PROMIS item bank - physical function - version 2.0   91722-9


LOINC code91722-9
namePROMIS item bank - physical function - version 2.0

Fully-Specified Name

componentPROMIS item bank - physical function - version 2.0
timePt  =  Point in time:  To identify measures at a point in time. This is a synonym for “spot” or “random” as applied to urine measurements.

Additional Names

short name

Basic Attributes

type4  Surveys
order vs. observationOrder

Panel Components

61594-8Are you able to move a chair from one room to another [PROMIS]
61595-5Are you able to bend down and pick up clothing from the floor [PROMIS]
61596-3Are you able to stand for one hour [PROMIS]
61597-1Are you able to do chores such as vacuuming or yard work [PROMIS]
61598-9Are you able to push open a heavy door [PROMIS]
61599-7Are you able to exercise for an hour [PROMIS]
78081-7Are you able to carry a heavy object (over 10 pounds or 5 kg) [PROMIS]
61601-1Are you able to stand up from an armless straight chair [PROMIS]
78048-6Are you able to dress yourself, including tying shoelaces and buttoning your clothes [PROMIS]
61603-7Are you able to reach into a high cupboard [PROMIS]
61604-5Are you able to use a hammer to pound a nail [PROMIS]
78049-4Are you able to run or jog for two miles (3 km) [PROMIS]
61606-0Are you able to cut your food using eating utensils [PROMIS]
61607-8Are you able to go up and down stairs at a normal pace [PROMIS]
61609-4Are you able to go for a walk of at least 15 minutes [PROMIS]
89684-5Are you able to run on uneven ground [PROMIS]
61611-0Are you able to open a can with a hand can opener [PROMIS]
78082-5Are you able to pull heavy objects (10 pounds or 5 kg) towards yourself [PROMIS]
61613-6Are you able to step up and down curbs [PROMIS]
78050-2Are you able to get up from the floor from lying on your back without help [PROMIS]
61615-1Are you able to stand with your knees straight [PROMIS]
61616-9Are you able to exercise hard for half an hour [PROMIS]
61617-7Are you able to wash your back [PROMIS]
61618-5Are you able to open and close a zipper [PROMIS]
61619-3Are you able to put on and take off a coat or jacket [PROMIS]
61620-1Are you able to stand for short periods of time [PROMIS]
61621-9Are you able to dry your back with a towel [PROMIS]
78051-0Are you able to run at a fast pace for two miles (3 km) [PROMIS]
61623-5Are you able to turn a key in a lock [PROMIS]
61624-3Are you able to squat and get up [PROMIS]
61625-0Are you able to carry a laundry basket up a flight of stairs [PROMIS]
61626-8Are you able to write with a pen or pencil [PROMIS]
61627-6Are you able to put on a shirt or blouse [PROMIS]
61628-4Are you able to get out of bed into a chair [PROMIS]
61629-2Are you able to pull on trousers [PROMIS]
61630-0Are you able to peel fruit [PROMIS]
61631-8Are you able to bend or twist your back [PROMIS]
61632-6Are you able to brush your teeth [PROMIS]
61633-4Are you able to sit on the edge of a bed [PROMIS]
61634-2Are you able to tie your shoelaces [PROMIS]
61635-9Are you able to run errands and shop [PROMIS]
61636-7Are you able to button your shirt [PROMIS]
61637-5Are you able to wash and dry your body [PROMIS]
61638-3Are you able to get in and out of a car [PROMIS]
78053-6Are you able to carry two bags filled with groceries 100 yards (100 m) [PROMIS]
61644-1Are you able to jump up and down [PROMIS]
61645-8Are you able to climb up five steps [PROMIS]
61646-6Are you able to wash dishes, pots, and utensils by hand while standing at a sink [PROMIS]
61647-4Are you able to make a bed, including spreading and tucking in bed sheets [PROMIS]
61648-2Are you able to carry a shopping bag or briefcase [PROMIS]
61649-0Are you able to take a tub bath [PROMIS]
61650-8Are you able to change the bulb in a table lamp [PROMIS]
61651-6Are you able to press with your index finger (for example ringing a doorbell) [PROMIS]
61652-4Are you able to put on and take off your socks [PROMIS]
61653-2Are you able to shave your face or apply makeup [PROMIS]
61654-0Are you able to squeeze a new tube of toothpaste [PROMIS]
61655-7Are you able to cut a piece of paper with scissors [PROMIS]
61656-5Are you able to pick up coins from a table top [PROMIS]
61657-3Are you able to hold a plate full of food [PROMIS]
61658-1Are you able to pour liquid from a bottle into a glass [PROMIS]
61659-9Are you able to run a short distance, such as to catch a bus [PROMIS]
61660-7Are you able to push open a door after turning the knob [PROMIS]
61661-5Are you able to shampoo your hair [PROMIS]
