Region imaged: Unspecified (XXX)   LG41853-9


LOINC codeLG41853-9
nameRegion imaged: Unspecified (XXX)
group categoryRadiology
parent groupLG41820-8   RadRegion:Unspecified(XXX)
version first releasedPending promotion to Production status

LOINC Terms in this Group

44229-3CT Bone
89711-6CT Guidance for 1 level injection of Spine facet joint
89710-8CT Guidance for 2 levels injection of Spine facet joint
58747-7CT Guidance for ablation of tissue of Unspecified body region
35887-9CT Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Unspecified body region
25042-3CT Guidance for aspiration or biopsy of Unspecified body region
25041-5CT Guidance for aspiration or biopsy of Unspecified body region-- W contrast IV
46281-2CT Guidance for aspiration or injection of cyst of Unspecified body region
37211-0CT Guidance for biopsy of Bone marrow
35901-8CT Guidance for biopsy of Lymph node
89959-1CT Guidance for biopsy of Soft tissue
88316-5CT Guidance for biopsy of Spinal cord
24986-2CT Guidance for biopsy of Spine
25044-9CT Guidance for biopsy of Unspecified body region
42260-0CT Guidance for biopsy of Unspecified body region-- W contrast IV
46289-5CT Guidance for biopsy of Unspecified body region-- WO and W contrast IV
46290-3CT Guidance for biopsy of Unspecified body region-- WO contrast
43567-7CT Guidance for deep biopsy of Bone
44109-7CT Guidance for deep biopsy of Muscle
90315-3CT Guidance for deep biopsy of Soft tissue
89832-0CT Guidance for deep biopsy of Tissue
89932-8CT Guidance for deep placement of needle of Unspecified body region
35922-4CT Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Unspecified body region
46292-9CT Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Unspecified body region-- W contrast IV
46291-1CT Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Unspecified body region-- WO and W contrast IV
46293-7CT Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Unspecified body region-- WO contrast
30578-9CT Guidance for drainage of abscess and placement of drainage catheter of Unspecified body region
35920-8CT Guidance for drainage of Lymph node
44103-0CT Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Lymph node
44105-5CT Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Muscle
30580-5CT Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Unspecified body region
89929-4CT Guidance for fluid aspiration of Intervertebral disc
25043-1CT Guidance for fluid aspiration of Unspecified body region
89709-0CT Guidance for greater than 2 levels for injection of Spine facet joint
87916-3CT Guidance for injection of cyst of Unspecified body region
24769-2CT Guidance for injection of Joint space
90336-9CT Guidance for injection of Muscle
30579-7CT Guidance for injection of Spine facet joint
90372-4CT Guidance for injection of Tendon
90373-2CT Guidance for injection of Tendon or ligament
39026-0CT Guidance for needle localization of Unspecified body region
42688-2CT Guidance for nerve block of Spine
35891-1CT guidance for percutaneous biopsy of Bone
36768-0CT Guidance for percutaneous biopsy of Muscle
92567-7CT Guidance for percutaneous drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Unspecified body region
43444-9CT Guidance for percutaneous drainage of abscess and placement of drainage catheter of Unspecified body region
90311-2CT Guidance for percutaneous replacement of drainage tube of Unspecified body region
35933-1CT Guidance for percutaneous vertebroplasty of Spine
35937-2CT Guidance for placement of radiation therapy fields in Unspecified body region
44102-2CT Guidance for procedure of Joint space
79072-5CT Guidance for radiation treatment of Unspecified body region
30581-3CT Guidance for radiation treatment of Unspecified body region-- W contrast IV
92926-5CT Guidance for radiation treatment of Unspecified body region-- WO and W contrast IV
30582-1CT Guidance for radiation treatment of Unspecified body region-- WO contrast
89930-2CT Guidance for radiofrequency ablation of Bone
25053-0CT Guidance for radiosurgery of Unspecified body region
25054-8CT Guidance for radiosurgery of Unspecified body region-- W contrast IV
