may include all patients aged 65 years and older with an active diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (N=150). An exclusion (EXCL) may be bilateral blindness (N=20) and the exception (EXCEP) would be the number of patients who have bed confinement status in a community where mobile eye-exam imaging is unavailable (N=5). Performance Rate = (NUMER) / (DENOM - EXCL - EXCEP) = (75)/(150-20-5) = 0.6

Fully-Specified Name

componentPerformance rate
propertyNFr  =  Number Fraction
timeRptPeriod  =  Reporting period
scaleQn  =  Quantitative:  The result of the test is a numeric value that relates to a continuous numeric scale. Reported either as an integer, a ratio, a real number, or a range. The test result value may optionally contain a relational operator from the set {<=, <, >, >=}. Valid values for a quantitative test are of the form "7", "-7", "7.4", "-7.4", "7.8912", "0.125", "<10", "<10.15", ">12000", 1-10, 1:256

Additional Names

short namePerform rate RptPeriod NFr Pop Calc

Basic Attributes

type2  Clinical
order vs. observationBoth
formula (readable)Performance Rate = (NUMER) / (DENOM - DENOM EXCL - DENOM EXCEP)
example UCUM units%
The Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM) is a code system intended to include all units of measures being contemporarily used in international science, engineering, and business (
example unit%

Associated Observations

LOINC codes that represent optional associated observation(s) for a clinical observation or laboratory test. A LOINC term may represent a single associated observation or panel containing several associated observations.


first released
last updated2.52
last change typeMAJ  - change to name field other than Component;
change reasonTiming of "ReportPeriod" was shortened to "RptPeriod" to keep the part name for all terms with this timing consistent and allow for additional times of a reporting period (e.g. mean, start, end) to be added.

Related Names

Number Fraction
Perform rate
Report period

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