61662-3Are you able to tie a knot or a bow [PROMIS]
78054-4Are you able to lift 10 pounds (5 kg) above your shoulder [PROMIS]
61664-9Are you able to lift a full cup or glass to your mouth [PROMIS]
61665-6Are you able to open a new milk carton [PROMIS]
61666-4Are you able to open car doors [PROMIS]
61667-2Are you able to stand unsupported for 10 minutes [PROMIS]
61668-0Are you able to remove something from your back pocket [PROMIS]
61669-8Are you able to change a light bulb overhead [PROMIS]
61670-6Are you able to put on a pullover sweater [PROMIS]
61671-4Are you able to turn faucets on and off [PROMIS]
78055-1Are you able to reach and get down a 5 pound (2 kg) object from above your head [PROMIS]
61673-0Are you able to stand up on tiptoes [PROMIS]
61674-8Are you able to trim your fingernails [PROMIS]
61675-5Are you able to stand unsupported for 30 minutes [PROMIS]
78056-9Are you able to lift one pound (0.5 kg) to shoulder level without bending your elbow [PROMIS]
78057-7Are you able to walk a block (about 100 m) on flat ground [PROMIS]
78058-5Are you able to run five miles (8 km) [PROMIS]
78061-9Are you able to run 100 yards (100 m) [PROMIS]
91757-5Are you able to run on even ground [PROMIS]
61691-2Are you able to walk up and down two steps [PROMIS]
91756-7Are you able to carry a suitcase up a flight of stairs [PROMIS]
61692-0Are you able to reach into a low cupboard [PROMIS]
61693-8Are you able to climb up 5 flights of stairs [PROMIS]
78062-7Are you able to run ten miles (16 km) [PROMIS]
61699-5Are you able to walk at a normal speed [PROMIS]
61700-1Are you able to stand without losing your balance for several minutes [PROMIS]
61701-9Are you able to kneel on the floor [PROMIS]
61702-7Are you able to sit down in and stand up from a low, soft couch [PROMIS]
79061-8Are you able to open a tight or new jar [PROMIS]
61703-5Are you able to use your hands, such as for turning faucets, using kitchen gadgets, or sewing [PROMIS]
78066-8Are you able to sit on and get up from the toilet [PROMIS]
61705-0Are you able to transfer from a bed to a chair and back [PROMIS]
61706-8Are you able to be out of bed most of the day [PROMIS]
91755-9Are you able to carry household items, such as heavy boxes or furniture, up a flight of stairs [PROMIS]
61707-6Are you able to water a house plant [PROMIS]
61708-4Are you able to wipe yourself after using the toilet [PROMIS]
61709-2Are you able to turn from side to side in bed [PROMIS]
61710-0Are you able to get in and out of bed [PROMIS]
91754-2Are you able to dig a 2-foot (1/2 m) deep hole in the dirt with a shovel [PROMIS]
91610-6Are you able to lift a heavy painting or picture to hang on your wall above eye-level [PROMIS]
91741-9Are you able to paint the walls of a room with a brush or roller for 2hours without stopping to rest [PROMIS]
91733-6Are you able to row a boat for 30 minutes without stopping to rest [PROMIS]
91725-2Are you able to hand wash and wax a car for 2 hours without stopping to rest [PROMIS]
91724-5Are you able to complete 5 push-ups without stopping [PROMIS]
91723-7Are you able to rake leaves or sweep for 1 hour without stopping to rest [PROMIS]
91753-4Are you able to do a pull-up [PROMIS]
91752-6Are you able to lift a heavy object (20 lbs or 10 kg) above your head [PROMIS]
91751-8Are you able to hit the backboard with a basketball from the free throw line 13 ft or 4 m [PROMIS]
91608-0Are you able to pass a 20-pound (10 kg) turkey or ham to other people at the table [PROMIS]
91750-0Are you able to remove a heavy suitcase (50 lbs or 25 kg) from an overhead bin on an airplane or bus [PROMIS]
91609-8Are you able to continuously swing a baseball bat or tennis racket back and forth for 5 minutes [PROMIS]
91749-2Are you able to complete 10 sit-ups without stopping [PROMIS]
91748-4Are you able to climb the stairs of a 10-story building without stopping [PROMIS]
91747-6Are you able to walk briskly for 20 minutes without stopping to rest [PROMIS]
91746-8Are you able to come to a complete stop while running [PROMIS]
91745-0Are you able to make sharp turns while running fast [PROMIS]
91744-3Are you able to jump rope for 10M without stopping [PROMIS]
91743-5Are you able to jump over an object that is 1 foot (30 cm) tall [PROMIS]
91742-7Are you able to jump over a puddle that is 3 feet (1 m) wide [PROMIS]
91740-1Are you able to jump 2 feet (60 cm) high [PROMIS]
91739-3Are you able to walk across a balance beam [PROMIS]
91738-5Are you able to stand on one foot with your eyes closed for 30 seconds [PROMIS]