88321-5CT Guidance for stereotactic localization of Unspecified body region
89718-1CT Guidance for stereotactic localization of Unspecified body region-- W contrast IV
89717-3CT Guidance for stereotactic localization of Unspecified body region-- WO and W contrast IV
89856-9CT Guidance for stereotactic localization of Unspecified body region-- WO contrast
42265-9CT Guidance for superficial biopsy of Bone
89828-8CT Guidance for superficial biopsy of Muscle
90316-1CT Guidance for superficial biopsy of Soft tissue
37214-4CT Guidance for superficial biopsy of Tissue
36811-8CT Joint Arthrogram
37237-5CT Sinus tract W contrast intra sinus tract
28566-8CT Spine
39322-3CT Spine W contrast intradisc
47985-7CT Spine W contrast IT
24987-0CT Spine W contrast IV
48442-8CT Spine WO and W contrast IT
36399-4CT Spine WO and W contrast IV
36530-4CT Spine WO contrast
25045-6CT Unspecified body region
79093-1CT Unspecified body region 3D post processing
85040-4CT Unspecified body region 3D printed model
89833-8CT Unspecified body region by reconstruction
37221-9CT Unspecified body region for fistula
25039-9CT Unspecified body region limited
89852-8CT Unspecified body region limited W contrast IV
89853-6CT Unspecified body region limited WO contrast
91719-5CT Unspecified body region Post mortem
25046-4CT Unspecified body region W anesthesia
25047-2CT Unspecified body region W conscious sedation
24753-6CT Unspecified body region W contrast IV
43525-5CT Unspecified body region WO contrast
89851-0CTA Unspecified body region limited
36834-0CTA Vessel W contrast IV
43568-5Deprecated CT Guidance for deep biopsy.needle of Bone
42267-5Deprecated CT Guidance for needle biopsy of Lymph node
69098-2Deprecated CT Guidance for needle biopsy of Muscle
46287-9Deprecated CT Guidance for needle biopsy of Unspecified body region
42266-7Deprecated CT Guidance for superficial biopsy.needle of Bone
39814-9Deprecated NM Bone Limited Static Views
39903-0Deprecated NM Bone Multiple areas Static Views
39815-6Deprecated NM Bone Static Views
25040-7Deprecated Unspecified body region CT 3D
25049-8Deprecated Unspecified body region CT 3D multiple sagittal & coronal
25050-6Deprecated Unspecified body region CT 3D sagittal and coronal disarticulation
41804-6Deprecated Unspecified body region CT and 3D reconstruction
43527-1Deprecated Unspecified body region CT dynamic W contrast IV
25051-4Deprecated Unspecified body region CT Multisectional sagittal
25052-2Deprecated Unspecified body region CT sagittal and coronal
36940-5Deprecated Unspecified body region CT stereotactic
25055-5Deprecated Unspecified body region MR additional sequence
39043-5Deprecated Unspecified body region MRI and 3D reconstruction
44165-9Deprecated Unspecified body region US and 3D reconstruction
38055-0Deprecated Unspecified body region US W contrast
30879-1Deprecated Unspecified system US Guidance for drainage
39035-1Deprecated Unspecified system US Multisection
37916-4Deprecated US Guidance for needle biopsy of Lymph node
69288-9Deprecated US Guidance for needle biopsy of Muscle
69401-8Deprecated US Guidance for needle biopsy of Spinal cord
30700-9Deprecated US Guidance for needle biopsy of Unspecified body region
42139-6Deprecated US guidance for percutaneous biopsy of Muscle
46383-6DXA Bone [Mass/Area] Bone density
86993-3Guidance for 1 level kyphoplasty of Spine vertebra
86994-1Guidance for 1 or 2 injections of trigger point of Muscle
86995-8Guidance for abscess
86996-6Guidance for additional augmentation of Spine vertebra
86997-4Guidance for additional day infusion of thrombolytic of Vessel-- W thrombolytic via catheter
86999-0Guidance for additional percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy of Artery
86998-2Guidance for additional percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy of Vein
87000-6Guidance for additional placement of endovascular device of Vein
87001-4Guidance for additional placement of stent of Artery
87002-2Guidance for additional placement of wire
88929-5Guidance for additional transluminal angioplasty of Vein
87003-0Guidance for additional vertebroplasty of Spine vertebra
