Region imaged: Head   LG41824-0


LOINC codeLG41824-0
nameRegion imaged: Head
group categoryRadiology
parent groupLG41809-1   RadRegion:Head
version first releasedPending promotion to Production status

LOINC Terms in this Group

24734-6CT Cerebral cisterns W contrast IT
82132-2CT Face and Neck WO and W contrast IV
82133-0CT Face and Neck WO contrast
24696-7CT Facial bones
24697-5CT Facial bones W contrast IV
72249-6CT Facial bones WO contrast
35892-9CT Guidance for biopsy of Head
36927-2CT Guidance for biopsy of Maxillofacial region
82681-8CT Guidance for biopsy of Oral tissue
35898-6CT Guidance for biopsy of Salivary gland
36928-0CT Guidance for stereotactic biopsy of Head
24585-2CT Guidance for stereotactic biopsy of Head-- W contrast IV
36929-8CT Guidance for stereotactic biopsy of Head-- WO contrast
24725-4CT Head
92025-6CT Head and Cervical spine W contrast IV
93603-9CT Head and Cervical spine WO and W contrast IV
82690-9CT Head and Cervical spine WO contrast
90352-6CT Head and CT Brain for perfusion and CT angiogram Head vessels WO and W contrast IV
83307-9CT Head and Mandible WO contrast
86991-7CT Head and Maxillofacial region and Cervical spine WO contrast
87908-0CT Head and Maxillofacial region W contrast IV
87911-4CT Head and Maxillofacial region WO and W contrast IV
83306-1CT Head and Maxillofacial region WO contrast
82691-7CT Head and Neck W contrast IV
86972-7CT Head and Neck WO and W contrast IV
82692-5CT Head and Neck WO contrast
86989-1CT Head and Orbit - bilateral W contrast IV
89845-2CT Head and Orbit - bilateral WO and W contrast IV
86990-9CT Head and Orbit - bilateral WO contrast
87897-5CT Head and Pituitary and Sella turcica W contrast IV
86978-4CT Head and Sinuses W contrast IV
87910-6CT Head and Sinuses WO and W contrast IV
86992-5CT Head and Sinuses WO contrast
86977-6CT Head and Temporal bone W contrast IV
89844-5CT Head and Temporal bone WO and W contrast IV
83302-0CT Head and Temporal bone WO contrast
36087-5CT Head limited
36104-8CT Head limited WO contrast
24727-0CT Head W contrast IV
88327-2CT Head W contrast IV and CT angiogram Head and neck vessels W contrast IV
83296-4CT Head W contrast IV and CT Orbit - bilateral WO and W contrast IV
46328-1CT Head W reduced contrast volume IV
24726-2CT Head WO and W contrast IV
82804-6CT Head WO and W contrast IV and CT Neck W contrast IV
82742-8CT Head WO and W contrast IV and CT Orbit - bilateral W contrast IV
82802-0CT Head WO and W contrast IV and CT Sinuses W contrast IV
82803-8CT Head WO and W contrast IV and CT Temporal bone W contrast IV
46316-6CT Head WO and W reduced contrast volume IV
30799-1CT Head WO contrast
88315-7CT Head WO contrast and CT Brain for perfusion W contrast IV and CT angiogram Head and neck vessels W contrast IV
88326-4CT Head WO contrast and CT Brain for perfusion W contrast IV and CT angiogram Head vessels W contrast IV
35958-8CT Internal auditory canal
35957-0CT Internal auditory canal - left
38767-0CT Internal auditory canal - right
30583-9CT Internal auditory canal W contrast IV
46325-7CT Internal auditory canal W reduced contrast volume IV
36282-2CT Internal auditory canal WO and W contrast IV
46314-1CT Internal auditory canal WO and W reduced contrast volume IV
30584-7CT Internal auditory canal WO contrast
36229-3CT Larynx W contrast IV
36511-4CT Larynx WO contrast
36047-9CT Mandible
44116-2CT Mandible limited
36232-7CT Mandible W contrast IV
36383-8CT Mandible WO and W contrast IV
36512-2CT Mandible WO contrast
46298-6CT Mastoid - bilateral
87900-7CT Mastoid W contrast IV
36050-3CT Maxilla
36049-5CT Maxilla and Mandible
41808-7CT Maxillofacial region
87906-4CT Maxillofacial region - right W contrast IV
36937-1CT Maxillofacial region limited