91737-7Are you able to walk in a straight line putting one foot in front of the other (heel to toe) for 5 yards (5 m) [PROMIS]
91736-9Are you able to put your hands flat on the floor with both feet flat on the ground [PROMIS]
91735-1Are you able to carry a large baby (15 lbs or 7 kg) out of the house to a car or taxi [PROMIS]
91734-4Are you able to lift and load one 50-pound (25 kg) bag of sand into a car [PROMIS]
91732-8Are you able to climb a 6-foot (2 m) ladder [PROMIS]
91731-0Are you able to push an empty refrigerator forward 1 yard (1 m) [PROMIS]
91730-2Are you able to carry a 50 lb (25 kg) bag of sand 25 yards (25 m) [PROMIS]
91729-4Are you able to pull a sled or a wagon with two children (total 100 lbs or 50 kg) for 100 yards (100 m) [PROMIS]
91728-6Are you able to stand up from a push-up position five times quickly [PROMIS]
91727-8Are you able to swim laps for 30 minutes at a moderate pace [PROMIS]
91726-0Are you able to dance energetically for 1 hour [PROMIS]
61588-0Does your health now limit you in doing vigorous activities, such as running, lifting heavy objects, participating in strenuous sports [PROMIS]
89681-1Does your health now limit you in exercising regularly [PROMIS]
61589-8Does your health now limit you in bending, kneeling, or stooping [PROMIS]
61590-6Does your health now limit you in doing heavy work around the house like scrubbing floors, or lifting or moving heavy furniture [PROMIS]
61591-4Does your health now limit you in lifting or carrying groceries [PROMIS]
61592-2Does your health now limit you in bathing or dressing yourself [PROMIS]
61639-1Does your health now limit you in doing moderate work around the house like vacuuming, sweeping floors or carrying in groceries [PROMIS]
61640-9Does your health now limit you in putting a trash bag outside [PROMIS]
91760-9Does your health now limit you in dancing for half an hour [PROMIS]
78052-8Does your health now limit you in hiking a couple of miles (3 km) on uneven surfaces, including hills [PROMIS]
61642-5Does your health now limit you in doing strenuous activities such as backpacking, skiing, playing tennis, bicycling or jogging [PROMIS]
61676-3Does your health now limit you in taking care of your personal needs (dress, comb hair, toilet, eat, bathe) [PROMIS]
61677-1Does your health now limit you in doing moderate activities, such as moving a table, pushing a vacuum cleaner, bowling, or playing golf [PROMIS]
91759-1Does your health now limit you in taking part in any sports (swimming, bowling, and so forth) [PROMIS]
61678-9Does your health now limit you in taking a shower [PROMIS]
61679-7Does your health now limit you in going for a short walk (less than 15 minutes) [PROMIS]
61681-3Does your health now limit you in participating in active sports such as swimming, tennis, or basketball [PROMIS]
61682-1Does your health now limit you in going outside the home, for example to shop or visit a doctor's office [PROMIS]
91607-2Does your health now limit you in opening a previously opened jar [PROMIS]
61687-0Does your health now limit you in climbing several flights of stairs [PROMIS]
91758-3Does your health now limit you in doing yard work like raking leaves, weeding, or pushing a lawn mower [PROMIS]
61688-8Does your health now limit you in doing two hours of physical labor [PROMIS]
61696-1Does your health now limit you in doing eight hours of physical labor [PROMIS]
61697-9Does your health now limit you in walking more than a mile [PROMIS]
61698-7Does your health now limit you in climbing one flight of stairs [PROMIS]
61711-8Does your health now limit you in getting in and out of the bathtub [PROMIS]
61712-6Does your health now limit you in walking about the house [PROMIS]
61680-5How much difficulty do you have doing your daily physical activities, because of your health [PROMIS]
61582-3To what extent are you able to carry out your everyday physical activities such as walking, climbing stairs, carrying groceries, or moving a chair [PROMIS]
91721-1PROMIS physical function - version 2.0 T-score

Associated Observations

LOINC codes that represent optional associated observation(s) for a clinical observation or laboratory test. A LOINC term may represent a single associated observation or panel containing several associated observations.


first released
last updated2.66
last change typeADD  - added

Related Names

Patient Reported Outcomes Information System
Point in time

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