87004-8Guidance for arthrocentesis of Intermediate joint
87007-1Guidance for arthrocentesis of Joint
87005-5Guidance for arthrocentesis of Major joint
87006-3Guidance for arthrocentesis of Small joint
87009-7Guidance for aspiration of cyst
87010-5Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Bone
87011-3Guidance for aspiration of ganglion cyst
87014-7Guidance for biopsy of Bone marrow
87015-4Guidance for biopsy of Lymph node
87174-9Guidance for biopsy of Muscle
87016-2Guidance for biopsy of Soft tissue
87017-0Guidance for check of drainage catheter for abscess
87018-8Guidance for deep biopsy of Bone
87019-6Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter
88932-9Guidance for embolization for tumor of Spinal artery-- W embolic agent IA
87311-7Guidance for embolization for tumor, ischemia or infarction of Vessel
87020-4Guidance for embolization of Artery
87021-2Guidance for embolization of Vein
87022-0Guidance for embolization of Vessels
87023-8Guidance for exchange of drainage catheter for abscess
87178-0Guidance for final day of infusion of thrombolytic of Vessel-- W thrombolytic via catheter
87179-8Guidance for fine needle aspiration
87008-9Guidance for fluid aspiration of Bone marrow
87012-1Guidance for fluid aspiration of Lymph node
87183-0Guidance for greater than 2 injections of trigger point of Muscle
87196-2Guidance for infusion of non-thrombolytic of Vessel
87193-9Guidance for initial day infusion of thrombolytic of Artery-- W thrombolytic via catheter
87195-4Guidance for initial day infusion of thrombolytic of Vein-- W thrombolytic via catheter
87169-9Guidance for initial mechanical thrombectomy of Artery
87194-7Guidance for initial mechanical thrombectomy of Vein
87157-4Guidance for injection of platelet rich plasma
87161-6Guidance for injection of Spine epidural space
87160-8Guidance for injection of Spine facet joint
87158-2Guidance for injection of Tendon
87148-3Guidance for injection of thrombin for pseudoaneurysm
87170-7Guidance for ligation of Lymphatic vessel
87186-3Guidance for mechanical thrombectomy of central venous catheter lumen obstruction
87187-1Guidance for nerve block of Nerve root
87206-9Guidance for nerve block of Peripheral nerve
87013-9Guidance for percutaneous biopsy of Bone
87312-5Guidance for percutaneous transluminal angioplasty for dialysis of Vein
87184-8Guidance for percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of arterial anastomosis of Artery
87166-5Guidance for percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of Vein
87171-5Guidance for placement of clip
87172-3Guidance for placement of clip-- preoperative
87198-8Guidance for placement of drainage catheter for abscess
87163-2Guidance for placement of endovascular device in Vein
25072-0Guidance for placement of infusion port
25027-4Guidance for placement of large bore CV catheter in Vein
26307-9Guidance for placement of large bore CV catheter in Vein - bilateral
26308-7Guidance for placement of large bore CV catheter in Vein - left
26309-5Guidance for placement of large bore CV catheter in Vein - right
87162-4Guidance for placement of needle
87200-2Guidance for placement of stent in Artery
87182-2Guidance for placement of wire
87176-4Guidance for radiofrequency ablation of Bone
88942-8Guidance for repair of endoleak of Artery
87197-0Guidance for retrieval of foreign body of Vessel
87164-0Guidance for secondary mechanical thrombectomy of Artery
87199-6Guidance for substance removal of central venous catheter pericatheter obstruction
87185-5Guidance for sympathectomy of Nerve
87192-1Guidance for thrombectomy
87167-3Guidance for transcatheter biopsy
87168-1Guidance for transcatheter placement of stent
87201-0Guidance for treatment of AV fistula
87202-8Guidance for venous sampling of Vein
88349-6Guidance-- during surgery
39141-7MR Bone marrow
80513-5MR Bone marrow W contrast IV
80514-3MR Bone marrow WO and W contrast IV
80512-7MR Bone marrow WO contrast
42390-5MR Endovaginal
69198-0MR Guidance for biopsy of Muscle
80504-4MR Guidance for biopsy of Unspecified body region
39028-6MR Guidance for needle localization of Unspecified body region
