As part of the recent ICD-10 realated legislation, the new ICD-10-CM Condition Causation Modifiers (AKA CCMs) were also introducted.
ICD-10-CM Condition Causation Modifiers (CCM) are designed to provide researchers a better understanding of the underlying reasons for the acquisition of diseases and conditions by patients in the target population.
An associated CCM will be required for ALL Primary Diagnosis codes. CCMs may also be added to Secondary Diagnosis codes if different from the CCM for the Primary Diagnosis code. If a CCM is not listed with the diagnosis code it will be assumed that the Primary Diagnosis code's CCM also applies to the other diagnosis.
CCMs are three character codes starting with a letter representing the modifier group. A two digit number follows the group letter. Although most of the digits combinations will not be used currently the range allows for expansion as needed.