Smoking-related terms   LG41856-2


LOINC codeLG41856-2
nameSmoking-related terms
group categorySmoking - history
parent groupLG41855-4   SmokingStatus
version first releasedPending promotion to Production status

LOINC Terms in this Group

63632-4About how long has it been since you completely quit smoking cigarettes [TUS-CPS]
92319-3After not smoking for a while, I need to smoke in order to avoid feeling any discomfort [PROMIS]
92659-2Age when stopped smoking cigarettes completely
67744-3Approximately how many cigarettes did you smoke on average [PhenX]
63922-9Are you considering quitting smoking during the next 6 months [PLCO]
93069-3Are you feeling bothered, upset, or worried at this point in your pregnancy about whether the baby might be affected by alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs that you have taken [NuPDQ]
63872-6At the present time, how many hours per day are you exposed to the smoke of others [PhenX]
63774-4At this job or business, that is at your employer, in your occupation, how many hours per day can you smell the smoke from other peoples cigarettes, cigars, or pipes [NHANES]
67740-1At which age did you start smoking [PhenX]
92281-5Brand name of cigarettes smoked most often 30 days
8663-7Cigarettes smoked current (pack per day) - Reported
92275-7Cigarettes smoked per day --during pregnancy
87298-6Cigarettes smoked per day by Mother--1st trimester
87299-4Cigarettes smoked per day by Mother--2nd trimester
8664-5Cigarettes smoked total (pack per year) - Reported
63906-2Compared to others your age who currently smoke, what do you think are your chances of being diagnosed with lung cancer during your lifetime [PLCO]
92318-5Cravings for a cigarette make it difficult for me to quit [PROMIS]
64234-8Current smoker
88030-2Date quit smokeless tobacco
74010-0Date quit tobacco smoking
69443-0Did tobacco use contribute to death
68539-6Did you prescribe or recommend that the patient use one of the 7 FDA - approved medications for tobacco cessation [SAMHSA]
68540-4Did you refer the patient to your states tobacco quitline [SAMHSA]
64232-2Do or did you inhale the cigar smoke [PhenX]
64220-7Do or did you inhale the cigarette smoke [PhenX]
64226-4Do or did you inhale the pipe smoke [PhenX]
63582-1Do you now smoke cigarettes every day, some days, or not at all [PhenX]
64217-3Do you now smoke cigarettes, as of 1 month ago [PhenX]
63637-3Do, or did, you find it difficult to refrain from smoking in places where it is forbidden, such as in church, at the library, in a cinema, etc [FTND]
63642-3Do, or did, you smoke if you are so ill that you are in bed most of the day [FTND]
63641-5Do, or did, you smoke more frequently during the first hours after waking than during the rest of the day [FTND]
63771-0Does anyone who lives here smoke cigarettes, cigars, or pipes anywhere inside this home [NHANES]
64570-5Does your child use cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, snuff, or other tobacco products [PhenX]
63927-8During the past 12 months, did any doctor, dentist, nurse, or any other health professional advise you to quit smoking [PLCO]
63611-8During the past 30 days, have you smoked part or all of a cigarette [PhenX]
63612-6During the past 30 days, on how many days did you smoke part or all of a cigarette [PhenX]
92234-4Even when I feel good, smoking helps me feel better [PROMIS]
63870-0For how many hours per day were you exposed to smoke from other peoples cigarettes or tobacco products during this time at this location [PhenX]
63871-8For how many years were you exposed to smoke from other peoples cigarettes or tobacco products during this time at this location [PhenX]
63583-9Has there ever been a period in your life when you smoked cigarettes every day for at least 30 days [PhenX]
63584-7Has there ever been a period in your life when you smoked cigarettes every day for at least 6 months [PhenX]
