Region imaged: Abdomen   LG41823-2


LOINC codeLG41823-2
nameRegion imaged: Abdomen
group categoryRadiology
parent groupLG41808-3   RadRegion:Abdomen
version first releasedPending promotion to Production status

LOINC Terms in this Group

41806-1CT Abdomen
79066-7CT Abdomen 3D post processing WO contrast
44115-4CT Abdomen and Pelvis
79065-9CT Abdomen and Pelvis 3D post processing WO contrast
87854-6CT Abdomen and Pelvis and CT angiogram Abdominal aorta W contrast IV
87853-8CT Abdomen and Pelvis and CT angiogram Abdominal aorta WO and W contrast IV
88319-9CT Abdomen and Pelvis and Lower extremity - bilateral W contrast IV
36813-4CT Abdomen and Pelvis W contrast IV
87865-2CT Abdomen and Pelvis WO and CT Chest and Abdomen and Pelvis W contrast IV
42274-1CT Abdomen and Pelvis WO and W contrast IV
36952-0CT Abdomen and Pelvis WO contrast
36086-7CT Abdomen limited
36095-8CT Abdomen limited W contrast IV
36102-2CT Abdomen limited WO and W contrast IV
36103-0CT Abdomen limited WO contrast
79103-8CT Abdomen W contrast IV
46330-7CT Abdomen W reduced contrast volume IV
87862-9CT Abdomen WO and CT Abdomen and Pelvis W contrast IV
87864-5CT Abdomen WO and CT Chest and Abdomen and Pelvis W contrast IV
87863-7CT Abdomen WO and CT Chest and Abdomen W contrast IV
36267-3CT Abdomen WO and W contrast IV
46318-2CT Abdomen WO and W reduced contrast volume IV
36424-0CT Abdomen WO contrast
35948-9CT Abdominal Aorta
36143-6CT Abdominal Aorta W contrast IV
36271-5CT Abdominal Aorta WO and W contrast IV
36431-5CT Abdominal Aorta WO contrast
36930-6CT Adrenal gland
36943-9CT Adrenal gland W contrast IV
36950-4CT Adrenal gland WO and W contrast IV
36953-8CT Adrenal gland WO contrast
35952-1CT Appendix
36145-1CT Appendix W contrast IV
36434-9CT Appendix WO contrast
79085-7CT Biliary ducts WO and W contrast IV
86984-2CT Cervical and thoracic and lumbar spine W contrast IV
86987-5CT Cervical and thoracic and lumbar spine WO contrast
87870-2CT Cervical spine to Coccyx WO and W contrast IV
79097-2CT Chest and Abdomen 3D post processing WO contrast
87869-4CT Chest and Abdomen and Pelvis
79098-0CT Chest and Abdomen and Pelvis 3D post processing WO contrast
72254-6CT Chest and Abdomen and Pelvis W contrast IV
72252-0CT Chest and Abdomen and Pelvis WO and W contrast IV
83299-8CT Chest and Abdomen and Pelvis WO and W contrast IV and CTA Thoracic and abdominal aorta WO and W contrast IV
72253-8CT Chest and Abdomen and Pelvis WO contrast
42275-8CT Chest and Abdomen W contrast IV
42277-4CT Chest and Abdomen WO and W contrast IV
42276-6CT Chest and Abdomen WO contrast
79101-2CT Colon and Rectum for screening W air contrast PR
79069-1CT Colon and Rectum for screening WO contrast IV and W air contrast PR
60515-4CT Colon and Rectum W air contrast PR
72531-7CT Colon and Rectum W contrast IV and W air contrast PR
82688-3CT Colon and Rectum WO and W contrast IV and W air contrast PR
79071-7CT Colon and Rectum WO contrast IV and W air contrast PR
79090-7CT densitometry Lumbar spine WO contrast
92920-8CT Guidance for 1 level injection of Spine Lumbar and Sacrum
92919-0CT Guidance for 2 levels injection of Spine Lumbar and Sacrum
46365-3CT Guidance for ablation of tissue of Celiac plexus
44228-5CT Guidance for ablation of tissue of Kidney
89606-8CT Guidance for ablation of tissue of Kidney - left
89605-0CT Guidance for ablation of tissue of Kidney - right
44101-4CT Guidance for ablation of tissue of Liver
92924-0CT Guidance for aspiration of Abdomen
37210-2CT Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Abdomen
89628-2CT Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Ileum - left
89627-4CT Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Ileum - right
89625-8CT Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Kidney
89604-3CT Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Kidney - bilateral
89602-7CT Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Kidney - left
89603-5CT Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Kidney - right
89617-5CT Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Kidney-- W contrast IV
89618-3CT Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Kidney-- WO contrast
89616-7CT Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Pancreas-- WO contrast
92923-2CT Guidance for aspiration of Kidney
92918-2CT Guidance for aspiration of Kidney - left
92917-4CT Guidance for aspiration of Kidney - right
92916-6CT Guidance for aspiration of Retroperitoneum
30601-9CT Guidance for biopsy of Abdomen
89620-9CT Guidance for biopsy of Abdomen-- W contrast IV
69083-4CT Guidance for biopsy of Abdomen-- WO contrast
36767-2CT Guidance for biopsy of Adrenal gland
42279-0CT Guidance for biopsy of Kidney
30607-6CT Guidance for biopsy of Kidney - bilateral
88325-6CT Guidance for biopsy of Kidney - left
88323-1CT Guidance for biopsy of Kidney - right
89621-7CT Guidance for biopsy of Kidney-- W contrast IV
89614-2CT Guidance for biopsy of Kidney-- WO contrast
24812-0CT Guidance for biopsy of Liver
69092-5CT Guidance for biopsy of Liver-- WO contrast
35905-9CT Guidance for biopsy of Lumbar spine
30604-3CT Guidance for biopsy of Pancreas
89619-1CT Guidance for biopsy of Pancreas-- W contrast IV
44117-0CT Guidance for biopsy of Retroperitoneum
89830-4CT Guidance for biopsy of Retroperitoneum-- W contrast IV
89829-6CT Guidance for biopsy of Retroperitoneum-- WO contrast
30609-2CT Guidance for biopsy of Spleen
24813-8CT Guidance for core needle biopsy of Liver
35913-3CT Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Abdomen
89615-9CT Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Abdomen-- W contrast IV
89613-4CT Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Abdomen-- WO contrast
35915-8CT Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Appendix
36770-6CT Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Biliary ducts and Gallbladder
35917-4CT Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Gallbladder
35918-2CT Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Kidney
35919-0CT Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Liver
42283-2CT Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Pancreas
89623-3CT Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Peritoneal space
42287-3CT Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Retroperitoneum
90314-6CT Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Retroperitoneum-- W contrast IV
90310-4CT Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Retroperitoneum-- WO contrast
89831-2CT Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Subphrenic space
35884-6CT Guidance for drainage of abscess and placement of drainage catheter of Abdomen
42280-8CT Guidance for drainage of abscess and placement of drainage catheter of Appendix
42285-7CT Guidance for drainage of abscess and placement of drainage catheter of Kidney
89961-7CT Guidance for drainage of abscess and placement of drainage catheter of Kidney - left
89960-9CT Guidance for drainage of abscess and placement of drainage catheter of Kidney - right
42282-4CT Guidance for drainage of abscess and placement of drainage catheter of Liver
89854-4CT Guidance for drainage of abscess and placement of drainage catheter of Perirenal space - left
89855-1CT Guidance for drainage of abscess and placement of drainage catheter of Perirenal space - right
89624-1CT Guidance for drainage of abscess and placement of drainage catheter of Peritoneal space
89721-5CT Guidance for drainage of abscess and placement of drainage catheter of Retroperitoneum