36938-9CT Maxillofacial region limited WO contrast
30801-5CT Maxillofacial region W contrast IV
46326-5CT Maxillofacial region W reduced contrast volume IV
30803-1CT Maxillofacial region WO and W contrast IV
46315-8CT Maxillofacial region WO and W reduced contrast volume IV
30802-3CT Maxillofacial region WO contrast
24835-1CT Nasopharynx and Neck
24836-9CT Nasopharynx and Neck W contrast IV
30585-4CT Nasopharynx and Neck WO contrast
48446-9CT Nasopharynx W contrast IV
48443-6CT Nasopharynx WO and W contrast IV
88320-7CT Neck W contrast IV and CT angiogram Head and neck vessels W contrast IV
41807-9CT Orbit
24848-4CT Orbit - bilateral
24850-0CT Orbit - bilateral W contrast IV
24849-2CT Orbit - bilateral WO and W contrast IV
30587-0CT Orbit - bilateral WO contrast
46320-8CT Orbit and Face W contrast IV
86988-3CT Orbit and Face WO contrast
48449-3CT Orbit W contrast IV
48451-9CT Orbit WO and W contrast IV
46331-5CT Orbit WO contrast
24728-8CT perfusion Head
39142-5CT perfusion Head W contrast IV
42377-2CT perfusion Head W Xe-133 IH+WO and W contrast IV
24729-6CT perfusion Head WO and W contrast IV
24877-3CT Petrous part of temporal bone
24878-1CT Petrous part of temporal bone W contrast IV
36835-7CT Petrous part of temporal bone WO and W contrast IV
30589-6CT Petrous part of temporal bone WO contrast
36932-2CT Pituitary and Sella turcica
30590-4CT Pituitary and Sella turcica W contrast IV
24904-5CT Pituitary and Sella turcica WO and W contrast IV
30591-2CT Pituitary and Sella turcica WO contrast
36055-2CT Posterior fossa
36242-6CT Posterior fossa W contrast IV
36387-9CT Posterior fossa WO and W contrast IV
36517-1CT Posterior fossa WO contrast
36941-3CT Salivary gland W contrast intra salivary duct
86957-8CT Salivary gland WO and W contrast IV
86966-9CT Salivary gland WO contrast
30588-8CT Sinuses
83309-5CT Sinuses and Mandible WO contrast
87912-2CT Sinuses and Orbit WO contrast
24913-6CT Sinuses limited
46304-2CT Sinuses limited WO contrast
36255-8CT Sinuses W contrast IV
36398-6CT Sinuses WO and W contrast IV
36529-6CT Sinuses WO contrast
37495-9CT Skull base
44111-3CT Skull base WO and W contrast IV
44112-1CT Skull base WO contrast
79095-6CT Teeth
87896-7CT Teeth W contrast IV
87899-1CT Teeth.mandible WO contrast
87898-3CT Teeth.maxilla WO contrast
36773-0CT Temporal bone
87902-3CT Temporal bone - bilateral W contrast IV
87901-5CT Temporal bone - bilateral WO and W contrast IV
87903-1CT Temporal bone - bilateral WO contrast
38835-5CT Temporal bone - left W contrast IV
89837-9CT Temporal bone - left WO and W contrast IV
36867-0CT Temporal bone - left WO contrast
36816-7CT Temporal bone - right W contrast IV
89838-7CT Temporal bone - right WO and W contrast IV
36868-8CT Temporal bone - right WO contrast
79083-2CT Temporal bone by reconstruction W contrast IV
79084-0CT Temporal bone by reconstruction WO contrast
36815-9CT Temporal bone W contrast IV
36837-3CT Temporal bone WO and W contrast IV
36866-2CT Temporal bone WO contrast
37226-8CT Temporomandibular joint
87904-9CT Temporomandibular joint - bilateral WO contrast
37246-6CT Temporomandibular joint - left W contrast IV
37248-2CT Temporomandibular joint - right W contrast IV
87909-8CT Temporomandibular joint Arthrogram
37243-3CT Temporomandibular joint W contrast IV
37267-2CT Temporomandibular joint WO and W contrast IV
37283-9CT Temporomandibular joint WO contrast
36146-9CTA Carotid artery W contrast IV
87856-1CTA Circle of Willis and Carotid arteries W contrast IV
87855-3CTA Circle of Willis and Carotid arteries WO and W contrast IV
75671-8CTA Circle of Willis WO and W contrast IV
36814-2CTA Head Arteries W contrast IV
37498-3CTA Head vessels and Neck vessels W contrast IV