80509-3MR Guidance for placement of clip in Unspecified body region
82123-1MR Guidance for radiation treatment of Unspecified body region
30664-7MR Guidance for radiation treatment of Unspecified body region-- W contrast IV
30665-4MR Guidance for radiation treatment of Unspecified body region-- WO contrast
28576-7MR Joint
36812-6MR Joint Arthrogram
36871-2MR Joint WO contrast
37253-2MR Soft tissue W contrast IV
37293-8MR Soft tissue WO contrast
37443-9MR spectroscopy Unspecified body region
36067-7MR Spine
36256-6MR Spine W contrast IV
36400-0MR Spine WO and W contrast IV
36531-2MR Spine WO contrast
25056-3MR Unspecified body region
80496-3MR Unspecified body region 3D post processing
85041-2MR Unspecified body region 3D printed model
42387-1MR Unspecified body region cine for CSF flow
48460-0MR Unspecified body region limited
91718-7MR Unspecified body region Post mortem
25057-1MR Unspecified body region W conscious sedation
49507-7MR Unspecified body region W contrast IV
42298-0MR Unspecified body region WO and W contrast IV
69223-6MR Unspecified body region WO contrast
37277-1MRA Spinal veins WO and W contrast IV
37497-5MRA Spine vessels
37500-6MRA Spine vessels W contrast IV
37505-5MRA Spine vessels WO and W contrast IV
37510-5MRA Spine vessels WO contrast
25058-9MRA Unspecified body region W contrast IV
36783-9MRA Veins
39625-9NM Artery Views W Tc-99m DTPA IA
39880-0NM Bone 2 Phase Views
39883-4NM Bone 3 Phase Views
39901-4NM Bone 3 Phase Views multiple areas
39902-2NM Bone 3 Phase Views single area
39884-2NM Bone Blood pool
39819-8NM Bone Delayed Views
39627-5NM Bone Limited Views
41836-8NM Bone Limited Views W In-111 tagged WBC IV
39822-2NM Bone marrow Limited Views
39907-1NM Bone marrow Multiple area Views
39824-8NM Bone marrow Views
44146-9NM Bone marrow Views W Tc-99m SC IV
39904-8NM Bone Multiple area Views
25031-6NM Bone Views
39858-6NM Bone Views for blood flow
25032-4NM Bone Views W In-111 tagged WBC IV
39820-6NM Bone Views W Sm-153 IV
39812-3NM Bone Views W Tc-99m HMPAO IV
44142-8NM Bone Views W Tc-99m medronate IV
42700-5NM Bone Views W Tc-99m tagged WBC IV
81597-7NM Bones Views for metastasis W Ra-223 IV
39620-0NM Guidance for abscess localization limited of Unspecified body region
39953-5NM Guidance for localization of tumor multiple areas of Unspecified body region
39760-4NM Guidance limited for localization of tumor
39761-2NM Guidance limited for localization of tumor-- W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV
39936-0NM Joint Limited Views
39937-8NM Joint Multiple area Views W radionuclide XXX
39939-4NM Joint Views
24770-0NM Joint Views W In-111 intrajoint
81594-4NM Lymph node - bilateral Views
81593-6NM Lymph node Views
81595-1NM Lymph node Views for lymphedema
24826-0NM Lymphatic vessels Views W radionuclide intra lymphatic
81587-8NM Unspecified body region Limited Views for infection or inflammation
81600-9NM Unspecified body region Limited Views for infection or inflammation W Tc-99m tagged WBC IV
81601-7NM Unspecified body region Limited Views for thyroid tumor metastasis
39831-3NM Unspecified body region Limited Views for tumor W Ga-67 IV
39687-9NM Unspecified body region Limited Views W Ga-67 IV
49571-3NM Unspecified body region Limited Views W I-131 MIBG IV
39843-8NM Unspecified body region Limited Views W In-111 Satumomab IV
39935-2NM Unspecified body region Multiple area Views W Ga-67 IV
39949-3NM Unspecified body region Multiple area Views W In-111 Satumomab IV
49118-3NM Unspecified body region Views
39685-3NM Unspecified body region Views for abscess W Ga-67 IV
42776-5NM Unspecified body region Views for AV shunt
43648-5NM Unspecified body region Views for endocrine tumor multiple areas W I-131 MIBG IV
43649-3NM Unspecified body region Views for endocrine tumor multiple areas W In-111 pentetreotide IV
39933-7NM Unspecified body region Views for infection multiple areas W Ga-67 IV
39677-0NM Unspecified body region Views for infection W Ga-67 IV
39934-5NM Unspecified body region Views for tumor multiple areas W Ga-67 IV
39951-9NM Unspecified body region Views for tumor multiple areas W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV
39679-6NM Unspecified body region Views for tumor W Ga-67 IV
39750-5NM Unspecified body region Views for tumor W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV
39688-7NM Unspecified body region Views W Ga-67 IV
39841-2NM Unspecified body region Views W I-131 MIBG IV
39846-1NM Unspecified body region Views W In-111 Satumomab IV
81585-2NM Unspecified body region Views W tagged WBC IV
39626-7NM Vein - bilateral Views
39954-3NM Vein Views for thrombosis
39765-3NM Vein Views W Tc-99m DTPA IV
39766-1NM Vein Views W Tc-99m HDP IV
39764-6NM Vein Views W Tc-99m SC IV
43501-6NM Vessel Views
43500-8NM Vessel Views for blood flow
89712-4PET+CT Guidance for limited for localization of tumor of Unspecified body region-- W 18F-FDG IV and W contrast IV
81553-0PET+CT Guidance limited for localization of tumor of Unspecified body region-- W 18F-FDG IV
81559-7PET+CT Unspecified body region for simulation limited
37151-8Portable RF Unspecified body region Views
82126-4PT Guidance for radiation treatment of Unspecified body region
44136-0PT Unspecified body region
25068-8RF 1 hour
25065-4RF 15 minutes
43471-2RF 2 hour
25066-2RF 30 minutes
25067-0RF 45 minutes
43472-0RF 90 minutes
86373-8RF AV fistula Views W contrast via additional puncture
86391-0RF AV fistula Views W contrast via existing catheter
24620-7RF Catheter Views for patency check W contrast via catheter
86437-1RF Fistula Diagnostic W contrast intra fistula
42702-1RF Greater than 1 hour
24771-8RF Guidance for arthrocentesis of Joint space
69306-9RF Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Bone
24671-0RF Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Unspecified body region
75669-2RF Guidance for biopsy of Bone marrow
75750-0RF Guidance for biopsy of Intervertebral disc
69226-9RF Guidance for biopsy of Muscle
25069-6RF Guidance for biopsy of Unspecified body region
43558-6RF Guidance for change of dialysis catheter in Unspecified body region-- W contrast IV
30646-4RF Guidance for change of tube in Sinus tract-- W contrast
69073-5RF Guidance for core needle biopsy of Unspecified body region
44221-0RF Guidance for deep aspiration.fine needle of Tissue
72539-0RF Guidance for denervation of Peripheral nerve
72540-8RF Guidance for denervation of Spine facet joint
43537-0RF Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Unspecified body region
35885-3RF Guidance for drainage of abscess and placement of drainage catheter of Unspecified body region
86405-8RF Guidance for exchange of tube of Unspecified body region
44215-2RF Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Unspecified body region
75749-2RF Guidance for fluid aspiration of Intervertebral disc
36771-4RF Guidance for injection of Joint
37427-2RF Guidance for injection of Spine
24931-8RF Guidance for injection of Spine facet joint
26322-8RF Guidance for injection of Spine facet joint - bilateral
26323-6RF Guidance for injection of Spine facet joint - left
26324-4RF Guidance for injection of Spine facet joint - right
37494-2RF Guidance for injection of Tendon
39027-8RF Guidance for needle localization of Unspecified body region
69076-8RF guidance for percutaneous biopsy of Bone
24621-5RF Guidance for percutaneous drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Unspecified body region
42421-8RF Guidance for percutaneous drainage of abscess and placement of drainage catheter of Unspecified body region
35936-4RF Guidance for percutaneous vertebroplasty of Spine
35912-5RF Guidance for placement of catheter in Unspecified body region
86400-9RF Guidance for placement of needle in Unspecified body region
44224-4RF Guidance for placement of tube in Unspecified body region
44222-8RF Guidance for procedure of Joint space
30629-0RF Guidance for procedure of Unspecified body region
30628-2RF Guidance for removal of foreign body of Unspecified body region
72549-9RF Guidance for removal of tunneled CV catheter
69124-6RF Guidance for superficial aspiration.fine needle of Tissue
38154-1RF Guidance for superficial biopsy of Bone
86436-3RF Guidance for treatment of Fistula-- W contrast intra fistula
72554-9RF Guidance for trigger point injection of Muscle