43502-4CT Guidance for drainage of abscess and placement of drainage catheter of Subphrenic space
89697-7CT Guidance for drainage of pseudocyst and placement of drainage catheter of Pancreas
36769-8CT Guidance for exchange of nephrostomy tube of Kidney
30602-7CT Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Abdomen
44108-9CT Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Adrenal gland
43757-4CT Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Kidney
30608-4CT Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Kidney - bilateral
30603-5CT Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Liver
30605-0CT Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Pancreas
44107-1CT Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Retroperitoneum
30610-0CT Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Spleen
24811-2CT Guidance for fluid aspiration of Liver
89928-6CT Guidance for fluid aspiration of Lumbar spine Intervertebral disc
24856-7CT Guidance for fluid aspiration of Pancreas
89622-5CT Guidance for fluid aspiration of Peritoneal space
90335-1CT Guidance for injection of Lumbar Spine Facet Joint
92928-1CT Guidance for injection of Spine lumbar and Sacrum epidural space
92922-4CT Guidance for intrathecal injection of Lumbar spine
42020-8CT Guidance for needle localization of Lumbar spine
35930-7CT Guidance for nerve block of Abdomen
24623-1CT Guidance for nerve block of Celiac plexus
35932-3CT Guidance for nerve block of Lumbar spine
52790-3CT Guidance for percutaneous replacement of drainage tube of Abdomen
35934-9CT Guidance for percutaneous vertebroplasty of Lumbar spine
89610-0CT Guidance for placement of catheter in Peritoneal space
36772-2CT Guidance for placement of nephrostomy tube in Kidney
43767-3CT Kidney - bilateral
43766-5CT Kidney - bilateral W contrast IV
36377-0CT Kidney - bilateral WO and W contrast IV
36503-1CT Kidney - bilateral WO contrast
69113-9CT Kidney - right
79074-1CT Kidney and Ureter and Urinary bladder 3D post processing WO and W contrast IV
87866-0CT Kidney and Ureter and Urinary bladder WO and W contrast IV
46322-4CT Kidney W contrast IV
43768-1CT Kidney WO and W contrast IV
43770-7CT Kidney WO contrast
24814-6CT Liver
24815-3CT Liver W contrast IV
46393-5CT Liver W Xe-133 IH
30612-6CT Liver WO and W contrast IV
30611-8CT Liver WO contrast
24963-1CT Lumbar spine
87867-8CT Lumbar spine by reconstruction
79080-8CT Lumbar spine by reconstruction W contrast IV
87868-6CT Lumbar spine by reconstruction WO and W contrast IV
79081-6CT Lumbar spine by reconstruction WO contrast
36110-5CT Lumbar spine limited WO contrast
37509-7CT Lumbar spine W contrast intradisc
24965-6CT Lumbar spine W contrast IT
24964-9CT Lumbar spine W contrast IV
44114-7CT Lumbar spine WO and W contrast IT
36402-6CT Lumbar spine WO and W contrast IV
30620-9CT Lumbar spine WO contrast
89283-6CT Neck+Chest+Abdomen+Pelvis W contrast IV
24857-5CT Pancreas
24858-3CT Pancreas W contrast IV
30614-2CT Pancreas WO and W contrast IV
30613-4CT Pancreas WO contrast
24566-2CT Retroperitoneum
48743-9CT Retroperitoneum WO and W contrast IV
42291-5CT Retroperitoneum WO contrast
72250-4CT Small bowel W contrast PO and W contrast IV
82689-1CT Small bowel W contrast PO and WO and W contrast IV
30600-1CT Small bowel W positive contrast via enteroclysis tube
83293-1CT Spine Cervical and Spine Lumbar W contrast IV
83297-2CT Spine Cervical and Spine Lumbar WO and W contrast IV
83305-3CT Spine Cervical and Spine Lumbar WO contrast
82696-6CT Spine Lumbar and Sacrum W contrast IV
89827-0CT Spine Lumbar and Sacrum WO and W contrast IV
82697-4CT Spine Lumbar and Sacrum WO contrast
37232-6CT Spine lumbosacral junction
37288-8CT Spine lumbosacral junction WO contrast
24988-8CT Spleen
30622-5CT Spleen W contrast IV
24989-6CT Spleen WO and W contrast IV
30621-7CT Spleen WO contrast
35945-5CT Thoracic and abdominal aorta
36142-8CT Thoracic and abdominal aorta W contrast IV
87861-1CT Thoracic and abdominal aorta WO and W contrast IV
36430-7CT Thoracic and abdominal aorta WO contrast
83294-9CT Thoracic and lumbar spine W contrast IV
86974-3CT Thoracic and lumbar spine WO and W contrast IV
83310-3CT Thoracic and lumbar spine WO contrast
69095-8CT Urinary bladder W contrast IV
69908-2CTA Abdominal and Pelvic vessels W contrast IV
78037-9CTA Abdominal Aorta and Bilateral Runoff Vessels W contrast IV
78031-2CTA Abdominal Aorta and Bilateral Runoff Vessels WO and W contrast IV
77311-9CTA Abdominal aorta and Bilateral vessels for endograft
82677-6CTA Abdominal Aorta W contrast IV
82678-4CTA Abdominal Aorta WO and W contrast IV
87280-4CTA Abdominal veins and Pelvis veins and Lower extremity veins - bilateral W contrast IV
87838-9CTA Abdominal veins and Pelvis veins W contrast IV
82679-2CTA Abdominal vessels and Pelvis vessels WO and W contrast IV
36828-2CTA Abdominal vessels W contrast IV
30805-6CTA Abdominal vessels WO and W contrast IV
89626-6CTA Abdominal, Pelvis and Lower extremity vessels W contrast IV
86982-6CTA Chest and abdominal vessels W contrast IV
86971-9CTA Chest and abdominal vessels WO and W contrast IV
86983-4CTA Chest vessels and Abdominal vessels and Pelvis vessels W contrast IV
83298-0CTA Chest vessels and Abdominal vessels and Pelvis vessels WO and W contrast IV
87858-7CTA Deep inferior epigastric artery W contrast IV
87850-4CTA Deep inferior epigastric artery WO and W contrast IV
36809-2CTA Hepatic artery W contrast IA
87836-3CTA Hepatic vessels WO and W contrast IV
87851-2CTA Mesenteric vessels W contrast IV
87852-0CTA Mesenteric vessels WO and W contrast IV
36833-2CTA Renal vessels W contrast IV
87846-2CTA Renal vessels WO and W contrast IV
78038-7CTA Thoracic and Abdominal Aorta and Bilateral Runoff Vessels W contrast IV
78032-0CTA Thoracic and Abdominal Aorta and Bilateral Runoff Vessels WO and W contrast IV
77451-3CTA Thoracic and Abdominal Aorta and Bilateral Vessels for endograft
36141-0CTA Thoracic and abdominal aorta W contrast IV
87857-9CTA Thoracic and abdominal aorta WO and W contrast IV
43786-3Deprecated Abdomen & Chest X-ray AP (supine & upright) & PA chest
30599-5Deprecated Abdomen CT W contrast
42154-5Deprecated Abdomen X-ray AP
51390-3Deprecated Abdomen X-ray AP & lateral
41794-9Deprecated Abdomen X-ray AP portable
77312-7Deprecated Abdomen+Pelvis+Lower extremity.bilateral>Aorta.abdominal+Vessels CT angiogram W contrast IV
69085-9Deprecated Abdomen>Renal vessels CT angiogram WO and W contrast
24567-0Deprecated Abdomen>Retroperitoneum CT W contrast
30893-2Deprecated Abdominal vessels US.doppler Multisection
24565-4Deprecated Chest and Abdomen Narrative X-ray
77450-5Deprecated Chest+Abdomen+Pelvis+Lower extremity.bilateral>Aorta.thoracic+Aorta.abdominal+vessels CT angiogram W contrast IV
69086-7Deprecated Chest+Abdomen>Aorta CT WO and W contrast
79070-9Deprecated Colon and Rectum CT W contrast IV
36926-4Deprecated CT Guidance for aspiration and placement of drainage tube of Abdomen
42288-1Deprecated CT Guidance for needle biopsy of Abdomen
46367-9Deprecated CT Guidance for needle biopsy of Adrenal gland
42289-9Deprecated CT Guidance for needle biopsy of Kidney
69097-4Deprecated CT Guidance for needle biopsy of Liver
42290-7Deprecated CT Guidance for needle biopsy of Pancreas
41810-3Deprecated CT Guidance for removal of fluid from Abdomen
24673-6Deprecated Duodenum Radio fluoroscopy W contrast PO and hypotonic agent per ng
24819-5Deprecated Liver and Spleen NM W Tc-99m calcium colloid IV
39853-7Deprecated NM Kidney Static Views
39854-5Deprecated NM Kidney Static Views W Tc-99m DMSA IV
39878-4Deprecated NM Liver and Spleen Static Views