82680-0CTA Head vessels and Neck vessels WO and W contrast IV
36830-8CTA Head vessels W contrast IV
30593-8CTA Head vessels WO and W contrast IV
42293-1CTA Head vessels WO contrast
37436-3Deprecated Brain MR diffusion weighted
69100-6Deprecated CT Guidance for needle biopsy of Salivary gland
36133-7Deprecated Head Cistern CT Multisection W contrast IT
37294-6Deprecated Head CT and 3D reconstruction
69082-6Deprecated Head CT and 3D reconstruction WO contrast
46394-3Deprecated Head CT dynamic W contrast IV
24746-0Deprecated Head Sagittal Sinus MR
24747-8Deprecated Head Sagittal Sinus MR angiogram W contrast IV
39633-3Deprecated NM Brain Static Views
39900-6Deprecated NM Salivary gland Static Views
37438-9Deprecated Pituitary and Sella turcica CT dynamic W contrast IV
69128-7Deprecated RF Guidance for needle biopsy of Salivary gland
69247-5Deprecated RF Guidance for percutaneous biopsy.needle of Salivary gland
37420-7Deprecated RFA Jugular vein - left W contrast IV
37954-5Deprecated RFA Jugular vein - right W contrast IV
37197-1Deprecated RFA Jugular vein W contrast IV
69291-3Deprecated US Guidance for needle biopsy of Salivary gland
58748-5Functional MR Brain
80583-8Functional MR Brain for motor function
88242-3Guidance for infusion of non-thrombolytic of Head Arteries
87159-0Guidance for injection of Temporomandibular joint
24590-2MR Brain
82129-8MR Brain and Face WO and W contrast IV
82128-0MR Brain and Face WO contrast
43772-3MR Brain and Internal auditory canal
37239-1MR Brain and Internal auditory canal W contrast IV
43769-9MR Brain and Internal auditory canal WO and W contrast IV
37278-9MR Brain and Internal auditory canal WO contrast
37215-1MR Brain and Larynx W contrast IV
37279-7MR Brain and Larynx WO contrast
91591-8MR Brain and Orbit - bilateral W contrast IV
91592-6MR Brain and Orbit - bilateral WO and W contrast IV
91593-4MR Brain and Orbit - bilateral WO contrast
42385-5MR Brain and Pituitary and Sella turcica
42391-3MR Brain and Pituitary and Sella turcica W contrast IV
42392-1MR Brain and Pituitary and Sella turcica WO and W contrast IV
42393-9MR Brain and Pituitary and Sella turcica WO contrast
42386-3MR Brain cine for CSF flow
80507-7MR Brain for high grade tumor WO and W contrast IV
80506-9MR Brain for low grade tumor WO and W contrast IV
80510-1MR Brain for metastasis WO and W contrast IV
80505-1MR Brain for new diagnosis tumor WO and W contrast IV
80511-9MR Brain for postoperative
36096-6MR Brain limited W contrast IV
36105-5MR Brain limited WO contrast
37217-7MR Brain stem and Cranial nerves
24586-0MR Brain W anesthesia
24589-4MR Brain W contrast IV
24587-8MR Brain WO and W contrast IV
24588-6MR Brain WO and W contrast IV and W anesthesia
30657-1MR Brain WO contrast
37218-5MR Brain.temporal
48444-4MR Brain.temporal W contrast IV
48694-4MR Brain.temporal WO and W contrast IV
48453-5MR Brain.temporal WO contrast
30655-5MR Cerebral cisterns
35953-9MR Face
82131-4MR Face and Neck WO and W contrast IV
82130-6MR Face and Neck WO contrast
36148-5MR Face W contrast IV
24694-2MR Face WO and W contrast IV
36435-6MR Face WO contrast
69201-2MR Guidance for biopsy of Salivary gland
36936-3MR Guidance for stereotactic biopsy of Brain
30656-3MR Guidance for stereotactic localization of Brain-- W contrast IV
44122-0MR Guidance for stereotactic localization of Brain-- WO and W contrast IV
30800-7MR Guidance for stereotactic localization of Brain-- WO contrast
35956-2MR Internal auditory canal
24735-3MR Internal auditory canal and Posterior fossa
24740-3MR Internal auditory canal and Posterior fossa WO and W contrast IV
36088-3MR Internal auditory canal limited
36155-0MR Internal auditory canal W contrast IV