86399-3RF Guidance for Views and Guidance for injection of non-vascular shunt of Unspecified body region
86407-4RF Guidance of Unspecified body region
37191-4RF Joint Arthrogram
42703-9RF Less than 1 hour
24911-0RF Shunt Views
24912-8RF Sinus tract Views W contrast intra sinus tract
38094-9RF Spinal cavity Views W contrast
38104-6RF Spine epidural space Views W contrast IT
24927-6RF Spine Views W contrast intradisc
37572-5RF Spine Views W contrast IT
24552-2RF Stent Views W contrast intra stent
43788-9RF Tube Views for patency W contrast via tube
86406-6RF Unspecified body region Less than 1 hour Views during surgery
30642-3RF Unspecified body region Single view
49512-7RF Unspecified body region Views
25070-4RF Unspecified body region Views during surgery
24631-4RF Unspecified body region Views for central venous catheter placement check
37063-5RF Unspecified body region Views for foreign body
30650-6RF Unspecified body region Views for shunt
37565-9RF Unspecified body region Views W barium contrast via fistula
37566-7RF Unspecified body region Views W contrast via catheter
37568-3RF Unspecified body region Views W contrast via fistula
37576-6RF Unspecified body region Views W gastrografin via fistula
24551-4RFA AV fistula Views W contrast IA
58746-9RFA AV fistula Views W contrast IV
39363-7RFA AV fistula Views W contrast retrograde
24569-6RFA AV shunt Views W contrast IV
30819-7RFA Epidural veins Views W contrast IV
30649-8RFA Guidance for Additional angioplasty of Peripheral artery-- W contrast IA
30641-5RFA Guidance for Additional angioplasty of Vein-- W contrast IV
36760-7RFA Guidance for angioplasty of AV shunt-- W contrast
69067-7RFA Guidance for angioplasty of Unspecified body region-- W contrast
30640-7RFA Guidance for angioplasty of Vein-- W contrast IV
24568-8RFA Guidance for atherectomy of AV fistula-- W contrast IV
26298-0RFA Guidance for atherectomy of Vein - bilateral-- W contrast IV
26299-8RFA Guidance for atherectomy of Vein - left-- W contrast IV
26300-4RFA Guidance for atherectomy of Vein - right-- W contrast IV
24755-1RFA Guidance for atherectomy of Vein-- W contrast IV
36765-6RFA Guidance for atherectomy of Vessel-- W contrast
26331-9RFA Guidance for change of CV catheter in Vein - bilateral-- W contrast IV
26332-7RFA Guidance for change of CV catheter in Vein - left-- W contrast IV
26333-5RFA Guidance for change of CV catheter in Vein - right-- W contrast IV
24624-9RFA Guidance for change of CV catheter in Vein-- W contrast IV
24684-3RFA Guidance for embolectomy of Extracranial vessels-- W contrast IA
24554-8RFA Guidance for embolization of Artery-- W contrast IA
44219-4RFA Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Lymph node
42018-2RFA Guidance for percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of Vein-- W contrast IA
25028-2RFA Guidance for placement of catheter for infusion of thrombolytic in Vessel-- W contrast intravascular
25029-0RFA Guidance for placement of catheter for vasoconstrictor infusion in Vessels
26310-3RFA Guidance for placement of CV catheter in Vein - bilateral-- W contrast IV
26311-1RFA Guidance for placement of CV catheter in Vein - left-- W contrast IV
26312-9RFA Guidance for placement of CV catheter in Vein - right-- W contrast IV
24625-6RFA Guidance for placement of CV catheter in Vein-- W contrast IV
25024-1RFA Guidance for placement of peripherally-inserted central venous catheter in Vein
26304-6RFA Guidance for placement of peripherally-inserted central venous catheter in Vein - bilateral
26305-3RFA Guidance for placement of peripherally-inserted central venous catheter in Vein - left
26306-1RFA Guidance for placement of peripherally-inserted central venous catheter in Vein - right
24555-5RFA Guidance for placement of stent in Artery
65797-3RFA Guidance for placement of stent in Artery - left
65798-1RFA Guidance for placement of stent in Artery - right
24756-9RFA Guidance for placement of stent in Vein
26301-2RFA Guidance for placement of stent in Vein - bilateral
26302-0RFA Guidance for placement of stent in Vein - left
26303-8RFA Guidance for placement of stent in Vein - right