39832-1Deprecated NM Liver Static Views
69224-4Deprecated RF Guidance for needle biopsy of Abdomen
69125-3Deprecated RF Guidance for needle biopsy of Liver
69126-1Deprecated RF Guidance for needle biopsy of Pancreas
69240-0Deprecated RF guidance for percutaneous biopsy of Abdomen
69245-9Deprecated RF Guidance for percutaneous biopsy.needle of Kidney
69246-7Deprecated RF Guidance for percutaneous biopsy.needle of Liver
30761-1Deprecated RF Kidney - bilateral Views W contrast retrograde via urethra
38873-6Deprecated RF Kidney - left Views W contrast retrograde via urethra
38113-7Deprecated RF Kidney - right Views W contrast retrograde via urethra
38027-9Deprecated US Guidance for needle biopsy of Kidney - bilateral
44170-9Deprecated US Guidance for needle biopsy of Liver
69289-7Deprecated US Guidance for needle biopsy of Pancreas
36969-4Deprecated View decubitus
36970-2Deprecated View decubitus portable
30635-7Deprecated XR and RF Gastrointestinal tract upper AP and Views W contrast PO
42162-8Deprecated XR and RF Gastrointestinal tract upper AP and Views W water soluble contrast PO
39059-1Deprecated XR and RF Gastrointestinal tract upper View and Views W air contrast PR and W barium contrast PO
42683-3Deprecated XR and RF Gastrointestinal tract upper View and Views W barium contrast PO
24717-1Deprecated XR Ileal conduit Loopogram
83051-3DXA Cervical and thoracic and lumbar spine Views for vertebral fracture
24966-4DXA Lumbar spine [Mass/Area] Bone density
38267-1DXA Lumbar spine [T-score] Bone density
85394-5DXA Lumbar spine [Z-score] Bone density
87036-0Guidance for additional level kyphoplasty of Lumbar spine
87037-8Guidance for additional placement of stent of Iliac artery
87038-6Guidance for additional transluminal angioplasty of Iliac artery
87039-4Guidance for additional vertebroplasty of Lumbar spine
87040-2Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Kidney
87056-8Guidance for biopsy of Abdomen
87059-2Guidance for biopsy of Biliary ducts
87055-0Guidance for biopsy of Pancreas
87043-6Guidance for biopsy of Ureter
87031-1Guidance for check of peritoneovenous shunt of Chest and Abdomen
87044-4Guidance for check of tube of Biliary ducts
88935-2Guidance for chemoembolization of Hepatic artery-- W chemotherapy IA+W embolic agent IA
87045-1Guidance for cholangioscopy and removal of calculus of Gallbladder
87046-9Guidance for cholangioscopy of Gallbladder
87047-7Guidance for cholecystostomy of Gallbladder
87048-5Guidance for conversion of G-tube to GJ-tube of Gastrointestinal tract upper
87049-3Guidance for cryoablation of Kidney
87050-1Guidance for cryoablation of Liver
92682-4Guidance for dilation of existing nephrostomy tract and placement of nephrostomy tube at new site of Kidney
92681-6Guidance for dilation of existing nephrostomy tract of Kidney
88930-3Guidance for dilation of stricture and placement of stent of Biliary ducts-- W contrast IV
87051-9Guidance for dilation of stricture of Biliary ducts
88931-1Guidance for embolization for tumor of Hepatic artery-- W embolic agent IA
88933-7Guidance for embolization of Portal vein-- W embolic agent IV
88934-5Guidance for embolization of Splenic artery-- W embolic agent IA
87052-7Guidance for exchange of G-tube of Stomach
87053-5Guidance for exchange of J-tube of Gastrointestinal tract upper
87054-3Guidance for exchange of nephrostomy tube of Kidney
87188-9Guidance for exchange of nephroureteral stent of Kidney and Ureter and Urinary bladder
87152-5Guidance for exchange of ureterostomy through ileal conduit of Ureter
87069-1Guidance for hemodynamic evaluation of Liver
87061-8Guidance for injection of contrast of Biliary ducts
88936-0Guidance for injection of Hepatic artery-- W Tc-99m MAA IA
87089-9Guidance for kyphoplasty of Lumbar spine
87070-9Guidance for microwave ablation of Liver
87090-7Guidance for myelography of Lumbar spine
87062-6Guidance for nerve block of Celiac plexus
87079-0Guidance for paracentesis and insertion of tube of Peritoneum
87080-8Guidance for paracentesis of Peritoneum
87041-0Guidance for percutaneous biopsy of Kidney
87042-8Guidance for percutaneous biopsy of Liver
87078-2Guidance for percutaneous drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Abdomen
87066-7Guidance for percutaneous placement of nephrostomy tube of Kidney
87190-5Guidance for percutaneous placement of nephroureteral stent of Kidney and Ureter and Urinary bladder
87150-9Guidance for percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of Iliac artery
87087-3Guidance for percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of Renal artery
87100-4Guidance for percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of Thoracic and abdominal aorta
87095-6Guidance for percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of Visceral artery
87081-6Guidance for placement of catheter in Peritoneum
87165-7Guidance for placement of endograft in Iliac artery
87057-6Guidance for placement of fiducial marker in Abdomen
87065-9Guidance for placement of G-tube in Gastrointestinal tract upper
87064-2Guidance for placement of GJ-tube in Gastrointestinal tract upper
87097-2Guidance for placement of peritoneovenous shunt in Chest and Abdomen
87085-7Guidance for placement of port in Peritoneum
88937-8Guidance for placement of stent in Biliary ducts
87151-7Guidance for placement of stent in Iliac artery
88938-6Guidance for placement of stent in Ureter
87096-4Guidance for placement of stent in Visceral artery
87072-5Guidance for placement of TIPS of Liver
87092-3Guidance for placement of venous filter in Inferior vena cava
87088-1Guidance for puncture of Lumbar spine
88939-4Guidance for radioembolization for tumor of Hepatic artery-- W Yttrium-90 IA
87058-4Guidance for radiofrequency ablation of Kidney
87071-7Guidance for radiofrequency ablation of Liver
87060-0Guidance for removal of calculus from Biliary ducts
87082-4Guidance for removal of catheter from Peritoneum
87084-0Guidance for removal of foreign body from Peritoneum
87063-4Guidance for removal of GJ-tube from Gastrointestinal tract upper
87191-3Guidance for removal of nephroureteral stent of Kidney and Ureter and Urinary bladder
87098-0Guidance for removal of peritoneovenous shunt from Chest and Abdomen
87086-5Guidance for removal of port from Peritoneum
87093-1Guidance for removal of venous filter from Inferior vena cava
88940-2Guidance for repair of aneurysm of Abdominal Aorta
87083-2Guidance for reposition of catheter in Peritoneum
87094-9Guidance for reposition of venous filter in Inferior vena cava
87099-8Guidance for revision of peritoneovenous shunt of Chest and Abdomen
87073-3Guidance for revision of TIPS of Liver
87310-9Guidance for transhepatic exchange of catheter of Biliary ducts
87309-1Guidance for transhepatic placement of catheter of Biliary ducts
87308-3Guidance for transhepatic removal of catheter of Biliary ducts
87074-1Guidance for transhepatic revision of tube of Liver
87076-6Guidance for transjugular biopsy and hemodynamic evaluation of Liver
87068-3Guidance for transjugular biopsy and venography of Kidney
87077-4Guidance for transjugular biopsy and venography of Liver
87067-5Guidance for transjugular biopsy of Kidney
87075-8Guidance for transjugular biopsy of Liver
87203-6Guidance for transurethral exchange of nephroureteral stent of Kidney and Ureter and Urinary bladder
87189-7Guidance for transurethral removal of nephroureteral stent of Kidney and Ureter and Urinary bladder
88943-6Guidance for venous sampling of Adrenal vein
87091-5Guidance for vertebroplasty of Lumbar spine