30659-7MR Internal auditory canal WO and W contrast IV
30658-9MR Internal auditory canal WO contrast
36045-3MR Larynx
36230-1MR Larynx W contrast IV
36382-0MR Larynx WO and W contrast IV
48445-1MR Larynx WO contrast
69211-1MR Nasal bones
30860-1MR Nasopharynx
36233-5MR Nasopharynx W contrast IV
36384-6MR Nasopharynx WO and W contrast IV
36513-0MR Nasopharynx WO contrast
30857-7MR Nerves cranial
36777-1MR Orbit
24852-6MR Orbit - bilateral W contrast IV
24851-8MR Orbit - bilateral WO and W contrast IV
30661-3MR Orbit - bilateral WO contrast
38836-3MR Orbit - left
36821-7MR Orbit - left W contrast IV
36843-1MR Orbit - left WO and W contrast IV
36873-8MR Orbit - left WO contrast
36778-9MR Orbit - right
36822-5MR Orbit - right W contrast IV
36844-9MR Orbit - right WO and W contrast IV
36874-6MR Orbit - right WO contrast
42303-8MR Orbit and Face
43530-5MR Orbit and Face and Neck
46321-6MR Orbit and Face and Neck W contrast IV
46310-9MR Orbit and Face and Neck WO and W contrast IV
46332-3MR Orbit and Face and Neck WO contrast
39038-5MR Orbit and Face W contrast IV
39029-4MR Orbit and Face WO and W contrast IV
36956-1MR Orbit and Face WO contrast
36820-9MR Orbit W contrast IV
36842-3MR Orbit WO and W contrast IV
36872-0MR Orbit WO contrast
43455-5MR Oropharynx
24880-7MR Pituitary and Sella turcica
36238-4MR Pituitary and Sella turcica W contrast IV
24879-9MR Pituitary and Sella turcica WO and W contrast IV
30666-2MR Pituitary and Sella turcica WO contrast
36056-0MR Posterior fossa
36243-4MR Posterior fossa W contrast IV
36388-7MR Posterior fossa WO and W contrast IV
36518-9MR Posterior fossa WO contrast
36933-0MR Salivary gland
24914-4MR Sinuses
24915-1MR Sinuses W contrast IV
30663-9MR Sinuses WO and W contrast IV
30662-1MR Sinuses WO contrast
48440-2MR Skull base W contrast IV
69220-2MR Skull base WO and W contrast IV
48687-8MR Skull base WO contrast
37442-1MR spectroscopy Brain
24999-5MR Temporomandibular joint
37228-4MR Temporomandibular joint - bilateral
37245-8MR Temporomandibular joint - bilateral W contrast IV
37269-8MR Temporomandibular joint - bilateral WO and W contrast IV
37285-4MR Temporomandibular joint - bilateral WO contrast
37230-0MR Temporomandibular joint - left
37247-4MR Temporomandibular joint - left W contrast IV
37270-6MR Temporomandibular joint - left WO and W contrast IV
37286-2MR Temporomandibular joint - left WO contrast
37231-8MR Temporomandibular joint - right
37249-0MR Temporomandibular joint - right W contrast IV
37271-4MR Temporomandibular joint - right WO and W contrast IV
37287-0MR Temporomandibular joint - right WO contrast
37435-5MR Temporomandibular joint cine
37244-1MR Temporomandibular joint W contrast IV
37268-0MR Temporomandibular joint WO and W contrast IV
37284-7MR Temporomandibular joint WO contrast
30859-3MRA Carotid vessels and Neck vessels
37235-9MRA Circle of Willis
37254-0MRA Circle of Willis W contrast IV
69161-8MRA Circle of Willis WO and W contrast IV
30858-5MRA Head veins
36826-6MRA Head veins W contrast IV
36847-2MRA Head veins WO and W contrast IV
36876-1MRA Head veins WO contrast
30856-9MRA Head vessels
42304-6MRA Head vessels and Neck vessels
36808-4MRA Head vessels limited
24593-6MRA Head vessels W contrast IV
36857-1MRA Head vessels WO and W contrast IV
36881-1MRA Head vessels WO contrast
36802-7MRA Orbit vessels
36832-4MRA Orbit vessels W contrast IV
43458-9MRA Orbit vessels WO and W contrast IV
81573-8NM Brain Brain death protocol Views
24591-0NM Brain Brain death protocol Views W Tc-99m HMPAO IV
39859-4NM Brain Delayed Views
81574-6NM Brain GE 4 Views
81575-3NM Brain GE 4 Views for blood flow
39634-1NM Brain Limited Views
43644-4NM Brain Limited Views for blood flow
81576-1NM Brain LT 4 Views for blood flow
