Members: Your security was never at risk on, however we recommend you verify with all other websites that you have sensitive personal or billing information (a username and password) that your private information was never vulnerable. Some major sites like have... Read More
Find-A-Code has posted the April 2014 edition of the Medicare Quarterly Provider Compliance Newsletter at: include:
Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT): Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Services, pg. 1... Read More
Tune in to more than 12 different webinar choices during the months of April and May.Visit the Events page of Find-A-Code for a full listing.- the Find-A-Code Staff Read More
As part of the recent ICD-10 realated legislation, the new ICD-10-CM Condition Causation Modifiers (AKA CCMs) were also introducted.ICD-10-CM Condition Causation Modifiers (CCM) are designed to provide researchers a better understanding of the underlying reasons for the acquisition of diseases and c... Read More
Yesterday, the Senate passed H.R. 4302, Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014 which puts another band-aid on the Medicare payment rate and delays the implementation of ICD-10 by at least a year. President Obama is expected to sign this bill into law. There are mixed reviews regarding this bill f... Read More
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