77615-3Liver stiffness by US.transient elastography
24556-3MR Abdomen
72246-2MR Abdomen and Pelvis W contrast PO and WO and W contrast IV
72247-0MR Abdomen and Pelvis W contrast PO and WO contrast IV
36134-5MR Abdomen W contrast IV
24557-1MR Abdomen WO and W contrast IV
30668-8MR Abdomen WO contrast
35949-7MR Abdominal Aorta
36273-1MR Abdominal Aorta WO and W contrast IV
36931-4MR Adrenal gland
44124-6MR Adrenal gland W contrast IV
36951-2MR Adrenal gland WO and W contrast IV
36954-6MR Adrenal gland WO contrast
37219-3MR Biliary ducts
37220-1MR Biliary ducts and Pancreatic duct
44125-3MR Biliary ducts and Pancreatic duct W contrast IV
36944-7MR Biliary ducts and Pancreatic duct WO and W contrast IV
44123-8MR Biliary ducts and Pancreatic duct WO contrast
42698-1MR Cervical and thoracic and lumbar spine
91561-1MR Cervical and thoracic and lumbar spine W contrast IV
30855-1MR Cervical and thoracic and lumbar spine WO and W contrast IV
30854-4MR Cervical and thoracic and lumbar spine WO contrast
91523-1MR Chest and Abdomen and Pelvis W contrast IV
91524-9MR Chest and Abdomen and Pelvis WO and W contrast IV
91525-6MR Chest and Abdomen and Pelvis WO contrast
36942-1MR Chest and Abdomen W contrast IV
36284-8MR Chest and Abdomen WO and W contrast IV
69197-2MR Guidance for biopsy of Liver
69199-8MR Guidance for biopsy of Pancreas
36083-4MR Inferior vena cava
36418-2MR Inferior vena cava WO and W contrast IV
36545-2MR Inferior vena cava WO contrast
36033-9MR Kidney
36034-7MR Kidney - bilateral
36219-4MR Kidney - bilateral W contrast IV
36378-8MR Kidney - bilateral WO and W contrast IV
36504-9MR Kidney - bilateral WO contrast
36035-4MR Kidney - left
36220-2MR Kidney - left W contrast IV
36036-2MR Kidney - right
36221-0MR Kidney - right W contrast IV
36113-9MR Kidney W contrast IV
43775-6MR Kidney WO and W contrast IV
43773-1MR Kidney WO contrast
36046-1MR Liver
36231-9MR Liver W contrast IV
30670-4MR Liver WO and W contrast IV
43448-0MR Liver WO and W ferumoxides IV
30669-6MR Liver WO contrast
24968-0MR Lumbar spine
36100-6MR Lumbar spine limited W contrast IV
36111-3MR Lumbar spine limited WO contrast
24977-1MR Lumbar spine W anesthesia
48436-0MR Lumbar spine W contrast IT
30678-7MR Lumbar spine W contrast IV
48452-7MR Lumbar spine WO and W contrast IT
24967-2MR Lumbar spine WO and W contrast IV
30679-5MR Lumbar spine WO contrast
36052-9MR Pancreas
36236-8MR Pancreas W contrast IV
36385-3MR Pancreas WO and W contrast IV
36515-5MR Pancreas WO contrast
80503-6MR Small bowel W contrast PO and WO and W contrast IV
80501-0MR Small bowel W contrast PO and WO contrast IV
38061-8MR Spine Cervical and Spine Thoracic and Spine Lumbar and Sacrum W contrast IV
91715-3MR Spine Lumbar and Sacrum W contrast IV
91716-1MR Spine Lumbar and Sacrum WO and W contrast IV
91717-9MR Spine Lumbar and Sacrum WO contrast
36070-1MR Spleen
36404-2MR Spleen WO and W contrast IV
36533-8MR Spleen WO contrast
35947-1MR Thoracic and abdominal aorta
94088-2MR Thoracic and lumbar spine WO and W contrast
69222-8MR Vena cava
80502-8MRA Abdominal Aorta and Bilateral Runoff Vessels WO and W contrast IV
36272-3MRA Abdominal Aorta WO and W contrast IV
36432-3MRA Abdominal Aorta WO contrast
36781-3MRA Abdominal veins
30864-3MRA Abdominal veins and IVC
36846-4MRA Abdominal veins WO and W contrast IV
36791-2MRA Abdominal vessels
24533-2MRA Abdominal vessels W contrast IV
36855-5MRA Abdominal vessels WO and W contrast IV
36878-7MRA Abdominal vessels WO contrast
36792-0MRA Adrenal vessels
30865-0MRA Celiac vessels and Superior mesenteric Vessels
36082-6MRA Inferior vena cava
36790-4MRA Inferior vena cava + tributaries
37502-2MRA Lumbar spine vessels W contrast IV
37507-1MRA Lumbar spine vessels WO and W contrast IV
37994-1MRA Lumbar spine vessels WO contrast
36077-6MRA Portal vein
36414-1MRA Portal vein WO and W contrast IV
36543-7MRA Portal vein WO contrast
36275-6MRA Renal artery WO and W contrast IV
36078-4MRA Renal vein
36415-8MRA Renal vein WO and W contrast IV
36544-5MRA Renal vein WO contrast
30868-4MRA Renal vessels
36804-3MRA Renal vessels - bilateral
30887-4MRA Renal vessels W contrast IV
44134-5MRA Renal vessels WO and W contrast IV
44133-7MRA Renal vessels WO contrast
46359-6MRA Superior mesenteric vessels
44231-9MRA Superior mesenteric vessels WO and W contrast IV
44230-1MRA Superior mesenteric vessels WO contrast
35946-3MRA Thoracic and abdominal aorta
44131-1MRA Thoracic and abdominal aorta WO and W contrast IV
44132-9MRA Thoracic and abdominal aorta WO contrast
36081-8MRA Vena cava
72248-8MRCP Abdomen WO and W contrast IV
58740-2MRCP Abdomen WO contrast
81545-6NM Abdomen and Pelvis Views for shunt patency
44149-3NM Abdomen and Pelvis Views for shunt patency W Tc-99m MAA inj
44140-2NM Abdomen and Pelvis Views for tumor
39738-0NM Abdomen Views W In-111 Satumomab IV
42158-6NM Adrenal gland Views
39857-8NM Adrenal gland Views W I-131 MIBG IV
39624-2NM Adrenal gland Views W I-131 NP59 IV
24571-2NM Biliary ducts and Gallbladder Views for patency of biliary structures and ejection fraction W sincalide and W radionuclide IV
24572-0NM Biliary ducts and Gallbladder Views for patency of biliary structures W Tc-99m IV
24683-5NM Esophagus+Stomach Views W Tc-99m SC PO
39895-8NM Gallbladder Views for ejection fraction W Tc-99m DISIDA IV
41770-9NM Gallbladder Views W cholecystokinin and W radionuclide IV
39674-7NM Gallbladder Views W Tc-99m DISIDA IV
81544-9NM Gastrointestinal tract Views for gastrointestinal bleeding
24714-8NM Gastrointestinal tract Views for gastrointestinal bleeding W Tc-99m tagged RBC IV
39689-5NM Gastrointestinal tract Views W Tc-99m SC IV
81611-6NM Head to Pelvis Views for shunt patency
39848-7NM Head to Pelvis Views for shunt patency W In-111 IT
39849-5NM Head to Pelvis Views for shunt patency W radionuclide IT
24876-5NM Head to Pelvis Views for shunt patency W Tc-99m DTPA IT
39850-3NM Kidney - bilateral Views W I-131 IV
81607-4NM Kidney cortex Views
24776-7NM Kidney Views
42261-8NM Kidney Views for blood flow
81604-1NM Kidney Views for glomerular filtration rate
43461-3NM Kidney Views W furosemide IV
24773-4NM Kidney Views W radionuclide transplant scan
41771-7NM Kidney Views W Tc-99m DMSA IV
39745-5NM Kidney Views W Tc-99m DTPA IV
44234-3NM Kidney Views W Tc-99m glucoheptonate IV
39746-3NM Kidney Views W Tc-99m Mertiatide IV
44233-5NM Kidney Views WO and W Tc-99m DTPA IV
44232-7NM Kidney Views WO and W Tc-99m Mertiatide IV
30877-5NM Kidney+Renal vessels Views
43666-7NM Kidney+Renal vessels Views for blood flow W Tc-99m glucoheptonate IV
43667-5NM Kidney+Renal vessels Views W Tc-99m DTPA IV
43557-8NM Liver and Biliary ducts and Gallbladder Views
43789-7NM Liver and Biliary ducts and Gallbladder Views for patency W Tc-99m IV
81606-6NM Liver and Biliary ducts and Gallbladder Views W cholecystokinetic IV
43650-1NM Liver and Biliary ducts and Gallbladder Views W cholecystokinin and W radionuclide IV
43651-9NM Liver and Biliary ducts and Gallbladder Views W sincalide and W radionuclide IV
39877-6NM Liver and Spleen Views
43653-5NM Liver and Spleen Views for blood flow
44141-0NM Liver and Spleen Views W Tc-99m MAA IV
81206-5NM Liver and Spleen Views W Tc-99m SC IV
42709-6NM Liver Blood pool
39693-7NM Liver Views
42262-6NM Liver Views for blood flow
43654-3NM Liver Views for blood flow W Tc-99m tagged RBC IV
81609-0NM Liver Views W SIR-spheres intraarterial hepatic injection
69230-1NM Liver Views W Tc-99m SC IV
39690-3NM Liver Views W Tc-99m tagged RBC IV
81610-8NM Liver Views W Theraspheres intraarterial hepatic injection