39643-2NM Brain veins Views
24730-4NM Brain Views
43459-7NM Brain Views during electroconvulsive shock treatment
39636-6NM Brain Views for blood flow
43550-3NM Brain Views for blood flow and function
44148-5NM Brain Views for blood flow W Tc-99m bicisate IV
43642-8NM Brain Views for blood flow W Tc-99m DTPA IV
43643-6NM Brain Views for blood flow W Tc-99m glucoheptonate IV
44150-1NM Brain Views W Tc-99m bicisate IV
39642-4NM Brain Views W Tc-99m glucoheptonate IV
39630-9NM Brain Views W Tc-99m HMPAO IV
39635-8NM Brain Views W Tl-201 IV
39874-3NM Cerebral cisterns Delayed Views W radionuclide IT
24663-7NM Cerebral cisterns Views W radionuclide IT
81611-6NM Head to Pelvis Views for shunt patency
39848-7NM Head to Pelvis Views for shunt patency W In-111 IT
39849-5NM Head to Pelvis Views for shunt patency W radionuclide IT
24876-5NM Head to Pelvis Views for shunt patency W Tc-99m DTPA IT
81543-1NM Head Views for CSF leak with rhinorrhea or otorrhea W radionuclide IT
39670-5NM Lacrimal duct Views W radionuclide intra lacrimal duct
39747-1NM Salivary gland Views
39899-0NM Salivary gland Views for blood flow
81572-0NM Salivary gland Views for function
87907-2PET+CT Brain for amyloidosis
92927-3PET+CT Brain for tau protein
86976-8PET+CT Brain metabolic
87905-6PET+CT Guidance for localization of tumor of Head and Neck-- W 18F-FDG IV
41773-3Portable XR Facial bones Views
30722-3Portable XR Skull Single view
30723-1Portable XR Skull Views
30730-6Portable XR Zygomatic arch - bilateral Views
30731-4Portable XR Zygomatic arch Views
44138-6PT Brain
81577-9PT Brain for amyloidosis
81578-7PT Brain metabolic
58742-8PT Head and Neck
81579-5PT perfusion Brain
86398-5RF Cerebral cisterns Views W contrast IT
86439-7RF Cerebral sinuses Views W contrast IV
69075-0RF Guidance for biopsy of Salivary gland
41800-4RF Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Pharynx
48435-2RF Guidance for injection of Salivary gland - bilateral
46392-7RF Guidance for injection of Sinuses
38098-0RF Lacrimal duct - bilateral Views W contrast intra lacrimal duct
38099-8RF Lacrimal duct - left Views W contrast intra lacrimal duct
38827-2RF Lacrimal duct - right Views W contrast intra lacrimal duct
30810-6RF Lacrimal duct Views W contrast intra lacrimal duct
48465-9RF Larynx Views
86411-6RF Posterior fossa - bilateral Views W contrast IT
86430-6RF Posterior fossa - unilateral Views W contrast IT
30811-4RF Posterior fossa Views W contrast IT
26067-9RF Salivary gland - bilateral Views W contrast intra salivary duct
26068-7RF Salivary gland - left Views W contrast intra salivary duct
26069-5RF Salivary gland - right Views W contrast intra salivary duct
24902-9RF Salivary gland Views W contrast intra salivary duct
48698-5RF Submandibular gland - bilateral Views W contrast intra salivary duct
42460-6RF Submandibular gland - left Views W contrast intra salivary duct
48696-9RF Submandibular gland - right Views W contrast intra salivary duct
38153-3RF Submandibular gland Views W contrast intra salivary duct
37409-0RF Temporomandibular joint - bilateral Arthrogram
37410-8RF Temporomandibular joint - left Arthrogram
37818-2RF Temporomandibular joint - right Arthrogram
37901-6RF Temporomandibular joint Arthrogram
30630-8RF videography Cerebral cisterns Views W contrast
24855-9RF videography Oropharynx Views
37587-3RFA Aortic arch and Carotid artery - bilateral and Vertebral artery - bilateral Views W contrast IA
37591-5RFA Aortic arch and External carotid artery - bilateral Views W contrast IA
37592-3RFA Aortic arch and External carotid artery - left Views W contrast IA
37593-1RFA Aortic arch and External carotid artery - right Views W contrast IA