72548-1RFA Guidance for removal of CV catheter from Vein-- W contrast IV
72546-5RFA Guidance for removal of CV catheter lumen obstruction of Vein
72547-3RFA Guidance for removal of CV catheter pericatheter obstruction of Vein
25073-8RFA Guidance for removal of foreign body from Vessel
72538-2RFA Guidance for removal of peripherally-inserted central venous catheter from Vein
72550-7RFA Guidance for repair of CV catheter with port or pump of Vein
72551-5RFA Guidance for repair of CV catheter without port or pump of Vein
26295-6RFA Guidance for reposition of CV catheter in Vein - bilateral-- W contrast IV
26296-4RFA Guidance for reposition of CV catheter in Vein - left-- W contrast IV
26297-2RFA Guidance for reposition of CV catheter in Vein - right-- W contrast IV
24626-4RFA Guidance for reposition of CV catheter in Vein-- W contrast IV
43761-6RFA Guidance for thrombectomy of Vein - bilateral-- W contrast IV
43762-4RFA Guidance for thrombectomy of Vein - left-- W contrast IV
43764-0RFA Guidance for thrombectomy of Vein - right-- W contrast IV
43763-2RFA Guidance for thrombectomy of Vein-- W contrast IV
39138-3RFA Guidance for vascular access of Vessel
37419-9RFA Intraosseous veins Views W contrast IV
37600-4RFA Lymphatic vessels - left Views W contrast intra lymphatic
38813-2RFA Lymphatic vessels - right Views W contrast intra lymphatic
24827-8RFA Lymphatic vessels Views W contrast intra lymphatic
44240-0RFA Peripheral arteries - bilateral Views W contrast IA
24874-0RFA Peripheral arteries Views W contrast IA
30648-0RFA Peripheral artery Views for angioplasty W contrast IA
24685-0RFA Peripheral veins Views W contrast IV
37936-2RFA Peripheral vessels Views W contrast
26082-8RFA Spinal artery - bilateral Views W contrast IA
26083-6RFA Spinal artery - left Views W contrast IA
26084-4RFA Spinal artery - right Views W contrast IA
24925-0RFA Spinal artery Views W contrast IA
86460-3RFA Spine vessel Views
25005-0RFA Three vessels Views W contrast
25014-2RFA Two vessels Views W contrast
94094-0RFA Unspecified body region Limited Views for therapy or embolization or infusion W contrast via existing catheter
26064-6RFA Vein - bilateral Views W contrast IV
26065-3RFA Vein - left Views W contrast IV
26066-1RFA Vein - right Views W contrast IV
25023-3RFA Vein Views W contrast IV
37980-0RFA Vertebral vessels Views W contrast
30639-9RFA Vessel Single view W contrast
25063-9RFA Vessel Single view W contrast IA
25064-7RFA Vessel Views for angioplasty W contrast IA
43554-5RFA Vessels - left Views W contrast IV
42156-0RFA Vessels Views W contrast IA
94092-4RFA Views for dialysis fistula W contrast IA
94091-6RFA Views for dialysis fistula W contrast IA and Guidance for percutaneous transluminal angioplasty
94090-8RFA Views for dialysis fistula W contrast IA and Guidance for percutaneous transluminal angioplasty transcatheter placement of stent
37981-8RFA Visceral vessels Views W contrast
30852-8RFA XXX>Peripheral veins - bilateral Views W contrast IV
39879-2SPECT Bone
39813-1SPECT Bone limited
39823-0SPECT Bone marrow
39821-4SPECT Bone marrow limited
39906-3SPECT Bone marrow multiple areas
39905-5SPECT Bone multiple areas
41772-5SPECT Bone W In-111 tagged WBC IV
24578-7SPECT Bones
39621-8SPECT Guidance for abscess localization of Unspecified body region
46366-1SPECT guidance for percutaneous biopsy of Bone
46384-4SPECT Guidance for superficial biopsy of Bone
39759-6SPECT Guidance limited for localization of tumor
39938-6SPECT Joint
43526-3SPECT Unspecified body region
39811-5SPECT Unspecified body region for abscess
39684-6SPECT Unspecified body region for abscess W Ga-67 IV
81556-3SPECT Unspecified body region for infection or inflammation
39681-2SPECT Unspecified body region limited W Ga-67 IV
39682-0SPECT Unspecified body region W Ga-67 IV
81548-0SPECT Unspecified body region W tagged WBC IV
81549-8SPECT+CT Lymph node
67717-9Unspecified body region Image ID
46375-2US Artery
39040-1US AV fistula
58743-6US Guidance for ablation of tissue of Unspecified body region
38127-7US Guidance for aspiration of CSF of Spine
30698-5US Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Unspecified body region