44144-4NM Liver Views W Xe-133 IH
81542-3NM Lumbar spine Views for CSF leak post lumbar puncture W radionuclide IT
39897-4NM Lung and Liver Views
88944-4NM Lung and Liver Views for AV shunt W Tc-99m MAA+W intraarterial hepatic injection
39739-8NM Pancreas Views
43669-1NM Renal vessels Views
43664-2NM Renal vessels Views for blood flow W Tc-99m DTPA IV
43663-4NM Renal vessels Views for blood flow W Tc-99m glucoheptonate IV
43665-9NM Renal vessels Views for blood flow W Tc-99m Mertiatide IV
39629-1NM Small bowel Views for Meckel's diverticulum
24831-0NM Small bowel Views for Meckel's diverticulum W Tc-99m M04 IV
39751-3NM Spleen Views
42263-4NM Spleen Views for blood flow
39752-1NM Spleen Views W radionuclide tagged heat damaged RBC IV
39767-9NM Stomach Views for gastric emptying liquid phase W radionuclide PO
81602-5NM Stomach Views for gastric emptying solid phase W radionuclide PO
24997-9NM Stomach Views for gastric emptying solid phase W Tc-99m SC PO
39769-5NM Stomach Views for gastric emptying W radionuclide PO
39768-7NM Stomach Views for gastric emptying W Tc-99m SC PO
81605-8NM Ureter and Urinary bladder Views
81546-4NM Views for blood flow and kidney function
81608-2NM Views for blood flow and kidney function W ACE inhibitor PO
81603-3NM Views for blood flow and kidney function W diuretic IV
39694-5NM Views for transplanted liver
36588-2Portable XR Abdomen AP
24792-4Portable XR Abdomen AP and AP left lateral-decubitus
24793-2Portable XR Abdomen AP and Lateral
30763-7Portable XR Abdomen AP and Lateral crosstable
24560-5Portable XR Abdomen AP left lateral-decubitus
24564-7Portable XR Abdomen AP upright
37076-7Portable XR Abdomen Supine and Lateral-decubitus
24795-7Portable XR Abdomen Supine and Upright
44203-8Portable XR Cervical and thoracic and lumbar spine Views
36674-0Portable XR Lumbar spine 2 Views
30776-9Portable XR Lumbar spine 3 Views
37078-3Portable XR Lumbar spine AP and Lateral
36992-6Portable XR Lumbar spine Lateral crosstable
30774-4Portable XR Lumbar spine Single view
37172-4Portable XR Lumbar spine Views
46341-4RF Abdomen Views
24574-6RF Biliary ducts and Gallbladder Views during surgery W contrast biliary duct
24575-3RF Biliary ducts and Gallbladder Views W contrast percutaneous transhepatic
30647-2RF Biliary ducts and Gallbladder Views W contrast via T-tube
86382-9RF Biliary ducts Limited Views during surgery
86383-7RF Biliary ducts Views W contrast IV
86376-1RF Biliary ducts Views W contrast via existing catheter
38125-1RF Cervical and thoracic and lumbar spine Limited Views W contrast IT
30808-0RF Cervical and thoracic and lumbar spine Views W contrast IT
41797-2RF Colon Limited Views W air and barium contrast PR
86381-1RF Colon Screening W air and barium contrast PR
24668-6RF Colon Single view for transit Post solid contrast
44226-9RF Colon Views for reduction W barium contrast PR
30636-5RF Colon Views for reduction W contrast PR
24666-0RF Colon Views W air and barium contrast PR
46357-0RF Colon Views W air contrast PR
44227-7RF Colon Views W barium contrast PR
24667-8RF Colon Views W contrast PR
37567-5RF Colon Views W contrast via colostomy
42681-7RF Colon Views W gastrografin PR
24669-4RF Colon Views W water soluble contrast PR
86384-5RF Gallbladder Views W contrast and fatty meal PO
86385-2RF Gallbladder Views W contrast PO
42470-5RF Gastrointestinal tract upper and Gallbladder Single view W contrast PO
42469-7RF Gastrointestinal tract upper and Small bowel and Gallbladder Single view W contrast PO
39144-1RF Gastrointestinal tract upper Single view W air contrast PO
24715-5RF Gastrointestinal tract upper Single view W contrast PO
86420-7RF Gastrointestinal tract upper Views W air contrast PO and W barium contrast PO
86386-0RF Gastrointestinal tract upper Views W barium contrast PO
42459-8RF Gastrointestinal tract upper Views W contrast PO
42684-1RF Gastrointestinal tract upper Views W gastrografin PO
42012-5RF Gastrointestinal tract upper Views W water soluble contrast PO
86378-7RF Gastrointestinal tract Views for fistula
86377-9RF Guidance for advancement of feeding tube of Gastrointestinal tract
36761-5RF Guidance for balloon dilatation of Biliary ducts-- W contrast
35890-3RF Guidance for biopsy of Abdomen
35899-4RF Guidance for biopsy of Kidney
44225-1RF Guidance for biopsy of Liver-- W contrast IV
35902-6RF Guidance for biopsy of Pancreas
35907-5RF Guidance for biopsy of Spleen
86438-9RF Guidance for check of feeding tube of Gastrointestinal tract upper
72542-4RF Guidance for denervation of Lumbar Spine Facet Joint
88834-7RF Guidance for dilation of nephrostomy tract, ureter, or urethra
39361-1RF Guidance for drainage of abscess and placement of drainage catheter of Liver
69122-0RF Guidance for drainage of abscess and placement of drainage catheter of Pancreas
43478-7RF Guidance for endoscopy of Biliary ducts and Pancreatic duct-- 1.5 hours post contrast retrograde intrabiliary
43474-6RF Guidance for endoscopy of Biliary ducts and Pancreatic duct-- 15m post contrast retrograde intrabiliary
43477-9RF Guidance for endoscopy of Biliary ducts and Pancreatic duct-- 1H post contrast retrograde intrabiliary
43473-8RF Guidance for endoscopy of Biliary ducts and Pancreatic duct-- 2H post contrast retrograde intrabiliary
43475-3RF Guidance for endoscopy of Biliary ducts and Pancreatic duct-- 30M post contrast retrograde intrabiliary
43476-1RF Guidance for endoscopy of Biliary ducts and Pancreatic duct-- 45M post contrast retrograde intrabiliary
30815-5RF Guidance for endoscopy of Biliary ducts and Pancreatic duct-- W contrast retrograde
44214-5RF Guidance for endoscopy of Biliary ducts-- W contrast retrograde
44213-7RF Guidance for endoscopy of Pancreatic duct-- W contrast retrograde
35925-7RF Guidance for endoscopy of Stomach
24781-7RF Guidance for exchange of nephrostomy tube of Kidney - bilateral-- W contrast
44217-8RF Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Kidney
44220-2RF Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Liver
44218-6RF Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Pancreas
24973-0RF Guidance for fluid aspiration of Lumbar spine space
35926-5RF Guidance for gastrostomy of Stomach
70919-6RF Guidance for injection of Lumbar spine
30817-1RF Guidance for injection of Lumbar Spine Facet Joint
72552-3RF Guidance for kyphoplasty of Lumbar spine
86425-6RF Guidance for manometry of Kidney
86441-3RF Guidance for manometry of Kidney and Ureter and Urinary bladder
35900-0RF Guidance for percutaneous biopsy of Liver
72544-0RF Guidance for percutaneous device removal of nephrostomy tube of Kidney - bilateral-- W contrast
46372-9RF Guidance for percutaneous drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Biliary ducts
69241-8RF Guidance for percutaneous drainage of abscess and placement of drainage catheter of Abdomen
69242-6RF Guidance for percutaneous drainage of abscess and placement of drainage catheter of Appendix
24779-1RF Guidance for percutaneous placement of nephrostomy tube of Kidney - bilateral-- W contrast via tube
24782-5RF Guidance for percutaneous placement of nephroureteral stent of Kidney - bilateral-- W contrast via stent
42017-4RF Guidance for percutaneous replacement of cholecystostomy of Abdomen
72545-7RF Guidance for percutaneous replacement of drainage tube of Biliary ducts and Gallbladder
46294-5RF Guidance for percutaneous replacement of drainage tube of Stomach
24996-1RF Guidance for percutaneous replacement of gastrostomy of Stomach
70924-6RF Guidance for percutaneous vertebroplasty of Lumbar spine
