Coding experts Alicia and Laureen from CCO review the new 2025 ICD-10-CM code changes.
Is the Book Always Correct? No!
October 13, 2011
In a recent conversation, someone commented that coding books are always correct and that they don't trust online content. Code books have their place, however, they have their limitations. Here are a few examples of what can go wrong when using only printed books:
A few years ago, we started getting phone calls from customers asking why a particular code was not included. After a great deal of research and conversations with government officials, we discovered that a major book publisher (name omitted for their protection) printed an ICD book which included codes that were on the meeting agenda for discussion as proposals, but those codes were actually not approved. We were correct, their book was not.
By law, both CPT category II and category III codes as well as HCPCS codes can and OFTEN ARE updated quarterly. Books are generally only printed once a year (there are some services which allow subscriptions to receive quarterly updates). Thus, these new additions would not be included. Find-A-Code is updated quarterly to include these code changes. Codes are included in the proper sections (not in some separate addenda document) and are easy to locate using Find-A-Code.
Less well known is that the American Medical Association publishes a CPT Corrections Notice. This year, it happened several times. As soon as these notices are released, Find-A-Code includes them along with a code history entry so users are aware of what has happened and thus are current and up-to-date. CPT Subscribers have access to these corrections notice. The image below shows where you can find the link to review the 2011 Corrections.
That is just one of the wonderful things about Find-A-Code, you know that the code sets are current and up to date. No need to worry about addendas or notes strewn about the office. No need to worry about using codes that are out-of-date. Everything is all in one easy to locate place.