64221-5Have you ever smoked a pipe regularly [PhenX]
64216-5Have you ever smoked cigarettes [PhenX]
64227-2Have you ever smoked cigars regularly [PhenX]
63580-5Have you ever smoked part or all of a cigarette [PhenX]
67739-3Have you ever smoked regularly [PhenX]
70483-3Have you ever smoked [FACIT]
63581-3Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life [PhenX]
68536-2Have you used smokeless tobacco product in the last 30 days [SAMHSA]
68535-4Have you used tobacco in the last 30 days [SAMHSA]
11367-0History of Tobacco use
11366-2History of Tobacco use Narrative
63630-8How long has it been since you last smoked part or all of a cigarette [PhenX]
64218-1How many cigarettes do you smoke per day now [PhenX]
63773-6How many cigarettes per day do you usually smoke anywhere inside the home [NHANES]
63640-7How many cigarettes per day do, or did, you smoke [FTND]
64231-4How many cigars are you smoking per week now [PhenX]
66548-9How many of these do you smoke per day [#] [PhenX]
67741-9How many years did you smoke up to now [PhenX]
64225-6How much pipe tobacco are you smoking now [PhenX]
64572-1How often does your child use cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, snuff, or other tobacco products [PhenX]
63608-4How old were you the first time you smoked part or all of a cigarette [PhenX]
63631-6How old were you the last time you smoked part or all of a cigarette [PhenX]
63609-2How old were you when you first started smoking cigarettes every day [TUS-CPS]
63610-0How old were you when you first started smoking cigarettes fairly regularly [TUS-CPS]
63925-2How old were you when you most recently quit smoking [PLCO]
64228-0How old were you when you started smoking cigars regularly [PhenX]
64222-3How old were you when you started to smoke a pipe regularly [PhenX]
63636-5How soon after you wake up do, or did, you smoke your first cigarette [FTND]
92217-9I am tempted to smoke when I am anxious [PROMIS]
92216-1I am tempted to smoke when I feel depressed [PROMIS]
92317-7I am tempted to smoke when I realize I haven't smoked for a while [PROMIS]
92316-9I crave cigarettes at certain times of day [PROMIS]
92315-1I drop everything to go out and buy cigarettes [PROMIS]
92233-6I enjoy the sensations of a long, slow exhalation of smoke [PROMIS]
92328-4I enjoy the social aspect of smoking with other smokers [PROMIS]
92327-6I feel a bond with other smokers [PROMIS]
92232-8I feel better after smoking a cigarette [PROMIS]
92296-3I feel embarrassed when I smoke [PROMIS]
92326-8I feel like part of a group when I'm around other smokers [PROMIS]
92314-4I find myself reaching for cigarettes without thinking about it [PROMIS]
92313-6I frequently crave cigarettes [PROMIS]
92312-8I get a real gnawing hunger for a cigarette when l haven't smoked in a while [PROMIS]
92295-5I get upset when I think about my smoking [PROMIS]
66586-9I have trouble resisting my cravings for food, cigarettes, etc [UPPS-P]
92231-0I like the way a cigarette makes me feel physically [PROMIS]
92294-8I look ridiculous while smoking [PROMIS]
92230-2I love the feel of inhaling the smoke into my mouth [PROMIS]
70445-2I regret my smoking in the past 7 days [FACIT]
92215-3I rely on smoking to deal with stress [PROMIS]
92229-4I smoke because it is self-satisfying [PROMIS]
92228-6I smoke because smoking feels good [PROMIS]
70437-9I smoke cigarettes or other tobacco products in the past 7 days [FACIT]
92311-0I smoke even when I am so ill that I am in bed most of the day [PROMIS]
92310-2I smoke more before going into a situation where smoking is not allowed [PROMIS]
92227-8I smoke to get a sense of pleasure [PROMIS]
92271-6I worry that smoking will lower my quality of life [PROMIS]
92325-0If I quit smoking I will be less welcome around my friends who smoke [PROMIS]
92293-0If I quit smoking I will be more attractive to others [PROMIS]