37385-2RFA Aortic arch and Vertebral artery - left Views W contrast IA
37386-0RFA Aortic arch and Vertebral artery - right Views W contrast IA
26079-4RFA Carotid arteries - bilateral Views W contrast IA
26080-2RFA Carotid arteries - left Views W contrast IA
86434-8RFA Carotid arteries - unilateral Views W contrast IA
26081-0RFA Carotid arteries -right Views W contrast IA
37392-8RFA Carotid arteries and Vertebral artery - bilateral Views W contrast IA
37393-6RFA Carotid arteries and Vertebral artery - left Views W contrast IA
37943-8RFA Carotid arteries and Vertebral artery - right Views W contrast IA
37391-0RFA Carotid arteries and Vertebral artery Views W contrast IA
24617-3RFA Carotid arteries Views W contrast IA
39097-1RFA Carotid artery - bilateral and Cerebral artery - bilateral Views W contrast IA
38862-9RFA Carotid artery and Cerebral artery - left Views W contrast IA
37944-6RFA Carotid artery and Cerebral artery - right Views W contrast IA
38865-2RFA Carotid artery and Cerebral artery internal - left Views W contrast IA
37953-7RFA Carotid artery and Cerebral artery internal - right Views W contrast IA
39095-5RFA Carotid artery and Cerebral artery Views W contrast IA
37594-9RFA Carotid artery and Vertebral artery Views W contrast IA
37381-1RFA Carotid artery Views W contrast IA
30820-5RFA Carotid artery.external - bilateral Views W contrast IA
37390-2RFA Carotid artery.external - left Views W contrast IA
37948-7RFA Carotid artery.external - right Views W contrast IA
30821-3RFA Carotid artery.external Views W contrast IA
38864-5RFA Carotid artery.internal - left Views W contrast IA
37952-9RFA Carotid artery.internal - right Views W contrast IA
86431-4RFA Cerebral arteries - bilateral and Cervical arteries - bilateral Views W contrast IA
86432-2RFA Cerebral arteries - unilateral and Cervical arteries - unilateral Views W contrast IA
86429-8RFA Cerebral arteries - unilateral Views W contrast IA
86417-3RFA Cerebral arteries Bilateral Views W contrast IA
37173-2RFA Cerebral artery Views W contrast IA
37195-5RFA Cerebral vein Views W contrast IV
24615-7RFA Guidance for angioplasty of Carotid artery.intracranial-- W contrast IA
24553-0RFA Guidance for embolectomy of Intracranial vessel-- W contrast IV
30822-1RFA Head artery - bilateral and Neck artery - bilateral Views W contrast IA
62448-6RFA Head artery - left and Neck artery - left Views W contrast IA
62449-4RFA Head artery - right and Neck artery - right Views W contrast IA
30823-9RFA Head artery and Neck artery Views W contrast IA
30824-7RFA Intercranial vessel and Neck Vessel Views W contrast
37401-7RFA Internal maxillary artery Views W contrast IA
86435-5RFA Jugular vein - bilateral Views W contrast IV
86426-4RFA Jugular vein - unilateral Views W contrast IV
37422-3RFA Orbit veins - left Views W contrast IV
37958-6RFA Orbit veins - right Views W contrast IV
30825-4RFA Orbit veins Views W contrast IV
37969-3RFA Sinus vein Views W contrast IV
37407-4RFA Vertebral artery - bilateral Views W contrast IA
37490-0RFA Vertebral artery - left Views W contrast IA
37968-5RFA Vertebral artery - right Views W contrast IA
86442-1RFA Vertebral artery - unilateral Views W contrast IA
37384-5RFA Vertebral artery Views W contrast IA
39632-5SPECT Brain
39637-4SPECT Brain for blood flow
81557-1SPECT Brain W florbetapir IV
39638-2SPECT Brain W I-123 IV
44152-7SPECT Brain W Tc-99m bicisate IV
39640-8SPECT Brain W Tc-99m DTPA IV
39641-6SPECT Brain W Tc-99m glucoheptonate IV
39631-7SPECT Brain W Tc-99m HMPAO IV
81558-9SPECT Brain W Tc-99m IV
39639-0SPECT Brain W Tl-201 IV
24616-5US Carotid arteries
26217-0US Carotid arteries - bilateral
26218-8US Carotid arteries - left
42149-5US Carotid arteries - left limited
43552-9US Carotid arteries - unilateral