30892-4RF Guidance for placement of catheter in Biliary ducts and Pancreatic duct-- W contrast retrograde
62450-2RF Guidance for placement of catheter in Peritoneum
24716-3RF Guidance for placement of decompression tube in Gastrointestinal tract
86413-2RF Guidance for placement of long feeding tube in Gastrointestinal tract
25078-7RF Guidance for placement of stent in Intrahepatic portal system
30637-3RF Guidance for placement of tube in Gastrointestinal tract
41799-8RF Guidance for placement of tube in Liver
24995-3RF Guidance for placement of tube in Stomach
24570-4RF Guidance for removal of calculus from Biliary duct common-- W contrast retrograde intra biliary
24718-9RF Guidance for transjugular biopsy of Liver-- W contrast IV
37585-7RF Jejunum Views W contrast
86393-6RF Kidney - bilateral and Ureter - bilateral and Urinary bladder Views W contrast retrograde
88833-9RF Kidney - bilateral and Ureter Views W contrast retrograde intra ureter
65799-9RF Kidney - bilateral Single view for cyst
24783-3RF Kidney - bilateral Views for urodynamics
46376-0RF Kidney - bilateral Views W contrast antegrade
39349-6RF Kidney - bilateral Views W contrast retrograde
24780-9RF Kidney - bilateral Views W contrast via nephrostomy tube
88832-1RF Kidney - left and Ureter Views W contrast retrograde intra ureter
65800-5RF Kidney - left Single view for cyst
38872-8RF Kidney - left Views W contrast via nephrostomy tube
88831-3RF Kidney - right and Ureter Views W contrast retrograde intra ureter
65801-3RF Kidney - right Single view for cyst
38112-9RF Kidney - right Views W contrast via nephrostomy tube
86392-8RF Kidney and Ureter and Urinary bladder Limited Views W contrast IV
86389-4RF Kidney and Ureter and Urinary bladder Views during surgery W contrast retrograde
86380-3RF Kidney and Ureter and Urinary bladder Views for fistula
86387-8RF Kidney and Ureter and Urinary bladder Views W contrast antegrade
86372-0RF Kidney and Ureter and Urinary bladder Views W contrast IV
86388-6RF Kidney and Ureter and Urinary bladder Views W contrast retrograde
86390-2RF Kidney and Ureter and Urinary bladder Views W contrast via nephrostomy tube
75670-0RF Lumbar spine epidural space Views W contrast epidural
37193-0RF Lumbar spine Views W contrast intradisc
24974-8RF Lumbar spine Views W contrast IT
24998-7RF Placement check of gastrostomy tube W contrast via GI tube
86379-5RF Small bowel Views for loop diversion
24924-3RF Small bowel Views W contrast PO
69272-3RF Small bowel Views W contrast via ileostomy
24923-5RF Small bowel Views W positive contrast via enteroclysis tube
38103-8RF Spine Cervical and Spine Lumbar Views W contrast IT
41795-6RF Upper gastrointestinal tract and Small bowel Single view W air contrast PO
30809-8RF Upper gastrointestinal tract and Small bowel Single view W contrast PO
86427-2RF Upper gastrointestinal tract and Small bowel Views W air contrast PO and W barium contrast PO
43574-3RF Upper gastrointestinal tract and Small bowel Views W barium contrast PO
86443-9RF Ureter Views W contrast intra ureter
43536-2RF videography Lumbar spine Views
37598-0RFA Abdominal and pelvic lymphatic vessels - bilateral Views W contrast intra lymphatic
37596-4RFA Abdominal and pelvic lymphatic vessels - left Views W contrast intra lymphatic
38811-6RFA Abdominal and pelvic lymphatic vessels - right Views W contrast intra lymphatic
37597-2RFA Abdominal and pelvic lymphatic vessels Views W contrast intra lymphatic
43479-5RFA Abdominal Aorta Runoff W contrast IA
30837-9RFA Abdominal Aorta Views W contrast IA
25030-8RFA Abdominal arteries Views W contrast IA
30840-3RFA Abdominal lymphatic vessels - bilateral Views W contrast intra lymphatic
30839-5RFA Abdominal lymphatic vessels Views W contrast intra lymphatic
69066-9RFA Abdominal vessels Views W contrast IV
30831-2RFA Adrenal artery - bilateral Views W contrast IA
37387-8RFA Adrenal artery - left Views W contrast IA
37939-6RFA Adrenal artery - right Views W contrast IA
30832-0RFA Adrenal artery Views W contrast IA
30844-5RFA Adrenal vein - bilateral Views W contrast IV
37602-0RFA Adrenal vein - left Views W contrast IV
37940-4RFA Adrenal vein - right Views W contrast IV
30843-7RFA Adrenal vein Views W contrast IV
86461-1RFA Adrenal vessel Views
30838-7RFA Aorta and Femoral artery - bilateral Runoff W contrast IA
37364-7RFA Aorta and Femoral artery - left Runoff W contrast IA
38799-3RFA Aorta and Femoral artery - right Runoff W contrast IA
37411-6RFA Azygos vein Views W contrast IV
37403-3RFA Celiac artery and Gastric artery - left and Superior mesenteric artery Views W contrast IA
37394-4RFA Celiac artery and Superior mesenteric artery and Inferior mesenteric artery Views W contrast IA
24622-3RFA Celiac artery Views W contrast IA
37398-5RFA Gastric artery - left Views W contrast IA
38801-7RFA Gastric artery right Views W contrast IA
37397-7RFA Gastric artery Views W contrast IA
37399-3RFA Gastroduodenal artery Views W contrast IA
26370-7RFA Guidance for angioplasty of Iliac artery - bilateral-- W contrast IA
26371-5RFA Guidance for angioplasty of Iliac artery - left-- W contrast IA
26372-3RFA Guidance for angioplasty of Iliac artery - right-- W contrast IA
24766-8RFA Guidance for angioplasty of Iliac artery-- W contrast IA
35882-0RFA Guidance for angioplasty of Inferior vena cava-- W contrast IV
24832-8RFA Guidance for angioplasty of Mesenteric artery-- W contrast IA
25081-1RFA Guidance for angioplasty of Renal vessel-- W contrast IA
24543-1RFA Guidance for angioplasty of Thoracic and abdominal aorta-- W contrast IA
30836-1RFA Guidance for angioplasty of Visceral artery-- W contrast IA
69135-2RFA Guidance for atherectomy of Iliac artery-- W contrast
69253-3RFA Guidance for atherectomy of Renal vessels-- W contrast
35883-8RFA Guidance for atherectomy of Thoracic and abdominal aorta-- W contrast IA
69248-3RFA Guidance for percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of Renal artery-- W contrast IA
25077-9RFA Guidance for placement of catheter in Hepatic artery-- W contrast IA
41801-2RFA Guidance for placement of catheter in Portal vein-- W contrast IV
62491-6RFA Guidance for placement of prosthesis in Iliac artery - left-- W contrast IA
62492-4RFA Guidance for placement of prosthesis in Iliac artery - right-- W contrast IA
69134-5RFA Guidance for placement of stent in Iliac artery
51391-1RFA Guidance for placement of TIPS of Portal vein and Hepatic vein
25026-6RFA Guidance for placement of venous filter in Inferior vena cava-- W contrast IV
86464-5RFA Guidance for repair of aneurysm or dissection of Infrarenal aorta
25076-1RFA Hepatic artery Views W contrast IA
39096-3RFA Hepatic veins Views for hemodynamics W contrast IV
39093-0RFA Hepatic veins Views W contrast IV
37177-3RFA Iliac artery - bilateral Views W contrast IA
37178-1RFA Iliac artery - left Views W contrast IA
37739-0RFA Iliac artery - right Views W contrast IA
24862-5RFA Iliac artery Internal Views W contrast IA
43782-2RFA Iliac artery Views W contrast IA
37179-9RFA Inferior mesenteric artery Views W contrast IA
37421-5RFA Inferior mesenteric vein Views W contrast IV
30845-2RFA Inferior vena cava Views W contrast IV
86433-0RFA Lumbar spine intercostal arteries Views W contrast IA
24833-6RFA Mesenteric artery Views W contrast IA
24860-9RFA Pancreatic artery Views W contrast IA
30816-3RFA Peritoneum Views W contrast percutaneous intraperitoneal
30842-9RFA Portal vein Views for hemodynamics W contrast transhepatic
69250-9RFA Portal vein Views W contrast IV
30841-1RFA Portal vein Views W contrast transhepatic