92292-2If I quit smoking I will be more in control of my life [PROMIS]
92270-8If I quit smoking I will breathe easier [PROMIS]
92269-0If I quit smoking I will feel more energetic [PROMIS]
92291-4If I quit smoking my friends will respect me more [PROMIS]
64223-1If you have stopped smoking a pipe completely, how old were you when you stopped [PhenX]
64229-8If you have stopped smoking cigars completely, how old were you when you stopped [PhenX]
64794-1In the 3 months before you got pregnant, how many cigarettes did you smoke on an average day [PhenX]
64795-8In the last 3 months of your pregnancy, how many cigarettes did you smoke on an average day [PhenX]
63923-7In the past, have you ever made a serious attempt to quit smoking That is, have you stopped smoking for at least one day or longer because you were trying to quit [PLCO]
64005-2In your entire life, have you ever smoked or used this type of tobacco [PhenX]
92309-4It is hard to ignore urges to smoke [PROMIS]
92268-2It takes me longer to recover from a cold because I smoke [PROMIS]
74011-8Lifetime tobacco use
92278-1Lived with someone who smoked regularly inside the home during childhood
92290-6My cigarette smoking bothers others [PROMIS]
92308-6My desire to smoke seems overpowering [PROMIS]
92289-8My need for cigarettes makes me feel disappointed in myself [PROMIS]
92288-0My smoking makes me feel less attractive [PROMIS]
92287-2My smoking makes me less attractive to other people [PROMIS]
92286-4My smoking makes me respect myself less [PROMIS]
92307-8My urges to smoke keep getting stronger if I don't smoke [PROMIS]
92515-6Number of cigarettes smoked in Lifetime
64219-9On the average of the entire time you smoked, how many cigarettes did you smoke per day [PhenX]
64224-9On the average over the entire time you smoked a pipe, how much pipe tobacco did you smoke per week [PhenX]
64230-6On the average over the entire time you smoked cigars, how many cigars did you smoke per week [PhenX]
63858-5On the average, when you smoke, or on the last day you smoked every day, about how many cigarettes do, or did, you smoke [PhenX]
63629-0On the number of days you reported you smoked cigarettes during the past 30 days, how many cigarettes did you smoke per day, on average [PhenX]
92285-6People I care about respect me less because I smoke [PROMIS]
92284-9People think I'm foolish for ignoring the warnings about cigarette smoking [PROMIS]
92283-1People think less of me if they see me smoking [PROMIS]
92632-9PROMIS short form - smoking - coping expectancies for all smokers 4a - version 1.0 raw score
92631-1PROMIS short form - smoking - emotional and sensory expectancies for all smokers 6a - version 1.0 raw score
92630-3PROMIS short form - smoking - negative health expectancies for all smokers 6a - version 1.0 raw score
92629-5PROMIS short form - smoking - negative psychosocial expectancies for all smokers 6a - version 1.0 raw score
92628-7PROMIS short form - smoking - nicotine dependence for all smokers 4a - version 1.0 raw score
92627-9PROMIS short form - smoking - nicotine dependence for all smokers 8a - version 1.0 raw score
92626-1PROMIS short form - smoking - social motivations for all smokers 4a - version 1.0 raw score
92213-8PROMIS smoking - coping expectancies for all smokers - version 1.0 T-score
92225-2PROMIS smoking - emotional and sensory expectancies for all smokers - version 1.0 T-score
92266-6PROMIS smoking - negative health expectancies for all smokers - version 1.0 T-score
92282-3PROMIS smoking - negative psychosocial expectancies for all smokers - version 1.0 T-score
92305-2PROMIS smoking - nicotine dependence for all smokers - version 1.0 T-score
92323-5PROMIS smoking - social motivations for all smokers - version 1.0 T-score
92274-0Rules for using smoked tobacco products inside home
