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Volunteers Sought for ICD-10 End-to-End Testing in January: Forms due October 3
September 24, 2014
January 26-30, 2015
During the week ofJanuary 26 through 30, 2015, a sample group of providers will have the opportunity to participate in ICD-10 end-to-end testing with Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) and the Common Electronic Data Interchange (CEDI) contractor. The goal of end-to-end testing is to demonstrate that:
Providers and submitters are able to successfully submit claims containing ICD-10 codes to the Medicare Fee-For Service (FFS) claims systems
CMS software changes made to support ICD-10 result in appropriately adjudicated claims
Accurate Remittance Advices are produced
Approximately 850 volunteer submitters will be selected to participate in the January end-to-end testing. This nationwide sample will yield meaningful results, sinceCMS intends to select volunteers representinga broad cross-section of provider, claim, and submitter types, including claims clearinghouses that submit claims for large numbers of providers.
CMS will review applications and select the group of testing submitters
ByOctober 24, the MACs and CEDI will notify the volunteers selected to test and provide them with the information needed for the testing
Additional opportunities for end-to-end testing will be available in 2015. Any issues identified during testing will be addressed prior to ICD-10 implementation. Educational materials will be developed for providers and submitters based on the testing results.