26219-6US Carotid arteries -right
42151-1US Carotid arteries -right limited
38015-4US Carotid arteries limited
46374-5US Cerebral arteries
69286-3US Eye limited
37920-6US Guidance for biopsy of Salivary gland
37608-7US Guidance for localization of foreign body of Eye
24731-2US Head
44164-2US Head and Neck
80858-4US Head and neck soft tissue
24732-0US Head during surgery
38034-5US Head limited
38043-6US Mastoid
81158-8US Pediatric Head
69298-8US Salivary gland
42146-1US.doppler Carotid arteries
43765-7US.doppler Carotid arteries - bilateral
39427-0US.doppler Carotid arteries - left
39437-9US.doppler Carotid arteries -right
80850-1US.doppler Carotid arteries limited
80857-6US.doppler Head
80856-8US.doppler Head limited
24733-8US.doppler Head vessels
30880-9US.doppler Head vessels and Neck vessels
39044-3US.doppler Head vessels limited
81160-4US.doppler Pediatric limited Head
44199-8XR Facial bones 1 or 2 Views
36297-0XR Facial bones 3 Views
36318-4XR Facial bones 4 Views
36675-7XR Facial bones 5 Views
83029-9XR Facial bones and Zygomatic arch 1 or 2 Views
37303-5XR Facial bones and Zygomatic arch Views
48479-0XR Facial bones GE 3 Views
37164-1XR Facial bones Lateral and Caldwell and Waters
37165-8XR Facial bones Lateral and Caldwell and Waters and Submentovertex
37166-6XR Facial bones Lateral and Caldwell and Waters and Submentovertex and Towne
36737-5XR Facial bones Limited Views
24695-9XR Facial bones Views
91720-3XR Head to Abdomen Views for shunt patency
36628-6XR Internal auditory canal Views
43521-4XR Mandible 1 or 2 Views
36312-7XR Mandible 3 Views
36327-5XR Mandible 4 Views
36711-0XR Mandible AP and Lateral
47379-3XR Mandible GE 4 Views
47380-1XR Mandible LE 3 Views
36738-3XR Mandible Limited Views
36747-4XR Mandible Oblique Views
36754-0XR Mandible PA and Lateral
37148-4XR Mandible PA and Lateral and Oblique and Towne
24829-4XR Mandible Views
47983-2XR Mastoid - bilateral 1 or 2 Views
83039-8XR Mastoid - bilateral GE 3 Views
37541-0XR Mastoid - bilateral Law and Mayer and Stenver and Towne
42007-5XR Mastoid - bilateral Limited Views
26139-6XR Mastoid - bilateral Views
48489-9XR Mastoid - left 1 or 2 Views
48470-9XR Mastoid - left 3 Views
26140-4XR Mastoid - left Views
48488-1XR Mastoid - right 1 or 2 Views
48471-7XR Mastoid - right 3 Views
26141-2XR Mastoid - right Views
36838-1XR Mastoid 3 Views
36839-9XR Mastoid 4 Views
36890-2XR Mastoid 5 Views
47381-9XR Mastoid GE 3 Views
36893-6XR Mastoid Limited Views
37153-4XR Mastoid Stenver and Arcelin
24830-2XR Mastoid Views
36637-7XR Maxilla Views
37604-6XR Nasal bones 3 Views
37605-3XR Nasal bones Lateral and Waters
24834-4XR Nasal bones Views
26142-0XR Optic foramen - bilateral Views
26143-8XR Optic foramen - left Views
26144-6XR Optic foramen - right Views
37609-5XR Optic foramen 4 Views
24846-8XR Optic foramen Views
37612-9XR Orbit - bilateral 4 Views
48747-0XR Orbit - bilateral GE 4 Views
24854-2XR Orbit - bilateral Views
30720-7XR Orbit - bilateral Views for foreign body
37613-7XR Orbit - bilateral Waters
36887-8XR Orbit - left Views
42311-1XR Orbit - left Views for foreign body
38774-6XR Orbit - right Views
42312-9XR Orbit - right Views for foreign body
43529-7XR Orbit and Facial bones Views
36886-0XR Orbit Views
44208-7XR Orbit Views for foreign body
24745-2XR Petrous part of temporal bone Views
39058-3XR Salivary gland Views
42435-8XR Sella turcica 2 Views
42436-6XR Sella turcica Lateral and Towne
42159-4XR Sella turcica Views
43523-0XR Sinuses 1 or 2 Views
37853-9XR Sinuses 2 Views
37854-7XR Sinuses 3 Views
39404-9XR Sinuses 3 Views and Submentovertex
37855-4XR Sinuses 4 Views
37856-2XR Sinuses 5 Views
37857-0XR Sinuses Caldwell
37852-1XR Sinuses Caldwell and Waters