92279-9Rules for using smokeless tobacco products inside home
39243-1Second hand smoke exposure CPHS
82769-1Smoked or non-smoked tobacco
88031-0Smokeless tobacco status
92212-0Smoking allows me to take a break from my problems for a few minutes [PROMIS]
92211-2Smoking calms me down [PROMIS]
92265-8Smoking causes damage to my gums and teeth [PROMIS]
92264-1Smoking causes me to get tired easily [PROMIS]
92224-5Smoking helps me concentrate [PROMIS]
92210-4Smoking helps me deal with anxiety [PROMIS]
92322-7Smoking helps me feel more relaxed when I'm with other people [PROMIS]
92209-6Smoking helps me reduce tension [PROMIS]
92208-8Smoking helps me when I'm upset about something [PROMIS]
92263-3Smoking irritates my mouth and throat [PROMIS]
92321-9Smoking is a part of my self-image [PROMIS]
92223-7Smoking is relaxing [PROMIS]
92262-5Smoking is taking years off my life [PROMIS]
92222-9Smoking is the fastest way to reward myself [PROMIS]
92320-1Smoking makes me feel better in social situations [PROMIS]
92221-1Smoking makes me feel content [PROMIS]
92220-3Smoking makes me less depressed [PROMIS]
92261-7Smoking makes me short of breath [PROMIS]
92260-9Smoking makes me worry about getting emphysema [PROMIS]
92259-1Smoking makes me worry about getting heart troubles [PROMIS]
92258-3Smoking makes my lungs hurt [PROMIS]
63638-1Smoking status [FTND]
92219-5Smoking stimulates me [PROMIS]
92304-5The idea of not having any cigarettes causes me stress [PROMIS]
66547-1Things to smoke [PhenX]
63926-0Thinking of the most recent time you quit smoking, did you use any of the following products [PLCO]
63955-9Time and location of passive smoke exposure [PhenX]
42829-2Tobacco abuse [CCC]
39242-3Tobacco prevention referred CPHS
39279-5Tobacco prevention referred Family member/caregiver CPHS
81228-9Tobacco product
64004-5Tobacco product [PhenX]
72166-2Tobacco smoking status
81229-7Tobacco smoking status for tobacco smoker
39241-5Tobacco use counselled CPHS
39278-7Tobacco use counselled Family member/caregiver CPHS
88029-4Tobacco use duration
54845-3Tobacco use in last 7 days [CMS Assessment]
39240-7Tobacco use status CPHS
45434-8Use of tobacco products at least daily [Minimum Data Set]
63956-7Were you exposed to smoke from other peoples cigarettes or tobacco products during this time at this location [PhenX]
63613-4What is your best estimate of the number of days you smoked part or all of a cigarette during the past 30 days [PhenX]
63924-5What was the longest length of time you stopped smoking because you were trying to quit [PLCO]
92207-0When I am worrying about something, a cigarette is helpful [PROMIS]
92303-7When I go too long without a cigarette I feel impatient [PROMIS]
92302-9When I go too long without a cigarette I get strong urges that are hard to get rid of [PROMIS]
92301-1When I go without a cigarette for a few hours, I experience craving [PROMIS]
92300-3When I haven't been able to smoke for a few hours, the craving gets intolerable [PROMIS]
92299-7When I run out of cigarettes, I find it almost unbearable [PROMIS]
92218-7When I stop what I'm doing to have a cigarette it feels like 'my time' [PROMIS]
92206-2When I'm angry, a cigarette can calm me down [PROMIS]
92298-9When I'm really craving a cigarette, it feels like I'm in the grip of some unknown force that I cannot control [PROMIS]
92205-4When I'm upset with someone, a cigarette helps me cope [PROMIS]
63639-9Which cigarette would, or did, you hate most to give up [FTND]
64571-3Which tobacco products does your child use [PhenX]
63772-8Who smokes [NHANES]
68537-0Would you be interested in quitting tobacco use within the next few weeks [SAMHSA]

* Archetype - the LOINC number of the most general representative term for a specific Group. For example, in a Group rolled up by method, the methodless term is the archetype term.

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