Register now for this free live demo Thursday, March 20 @ 1:00pm Eastern. See how Find-A-Code's workflow matches yours, putting the most important information right at your fingertips in an easy-to-use format.
Why Find-A-Code?
Complete Code Sets: CPT®, ICD-10-CM, HCPCS and more
The Easiest, Fastest, and Most Accurate NCCI Validation
Pt = Point in time: To identify measures at a point in time. This is a synonym for “spot” or “random” as applied to urine measurements.
Nom = Nominal: Nominal or categorical responses that do not have a natural ordering. (e.g., names of bacteria, reported as answers, categories of appearance that do not have a natural ordering, such as, yellow, clear, bloody.
Additional Names
short name
Things to smoke PhenX
Basic Attributes
2 Clinical
Associated Observations
LOINC codes that represent optional associated observation(s) for a clinical observation or laboratory test. A LOINC term may represent a single associated observation or panel containing several associated observations.