43486-0XR Sinuses GE 3 Views
37858-8XR Sinuses Lateral
37864-6XR Sinuses Lateral and Caldwell and Waters
37862-0XR Sinuses Lateral and Waters
44209-5XR Sinuses Limited Views
30721-5XR Sinuses PA and Lateral
37860-4XR Sinuses PA and Lateral and Caldwell and Waters
37859-6XR Sinuses PA and Lateral and Waters
37851-3XR Sinuses Single view
37861-2XR Sinuses Submentovertex
24916-9XR Sinuses Views
37863-8XR Sinuses Waters
38117-8XR Sinuses Waters upright
37867-9XR Skull 2 Views
24918-5XR Skull 3 Views
37868-7XR Skull 4 Views
24922-7XR Skull 5 Views
37338-1XR Skull and Facial bones and Mandible Views
43787-1XR Skull and Facial bones and Mandible Views for dental measurement
69269-9XR Skull AP
24919-3XR Skull AP and Lateral
48695-1XR Skull base Single view
48697-7XR Skull base Views
46377-8XR Skull GE 3 Views
48487-3XR Skull GE 4 Views
43524-8XR Skull GE 5 Views
24920-1XR Skull Lateral
37871-1XR Skull Lateral and Caldwell and Waters and Towne
37869-5XR Skull Lateral and Towne
37872-9XR Skull Lateral crosstable
83046-3XR Skull LE 3 AP and Lateral Views
43470-4XR Skull LE 3 Views
48466-7XR Skull Limited Views
69270-7XR Skull PA
69271-5XR Skull PA and Lateral and Waters and Towne
39519-4XR Skull PA and Right lateral and Left lateral
39521-0XR Skull PA and Right lateral and Left lateral and Caldwell and Towne
39520-2XR Skull PA and Right lateral and Left lateral and Towne
24917-7XR Skull Single view
37026-2XR Skull Submentovertex
93605-4XR Skull to Coccyx 2 or 3 Views
93606-2XR Skull to Coccyx 4 or 5 Views
93607-0XR Skull to Coccyx GE 6 Views
37870-3XR Skull Towne
28564-3XR Skull Views
24921-9XR Skull Waters
46386-9XR Teeth Bitewing Views
37350-6XR Temporomandibular joint - bilateral 5 Views
37546-9XR Temporomandibular joint - bilateral Open and Closed mouth
37325-8XR Temporomandibular joint - bilateral Views
48491-5XR Temporomandibular joint - left Open and Closed mouth
30889-0XR Temporomandibular joint - left Views
48490-7XR Temporomandibular joint - right Open and Closed mouth
30890-8XR Temporomandibular joint - right Views
48699-3XR Temporomandibular joint - unilateral Open and Closed mouth
25000-1XR Temporomandibular joint Views
24767-6XR tomography Internal auditory canal
26253-5XR tomography Internal auditory canal - bilateral
26254-3XR tomography Internal auditory canal - left
26255-0XR tomography Internal auditory canal - right
36044-6XR tomography Larynx
36048-7XR tomography Mandible
24828-6XR tomography Mandible Panoramic
36776-3XR tomography Mastoid
37606-1XR tomography Nasal bones
37611-1XR tomography Orbit - bilateral
42437-4XR tomography Sella turcica
37866-1XR tomography Sinuses
37874-5XR tomography Skull
30719-9XR tomography Temporomandibular joint
37227-6XR tomography Temporomandibular joint - bilateral
37229-2XR tomography Temporomandibular joint - left
37819-0XR tomography Temporomandibular joint - right
26172-7XR Zygomatic arch - bilateral Views
26173-5XR Zygomatic arch - left Views
26174-3XR Zygomatic arch - right Views
69305-1XR Zygomatic arch 2 Views
37933-9XR Zygomatic arch 3 Views
37934-7XR Zygomatic arch 4 Views
25074-6XR Zygomatic arch Views
42473-9XR.stereoscopic Sinuses Waters
42474-7XR.stereoscopic Skull Single view

* Archetype - the LOINC number of the most general representative term for a specific Group. For example, in a Group rolled up by method, the methodless term is the archetype term.

Copyright © 2024 Regenstrief Institute, Inc. All Rights Reserved. To the extent included herein, the LOINC table and LOINC codes are copyright © 1995-2024, Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Committee. See for the full LOINC copyright and license.

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