46282-0US Guidance for aspiration or injection of cyst of Unspecified body region
24670-2US Guidance for biopsy of cyst of Unspecified body region
69396-0US Guidance for biopsy of Spinal cord
25059-7US Guidance for biopsy of Unspecified body region
69279-8US Guidance for core needle biopsy of Lymph node
38024-6US Guidance for core needle biopsy of Unspecified body region
38135-0US Guidance for deep aspiration.fine needle of Tissue
43565-1US Guidance for deep biopsy of Bone
30699-3US Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Unspecified body region
39451-0US Guidance for drainage of abscess and placement of drainage catheter of Unspecified body region
38018-8US Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Unspecified body region
69287-1US Guidance for fluid aspiration of Lymph node
30878-3US Guidance for fluid aspiration of Unspecified body region
72530-9US Guidance for injection of Joint
38032-9US Guidance for needle localization of Unspecified body region
39522-8US guidance for percutaneous biopsy of Lymph node
37917-2US Guidance for percutaneous biopsy of Muscle
62494-0US Guidance for percutaneous drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Unspecified body region
81165-3US Guidance for peripheral venous access of Vein
30643-1US Guidance for placement of CV catheter in Vein
64993-9US Guidance for placement of needle in Unspecified body region
43487-8US Guidance for placement of radiation therapy fields in Unspecified body region
30644-9US Guidance for placement of tunneled CV catheter
82124-9US Guidance for radiation treatment of Unspecified body region
42141-2US Guidance for removal of tunneled CV catheter
38136-8US Guidance for superficial aspiration.fine needle of Tissue
42135-4US Guidance for superficial biopsy of Bone
43797-0US Guidance for superficial biopsy of Lymph node
43564-4US Guidance for superficial biopsy of Muscle
39139-1US Guidance for vascular access of Unspecified body region
80882-4US Guidance of Unspecified body region-- during surgery
24926-8US Spine
39453-6US Tendon
25061-3US Unspecified body region
30701-7US Unspecified body region during surgery
39527-7US Unspecified body region for foreign body
25060-5US Unspecified body region No charge
39036-9US Vein
39030-2US Vein - bilateral
39045-0US Vein limited
39523-6US.doppler Artery
93241-8US.doppler Unspecified body region
69282-2US.doppler Unspecified body region limited
39525-1US.doppler Vein
39524-4US.doppler Vein limited
39445-2US.doppler Vessels
85151-9XR Bone age
24577-9XR Bone Views during surgery
37362-1XR Bones Bone age Views
83020-8XR Bones Complete Survey Views
43519-8XR Bones Limited Survey Views
38089-9XR Bones Limited Survey Views for metastasis
43518-0XR Bones Survey Views
37365-4XR Bones Survey Views for metastasis
46371-1XR Guidance for change of percutaneous tube in Unspecified body region-- W contrast
43480-3XR Joint Lateral Views W manual stress
30787-6XR Joint Single view
43481-1XR Joint Views W flexion and W extension
39518-6XR Long bones Limited Survey Views
24579-5XR Long bones Survey Views
37879-4XR Spine 2 Views
37876-0XR Spine 4 Views
37877-8XR Spine AP
24928-4XR Spine AP and Lateral
44194-9XR Spine GE 4 Views W right bending and W left bending
39052-6XR Spine Lateral
37878-6XR Spine Lateral crosstable
42442-4XR Spine Lateral W standing
42689-0XR Spine Oblique
48748-8XR Spine Oblique Views
37875-2XR Spine Single view
28613-8XR Spine Views
42690-8XR Spine Views W flexion and W extension
30713-2XR Spine Views W right bending and W left bending
25071-2XR tomography Unspecified body region
25062-1XR Unspecified body region Comparison view
42402-8XR Unspecified body region Post morten Views
43468-8XR Unspecified body region Views
43469-6XR Unspecified body region Views for foreign body
42160-2XR Unspecified body region Views for shunt patency
39056-7XR Unspecified body region Views W manual stress

* Archetype - the LOINC number of the most general representative term for a specific Group. For example, in a Group rolled up by method, the methodless term is the archetype term.

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