86414-0RFA Renal arteries - unilateral Views W contrast IA
25079-5RFA Renal arteries Views W contrast IA
30834-6RFA Renal artery - bilateral Views W contrast IA
62446-0RFA Renal artery - left Views W contrast IA
62447-8RFA Renal artery - right Views W contrast IA
25080-3RFA Renal vein - bilateral Views for renin sampling W contrast IV
30846-0RFA Renal vein - bilateral Views W contrast IV
37423-1RFA Renal vein - left Views W contrast IV
37959-4RFA Renal vein - right Views W contrast IV
86415-7RFA Renal vein - unilateral Views W contrast IV
43783-0RFA Renal vein Views for renin sampling W contrast IV
30847-8RFA Renal vein Views W contrast IV
64140-7RFA Renal vessels - left Views W contrast
64141-5RFA Renal vessels - right Views W contrast
37640-0RFA Renal vessels Views W contrast
24992-0RFA Splenic artery Views W contrast IA
24991-2RFA Splenic vein and Portal vein Views W contrast IA
37970-1RFA Splenic vein Views W contrast IV
37402-5RFA Superior mesenteric artery and Inferior mesenteric artery Views W contrast IA
37180-7RFA Superior mesenteric artery Views W contrast IA
37972-7RFA Superior mesenteric vein Views W contrast IV
24658-7RFA Thoracic and abdominal aorta Views W contrast IA
25025-8RFA Vena cava Views W contrast IV
86419-9RFA Visceral arteries Views W contrast IA
39770-3SPECT Gastrointestinal tract
42310-3SPECT Kidney
39852-9SPECT Kidney - bilateral
39851-1SPECT Kidney - bilateral W Tc-99m Mertiatide IV
44153-5SPECT Kidney W Tc-99m glucoheptonate IV
39692-9SPECT Liver
39876-8SPECT Liver and Spleen
43652-7SPECT Liver and Spleen for blood flow
47378-5SPECT Liver blood pool
43655-0SPECT Liver for blood flow
81613-2SPECT Liver for hemangioma
24817-9SPECT Liver W Tc-99m IV
69229-3SPECT Liver W Tc-99m SC IV
39691-1SPECT Liver W Tc-99m tagged RBC IV
43662-6SPECT Renal vessels for blood flow W Tc-99m glucoheptonate IV
39628-3SPECT Small bowel for Meckel's diverticulum
43670-9SPECT Spleen for blood flow
69234-3SPECT Spleen W Tc-99m tagged RBC IV
24558-9US Abdomen
30704-1US Abdomen limited
24532-4US Abdomen RUQ
69276-4US Abdominal Aorta
79374-5US Abdominal Aorta for screening
39494-0US Abdominal wall
69277-2US Adrenal gland
24548-0US Appendix
38021-2US Biliary ducts and Gallbladder
24818-7US Diaphragm and Liver
39454-4US for transplanted liver
39509-5US for transplanted pancreas
24711-4US Gallbladder
38020-4US Gallbladder limited
38022-0US Gallbladder W cholecystokinin
39415-5US Gastrointestinal tract
39450-2US Gastrointestinal tract W contrast PO
39416-3US Genitourinary tract
44156-8US Guidance for ablation of tissue of Kidney
44155-0US Guidance for ablation of tissue of Liver
70916-2US Guidance for aspiration of CSF of Lumbar spine
38126-9US Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Kidney
38133-5US Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Pancreas
37913-1US Guidance for biopsy of Abdomen
24772-6US Guidance for biopsy of Kidney
26340-0US Guidance for biopsy of Kidney - bilateral
26341-8US Guidance for biopsy of Kidney - left
26342-6US Guidance for biopsy of Kidney - right
24816-1US Guidance for biopsy of Liver
37919-8US Guidance for biopsy of Pancreas
44162-6US Guidance for biopsy of Retroperitoneum
38030-3US Guidance for biopsy of Spleen
38765-4US Guidance for biopsy of transplanted liver
24559-7US Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Abdomen
24896-3US Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Kidney
26328-5US Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Kidney - bilateral
26329-3US Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Kidney - left
26330-1US Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Kidney - right
44172-5US Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Pancreas
41809-5US Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Retroperitoneum
42705-4US Guidance for drainage of abscess and placement of drainage catheter of Appendix
44167-5US Guidance for drainage of abscess and placement of drainage catheter of Kidney
42133-9US Guidance for drainage of abscess and placement of drainage catheter of Liver
44169-1US Guidance for drainage of abscess and placement of drainage catheter of Peritoneal space
44166-7US Guidance for drainage of abscess and placement of drainage catheter of Subphrenic space
42478-8US Guidance for drainage of cyst and placement of drainage catheter of Kidney
44159-2US Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Kidney
44158-4US Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Liver
44157-6US Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Pancreas
48434-5US Guidance for fluid aspiration of Kidney
75672-6US Guidance for placement of nephrostomy tube in Kidney
38129-3US Iliac vessels - bilateral
38137-6US Iliac vessels - left
38141-8US Iliac vessels - right
38036-0US Kidney
43774-9US Kidney - bilateral
69402-6US Kidney - bilateral and Urinary bladder
38038-6US Kidney - left
38049-3US Kidney - right
38035-2US Kidney limited
28614-6US Liver
30706-6US Liver during surgery
80838-6US Liver limited
69393-7US Lumbar spine
69394-5US Mesenteric arteries
24859-1US Pancreas
80839-4US Pancreas limited
81159-6US Pediatric Cervical and thoracic and lumbar spine
24889-8US Pylorus for pyloric stenosis
69294-7US Renal artery
69295-4US Renal vessels
24531-6US Retroperitoneum
38047-7US Retroperitoneum limited
24990-4US Spleen
80840-2US Spleen limited
24547-2US Thoracic and abdominal aorta
38011-3US Thoracic and abdominal aorta limited
38054-3US Visceral artery
24534-0US.doppler Abdominal vessels
43572-7US.doppler Abdominal vessels limited
80896-4US.doppler Aorta and Iliac artery - bilateral
80897-2US.doppler Aorta and Iliac artery - bilateral limited
39425-4US.doppler Iliac artery
43776-4US.doppler Iliac artery limited
42147-9US.doppler Iliac graft
42150-3US.doppler Iliac graft limited
39497-3US.doppler Iliac vessels
69284-8US.doppler Portal vein and Hepatic vein
39435-3US.doppler Renal artery
39426-2US.doppler Renal vessels
39419-7US.doppler Renal vessels - bilateral
39436-1US.doppler Renal vessels limited
44235-0US.doppler Superior mesenteric vessels
46388-5US.doppler Thoracic and abdominal aorta
36641-9XR Abdomen 2 Views
83015-8XR Abdomen 2 Views for renal calculus
36293-9XR Abdomen 3 Views
37297-9XR Abdomen and Fetal Single view for fetal age
39327-2XR Abdomen and Fetal Views for fetal age
86421-5XR Abdomen and RF Gastrointestinal tract upper W air contrast PO and W barium contrast PO
86424-9XR Abdomen and RF Gastrointestinal tract upper W barium contrast PO
86423-1XR Abdomen and RF Gastrointestinal tract upper W contrast PO
86422-3XR Abdomen and RF Gastrointestinal tract upper W water soluble contrast PO
24799-9XR Abdomen AP
24796-5XR Abdomen AP and AP left lateral-decubitus
24794-0XR Abdomen AP and Lateral
69065-1XR Abdomen AP and Lateral crosstable
38084-0XR Abdomen AP and Left posterior oblique
37119-5XR Abdomen AP and Oblique
24797-3XR Abdomen AP and Oblique prone
24561-3XR Abdomen AP left lateral-decubitus
24563-9XR Abdomen AP right lateral-decubitus
79350-5XR Abdomen GE 3 Views
83016-6XR Abdomen GE 3 Views AP and Oblique and Cone
36591-6XR Abdomen Lateral
36984-3XR Abdomen Lateral crosstable
36995-9XR Abdomen Left lateral
24562-1XR Abdomen Left lateral-decubitus and Right lateral-decubitus
38069-1XR Abdomen Left posterior oblique
36607-0XR Abdomen Oblique
37015-5XR Abdomen PA prone
36996-7XR Abdomen Right lateral
37131-0XR Abdomen Right lateral and Left lateral
37138-5XR Abdomen Right oblique and Left oblique
39323-1XR Abdomen Right posterior oblique
36550-2XR Abdomen Single view
