Abbreviated Injury Scale predot code AAAM   75890-4


LOINC code75890-4
nameAbbreviated Injury Scale predot code AAAM
descriptionThe Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS©) predot code that reflects the patient's injuries. The predot code is the six digits preceding the decimal point of an associated AIS severity code, shown as 12(34)(56).7 where 1 = body region, 2 = type of anatomical structure, 3,4 = specific anatomical structure, 5,6 = level of injury and 7 = severity score based on predot code. For example, a femoral shaft fracture may be coded as 851814.3 where 851814 if the numerical identifier (predot code) and 3 is the AIS severity score [LOINC: 75891-2]. The predot code is further defined as 8 = Body Region: Lower Extremity, 5 = Type of Anatomic Structure: Skeletal, 18 = Specific Anatomic Structure: Femur, and 14 = Level of injury: Shaft.

Fully-Specified Name

componentAbbreviated Injury Scale predot code
propertyID  =  Identifier
timePt  =  Point in time:  To identify measures at a point in time. This is a synonym for “spot” or “random” as applied to urine measurements.
scaleNom  =  Nominal:  Nominal or categorical responses that do not have a natural ordering. (e.g., names of bacteria, reported as answers, categories of appearance that do not have a natural ordering, such as, yellow, clear, bloody.

Additional Names

short nameAIS PreDot code AAAM

Basic Attributes

type2  Clinical
order vs. observationObservation

Associated Observations

LOINC codes that represent optional associated observation(s) for a clinical observation or laboratory test. A LOINC term may represent a single associated observation or panel containing several associated observations.

Member of these Panels

76067-8Abbreviated Injury Scale panel AAAM
76067-8Abbreviated Injury Scale panel AAAM


first released
last updated2.58
last change typeMIN  - change to field other than name

Related Names

AIS PreDot code
Point in time

Copyright © 2024 Regenstrief Institute, Inc. All Rights Reserved. To the extent included herein, the LOINC table and LOINC codes are copyright © 1995-2024, Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Committee. See for the full LOINC copyright and license.

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