41793-1XR Abdomen Single view during surgery
37085-8XR Abdomen Supine and Lateral-decubitus
24798-1XR Abdomen Supine and Upright
37046-0XR Abdomen Upright
42019-0XR Abdomen upright and left lateral decubitus
37636-8XR Abdomen Views
72256-1XR Abdomen Views for motility W radioopaque markers
24573-8XR Biliary ducts and Gallbladder Views W contrast IV
43784-8XR Cervical and thoracic and lumbar spine 2 Views
39067-4XR Cervical and thoracic and lumbar spine AP and Lateral
83028-1XR Cervical and thoracic and lumbar spine GE 2 Views
38008-9XR Cervical and thoracic and lumbar spine Views
83019-0XR Chest and Abdomen and Pelvis View babygram
42699-9XR Chest and Abdomen Single view
42269-1XR Chest and Abdomen Views
43561-0XR Chest AP and Abdomen Upright
42011-7XR Chest PA and Abdomen AP
43463-9XR Chest PA and Abdomen Supine and Upright
43532-1XR Chest PA and Abdomen Upright
83017-4XR Chest View and Abdomen Supine and Upright
24713-0XR Gallbladder Views 48H post contrast PO
37575-8XR Gallbladder Views W contrast and fatty meal PO
24712-2XR Gallbladder Views W contrast PO
42383-0XR Gallbladder Views W contrast PO and W contrast PO
91720-3XR Head to Abdomen Views for shunt patency
24778-3XR Kidney - bilateral 3 Serial Views WO and W contrast IV
24788-2XR Kidney - bilateral Views W contrast IV
37137-7XR Kidney Limited Views W contrast IV
43485-2XR Kidney Views during surgery W contrast retrograde
38101-2XR Kidney Views W contrast antegrade
38102-0XR Kidney Views W contrast antegrade via pyelostomy
37607-9XR Kidney Views W contrast IV
38105-3XR Kidney Views W contrast retrograde
42411-9XR Lumbar spine (AP^W R-bending and W L-bending) and (Lateral^W flexion and W extension)
48469-1XR Lumbar spine 2 or 3 Views
36670-8XR Lumbar spine 2 Views
36946-2XR Lumbar spine 2 Views W standing
30775-1XR Lumbar spine 3 Views
36949-6XR Lumbar spine 3 Views W standing
36332-5XR Lumbar spine 4 Views
30797-5XR Lumbar spine 5 Views
39063-3XR Lumbar spine 5 Views W flexion and W extension
37073-4XR Lumbar spine 5 Views W standing
36681-5XR Lumbar spine 7 Views
37261-5XR Lumbar spine and Sacrum and SI joint and Coccyx 3 Views
37357-1XR Lumbar spine and Sacrum and SI joint and Coccyx 5 Views
37342-3XR Lumbar spine and Sacrum and SI joint and Coccyx Views
30777-7XR Lumbar spine AP
24970-6XR Lumbar spine AP and Lateral
36735-9XR Lumbar spine AP and Lateral and oblique
37101-3XR Lumbar spine AP and Lateral and Oblique and Spot
42410-1XR Lumbar spine AP and Lateral and Oblique and Spot W standing
37105-4XR Lumbar spine AP and Lateral and Spot
39333-0XR Lumbar spine AP and Lateral W standing
42378-0XR Lumbar spine AP W left bending
42379-8XR Lumbar spine AP W right bending
47382-7XR Lumbar spine GE 4 Views
44196-4XR Lumbar spine GE 5 Views W right bending and W left bending
83038-0XR Lumbar spine Greater than 4 views and (Greater than 1 view W R-bending and W L-bending)
24969-8XR Lumbar spine Lateral
36990-0XR Lumbar spine Lateral crosstable
37132-8XR Lumbar spine Lateral Views W flexion and W extension
39340-5XR Lumbar spine Lateral Views W standing and W flexion and W extension
37003-1XR Lumbar spine Lateral W standing
37009-8XR Lumbar spine Left oblique
42401-0XR Lumbar spine Lumbar (AP W R-bending and W L-bending and WO bending) and Lateral
30778-5XR Lumbar spine Oblique
44178-2XR Lumbar spine oblique and (views W right bending and W left bending)
43791-3XR Lumbar spine Oblique Views
37011-4XR Lumbar spine Right oblique
30773-6XR Lumbar spine Single view
83037-2XR Lumbar spine Single view during surgery
24972-2XR Lumbar spine Views
42163-6XR Lumbar spine Views and Oblique
42406-9XR Lumbar spine Views AP W and WO left bending
42407-7XR Lumbar spine Views AP W and WO right bending
42403-6XR Lumbar spine Views AP W right bending and W left bending
42408-5XR Lumbar spine Views AP W right bending and W left bending and WO bending
24971-4XR Lumbar spine Views W flexion and W extension
42413-5XR Lumbar spine Views W right bending and W left bending
37208-6XR Lumbar spine Views W standing
37256-5XR Pelvis and Spine Lumbar 3 Views
37351-4XR Pelvis and Spine Lumbar 5 Views
47984-0XR Pelvis and Spine Lumbar Views
93605-4XR Skull to Coccyx 2 or 3 Views
93606-2XR Skull to Coccyx 4 or 5 Views
93607-0XR Skull to Coccyx GE 6 Views
37257-3XR Spine Lumbar and Sacroiliac Joint 3 Views
37353-0XR Spine Lumbar and Sacroiliac Joint 5 Views
37259-9XR Spine Lumbar and Sacrum 3 Views
48473-3XR Spine Lumbar and Sacrum 4 Views
37355-5XR Spine Lumbar and Sacrum 5 Views
37260-7XR Spine Lumbar and Sacrum and Coccyx 3 Views
37356-3XR Spine Lumbar and Sacrum and Coccyx 5 Views
37341-5XR Spine Lumbar and Sacrum and Coccyx Views
79371-1XR Spine Lumbar and Sacrum GE 2 Views
79372-9XR Spine Lumbar and Sacrum GE 4 Views
79349-7XR Spine Lumbar and Sacrum GE 6 Views
37340-7XR Spine Lumbar and Sacrum Views
37515-4XR Spine lumbosacral junction Lateral spot
37516-2XR Spine lumbosacral junction Lateral spot W standing
37300-1XR Spine lumbosacral junction True AP
46340-6XR Spine lumbosacral junction Views
69273-1XR Spine thoracolumbar junction 2 Views
37974-3XR Spine thoracolumbar junction AP and Lateral
37975-0XR Spine thoracolumbar junction Views
24975-5XR Spine.lumbar and Sacroiliac joint - bilateral Views
24984-7XR Thoracic and lumbar spine 2 Views
37658-2XR Thoracic and lumbar spine 2 Views for scoliosis
39049-2XR Thoracic and lumbar spine AP
38123-6XR Thoracic and lumbar spine AP and Lateral
30715-7XR Thoracic and lumbar spine AP and lateral for scoliosis
42424-2XR Thoracic and lumbar spine AP and lateral for scoliosis W sitting
39367-8XR Thoracic and lumbar spine AP and lateral for scoliosis W standing
30714-0XR Thoracic and lumbar spine AP for scoliosis
42426-7XR Thoracic and lumbar spine AP for scoliosis W sitting
37659-0XR Thoracic and lumbar spine AP for scoliosis W standing
42429-1XR Thoracic and lumbar spine AP for scoliosis W standing and W right bending
42428-3XR Thoracic and lumbar spine AP for scoliosis W standing in brace
42472-1XR Thoracic and lumbar spine AP Views for scoliosis in traction
43569-3XR Thoracic and lumbar spine AP Views for scoliosis upright and supine
42425-9XR Thoracic and lumbar spine AP Views for scoliosis W standing and W right bending and W left bending and WO bending
44206-1XR Thoracic and lumbar spine for scoliosis single view
42427-5XR Thoracic and lumbar spine Lateral for scoliosis W sitting
37660-8XR Thoracic and lumbar spine Lateral for scoliosis W standing
30716-5XR Thoracic and lumbar spine Lateral Views for scoliosis
38121-0XR Thoracic and lumbar spine Single view
42692-4XR Thoracic and lumbar spine Views
24930-0XR Thoracic and lumbar spine Views for scoliosis
24929-2XR Thoracic and lumbar spine Views for scoliosis W flexion and W extension
30717-3XR Thoracic and lumbar spine Views for scoliosis W standing
38124-4XR Thoracic and lumbar spine Views W standing
30762-9XR tomography Abdomen
36001-6XR tomography Gallbladder
36032-1XR tomography Kidney
24789-0XR tomography Kidney - bilateral
30760-3XR tomography Kidney - bilateral 3 views W contrast IV
24790-8XR tomography Kidney - bilateral W contrast IV
24784-1XR tomography Kidney - bilateral WO and W contrast IV
39359-5XR tomography Kidney - bilateral WO contrast
24787-4XR tomography Kidney - bilateral WO contrast and 10M post contrast IV
36069-3XR tomography Lumbar spine

* Archetype - the LOINC number of the most general representative term for a specific Group. For example, in a Group rolled up by method, the methodless term is the archetype term.

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